Page 24 - Patrick Paskel
P. 24

Our beaches along with our people remain the

        ESSENCE of Aruba as a Product
                                                  According to Minister Otmar Oduber

NOT too long ago the Tourism Office        illegal construction projects on the      the quality of our beaches and create  that will be renovated and cleaned next
promoted our beaches by letting            beaches and chaotic situations in         public beaches that are more like by   year, which are the Playa Linda area,
different countries in our region use our  different water sport companies.          tourists and locals.                   Holiday Inn area and Marriott area. We
beaches for their own promotion thus       Besides this infrastructure investments                                          want to clean them and preserve them
showing how beautiful our beaches          have been made. The reason for this is    Minister Oduber concluded by saying:   for the future.”
really are. Now it’s our turn to maintain  because many cruise tourists only go to   “These are major investments but       With all these projects being executed
these beautiful beaches.                   the hotel area beaches. With the funds    these are projects that need to be     the quality of our beaches will surely
The funds to start this maintenance        donated by TPF, ATA and FDA different     implemented. We’ve already met with    be improved thus improving Aruba as
project haven’t been available for years,  facilities are being created at numerous  the commission to discuss the beaches  a product.
but now through the Tourism Office         public beaches, like
marketing funds have been recovered        Arashi and Nikki
to better Aruba as a product. Aruba        Beach. Some of these
Tourism Authority used to depend           facilities include a
on the Aruban Government to invest         public bathroom and
tax money for them to function, but        parking spaces.
in less than 5 years ATA is completely
independent and can even give back to      One project also
the Aruban community. A project that       being executes is
costs more than 10 million florins which   the sand project,
the Government would’ve had to pay         where mud and
for is now being executed completely       rubbish will be
by ATA. Minister Oduber thanked ATA        extracted from the
for doing all of this.                     water and replaced
                                           with clean white
After two years of deliberating the        sand. This project
beach renovation and cleaning project      is for the entire
will finally be executed the upcoming      Nikki Beach area.
weeks. This beach policy regulates         This will increase

ARUBA TRAVELLER - Wednesday, July 22 2015                                                                                   3LOCAL
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