Page 9 - aruba-today-20201017
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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 17 OctOber 2020

            Business aviation, women and the Caribbean

            By Cdr. Bud Slabbaert        could  be  explored  and  Every  passenger  arriving
            PHILIPSBURG,  ST.  MAARTEN  especially  in  the  high-end  on  a  private  aircraft,  is  a
            —  CARIBAVIA  has  an-       segment  of  both  aviation  potential investor in the re-
            nounced that it will hold its  and travel industry. It is not  gion.
            annual  Caribbean  Avia-     wise to judge the region by
            tion Meetup conference in  statistics for “Latin America  In  2021,  special  attention
            June  2021.  It  is  not  that  a  AND  the  Caribbean”.  The  at  the  conference  will  be
            Caribbean  conference  is  Caribbean has to be seen  given  to  female  aviation
            just  for  the  stakeholders  in  as a sub-region of its own.  and  travel  professionals.
            the region. On the contrary.  Depending  on  the  select-  Equality in the industry de-
            A  Canadian  company  is  ed  island  or  territory,  there  serves  extraordinary  con-
            involved  in  infrastructure  may  be  a  variety  of  op-  sideration. The industry has
            improvements  at  several  portunities.  That  applies  to  brilliant female experts that
            international airports in the  industrial,  commercial  and  are  outstanding  perform-
            region.  French  and  Cana-  private  investment  occa-   ers.  CARIBAVIA  intends  to
            dian  companies  are  pro-   sions as well.               highlight  these  specialists  pertise.  Any  of  us  who  are  to offer.”
            viding radar and electronic                               by  letting  them  take  the  journalists (or ex journalists)
            safety systems. The aircraft  After  Europe,  the  Carib-  stage and make a presen-    can  pretty  much  research  The conference may not be
            that are needed to provide  bean  is  the  second-most  tation  for  the  companies  ahead  and  chair  a  panel  created quite as super-rad-
            airlift in the region are built  popular  getaway  for  the  that  they  work  for,  or  for  as  that  is  in  our  DNA.  You  ical as is called for. CARIB-
            in North- and South-Ameri-   wealthiest six percent of all  their own independent ac-  have pilots, expert market-  AVIA  tends  to  be  a  trend
            ca as well as in Europe. The  travelers in North America.  tivities.                   ers  and  amazing  women  setting  initiative  where  it  is
            largest  executive  ground  These  are  private  aviation                              who  run  FBOs  included  in  recognized  that  many  Ex-
            handling  provider  present  clients.  The  region  needs  In a spontaneous response  this  list.  That  way  if  there  ecutive  Assistants  who  are
            in  the  region  is  an  Anglo/  to  increase  this  number.  from  one  of  the  ‘Ladies  in  is  another  woman  or  two  relied  upon  by  executives
            American company.            On  the  other  side,  provid-  Aviation’  who  were  ap-  on the panels so be it. Vis-  are female, and often their
                                         ers  abroad  need  to  reach  proached  regarding  the  ibility is key. Even go super-  discrete advice behind the
            When acquainted with the  out and help the region to  formatting  of  the  confer-     super radical and have all  scenes is followed.
            economy  dynamics  and  accommodate  this  clien-         ence, she expressed, “I say  the  chairs  be  women  of
            the  culture  of  the  region,  tele  and  encourage  the  go super radical and let us  color, preferably local and
            there  are  definitely  oppor-  growth.  If  both  find  each  girls take the lead in chair-  get the rest of us to speak   Continued on Page 10
            tunities  for  foreign  invest-  other and cooperate, it will  ing all the sessions that you  across  your  panels.  We
            ment  in  the  region  that  be a win-win situation.      do.  Plan  around  our  ex-  have good stuff to say and
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