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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 17 OctOber 2020
            Taliban to suspend assault after U.S. pledges to halt strikes

            By KATHY GANNON                                                                                                     mainly in the minutiae of Is-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    lamic jurisprudence.
            ISLAMABAD  (AP)  —  The                                                                                             While  successful  negotia-
            Taliban said on Friday they                                                                                         tions are seen as critical to
            have  agreed  to  suspend                                                                                           an end to decades of war
            attacks in southern Afghan-                                                                                         in  Afghanistan,  the  with-
            istan  that  have  displaced                                                                                        drawal of American troops
            thousands this week — but                                                                                           relies on the Taliban honor-
            only  after  the  Americans                                                                                         ing their commitments from
            promised  to  halt  all  strikes                                                                                    the February accord to not
            and  night  raids  in  keeping                                                                                      support  terror  groups  and
            with the peace agreement                                                                                            fight all militants, most spe-
            the U.S. signed with the in-                                                                                        cifically the region's Islamic
            surgents in February.                                                                                               State affiliate.
            The U.S. has been conduct-                                                                                          Khalilzad  tweeted  that  re-
            ing  air  strikes  in  support  of                                                                                  cent  attacks  have  been
            Afghan forces trying to re-                                                                                         "threatening  the  peace
            pel  week-long  Taliban  as-                                                                                        process  and  alarming  the
            saults in southern Helmand                                                                                          Afghan  people  and  their
            province  that  threatened                                                                                          regional  and  international
            to  derail  efforts  to  end  Af-                                                                                   supporters."  The Taliban of-
            ghanistan's 19-year war.                                                                                            ficial  told  The  Associated
            The  Taliban  pledge  came                                                                                          Press  that  in  the  meetings,
            after  a  meeting  with  U.S.   Afghan families leave their houses after fighting between the Afghan military and Taliban insurgents   the  Americans  were  told
            peace     envoy     Zalmay   in Helmand province, southern of Afghanistan, Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2020.   Associated Press   "their  military  is  carrying
            Khalilzad  and  Gen.  Austin                                                                                        drone  strikes  on  our  posi-
            Miller,  commander  of  U.S.  week,  with  rocket  attacks  sentatives  and  the  Taliban  said  both  sides  agreed  to  tions,   conducting   night
            troops  in  Afghanistan,  a  from  the  Taliban  and  re-  are  holding  peace  talks  in  a "reset" which will result in  raids  and  using  fighter  jets
            Taliban  figure  familiar  with  taliatory  airstrikes  from  U.S.  the Middle Eastern state of  a "reduced numbers of op-  to bomb our mujahedeen,"
            the  discussions  said.  He  and Afghan aircraft forcing  Qatar,  where  the  Taliban  erations." "Following several  or holy warriors.
            spoke on condition of ano-   more  than  5,600  families  have  for  years  maintained  meetings  Gen.  Miller  and  "We  told  them,  'You  had
            nymity because he was not  to  flee  their  homes,  seek-  a political office. The nego-  I  had  with  the  Taliban  we  promised  not  to  carry  out
            authorized to speak to the  ing refuge in the provincial  tiations,  envisaged  under  agreed to re-set actions by  attacks.  We  react  to  your
            media.                       capital of Lashkar Gah and  a U.S. deal signed with the  strictly  adhering  to  imple-  attacks'," he said.
            The Taliban agreed to sus-   Nad Ali and Marja districts.   insurgents  on  Feb.  29,  are  mentation  of  all  elements  The  Taliban  official  also
            pend their operations after  Over  the  past  few  years,  seen  as  the  country's  best  of  the  U.S.-Taliban  agree-  said  that  after  both  sides
            the  Americans  said  they  a  resurgent  Taliban  have  chance at peace.              ment and all commitments  agreed  to  strictly  imple-
            would  end  drone  strikes  gained  control  of  roughly  In  a  series  of  tweets  Thurs-  made," he said. The nego-  ment  the  U.S.-Taliban  deal
            on  insurgent  positions,  as  80% of the province, mainly  day,  Khalilzad  said  he  tiations  in  Qatar  between  signed  in  February.  "We
            well  as  night  raids  and  air  the  rural  areas,  while  the  and Gen. Austin Miller, the  the  Taliban  and  Afghan  have directed our mujahe-
            assaults,  the  Taliban  figure  district  centers  are  still  un-  commander  of  U.S.  forces  government   negotiators  deen  in  Helmand  to  stop
            said.  Helmand  has  been  der government control.        in  Afghanistan,  held  talks  began  in  September  but  their  advance.  We  hope
            the  scene  of  a  blistering  The flareup came even as  with the Taliban and then,  after  a  ceremonious  start  the  U.S.  will  stop  further
            Taliban  assault  since  last  Afghan government repre-   after  several  rounds,  he  became  bogged  down,  bombing," he said.q
            Israel settlement plans draw international condemnation

            By FARES AKRAM               dependent state. They say  agreements  between  Is-
            Associated Press             the growing settler popula-  rael and the two Gulf Arab
            JERUSALEM  (AP)  —  Israeli  tion,  approaching  500,000  countries. Ayman al-Safadi,
            plans to advance the build-  in the West Bank, has made  Jordan's  foreign  minister,
            ing  of  thousands  of  settle-  it  increasingly  difficult  to  called   for   international
            ment units in the occupied  achieve  their  dream  of  in-  pressure  on  Israel  to  stop
            West  Bank  drew  European  dependence.                   the  building  of  new  settle-
            condemnation on Friday as  "We are deeply concerned  ments. On Thursday, the top
            approvals for constructions  by  the  decision  taken  by  diplomat  of  the  European
            hit a record high in 2020.   the Israeli authorities to ad-  Union also condemned the
            The  European  countries  vance more than 4,900 set-      latest Israeli decision.
            warned  the  building  per-  tlement building units in the  "Settlements  are  illegal  un-
            petuates  the  Israeli-Pales-  occupied West Bank," said  der  international  law.  As
            tinian  conflict  and  further  a joint statement by foreign  stated   consistently,   the
            threatens  the  viability  of  ministry  spokespersons  of  EU  will  not  recognize  any
            a  two-state  solution.  The  Britain,  France,  Germany,  changes  to  the  pre-1967   Jewish settlers fight fire in olive groves near their outpost that was
            warning  came  after  Israel  Italy, and Spain.           borders,  including  with  re-  caused  by  Israeli  police's  teargas  canisters,  used  to  disperse
            on  Thursday  pressed  for-  "It is also a counterproduc-  gard  to  Jerusalem,  other   Palestinian farmers going to their groves, in the West Bank village
            ward  on  plans  for  more  tive  move  in  light  of  the  than  those  agreed  by  the   of Burqa, East of Ramallah, Friday, Oct. 16, 2020.
            than  3,000  West  Bank  set-  positive  developments  of  parties,"  the  bloc's  foreign                                      Associated Press
            tlement homes.               normalization  agreements  relations chief Josep Borrell
            The Palestinians claim all of  reached  between  Israel,  said.                        ing the presidency of Don-   to annex parts of the West
            the  West  Bank,  captured  the  United  Arab  Emirates  The  latest  Israeli  approvals  ald  Trump.  It  also  comes  Bank  in  exchange  for  a
            by Israel in the 1967 Mideast  and Bahrain," it added, re-  are part of a building boom  months  after  Israel  prom-  U.S.-brokered normalization
            war, as part of a future in-  ferring to the recent historic  that has gained steam dur-  ised  to  put  on  hold  plans  deal with the UAE.q
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