Page 26 - Patrick Paskel
P. 26

Customs                                                              Stay Over Tourists
elaborates on                                                        INCREASED with
the IMPORT of
SECOND hand                                                          16.2% in the
cars to Aruba
                                                                     FIRST HALF of 2015
IN a recent interview Mr. Marcelito Pablo Chief of the Customs
Criminal Investigation Department elaborated on the debates          THE figures for the first half of 2015
about cars with right sided steering wheel and other rules that      have been calculated. The first 6
could possibly stop the import of cars and other products.           months of 2015 show a considerable
“There’s currently no bans on importing second hand cars, there      increase of 16.2% in the amount of
aren’t even bans on second hand cars with a steering wheel on        stay over tourists compared to the
the right side, but there was a ban on second hand cars for more     same period in 2014.
than 22 years only new cars could be imported.” Mr. Marcelito
Pablo said.                                                          Ronella Tijn Asjoe-Croes CEO of Aruba       products to buying basic products.
According to Mr. Marcelito Pablo the Government should               Tourism Authority mentioned that
introduce a ban on second hand cars to protect dealers in Aruba.     what stood out most from these figures      The third segment travels on a budget
Another solution is an economic charge on second hand cars. So       were the two markets with a higher          and isn’t affluent, they come to Aruba
instead of charging 30% or 50% on imported second hand cars a        tourism volume to Aruba, which are          to take advantage of the “Cupo Cadivi”
higher percentage should be charged. “The law regarding second       the United States and Venezuela. These      which gives Venezuelan tourists a
hand cars is already ready but the decree still needs to be made so  markets are growing more and more.          certain amount of money when they
the law can finally be implemented.” Mr. Marcelito said.                                                         travel to Aruba. These tourists come to
                                                                     Another point that needs to be              Aruba use part of the money and return
Mr. Marcelito continued: “There was a charge of 110% and             highlighted is that the amount of visitors  to Venezuela with the other part of the
120% before. The government could either stop importation of         from all the continents to Aruba has        money to do business with, because of
second hand cars completely or increase the import charge on         increased in 2015. The RevPar has also      the lack of dollars in Venezuela.
them and reduce the import charge on normal and new cars that        increased with 8.6% during the first
are imported.”                                                       half of 2015, whereas the cruise tourist    Cruise Tourists
Regarding questions whether the import of new cars will decrease     percentage decreased with 8% this year.     After increasing the Cruise Passenger Fee
because of what’s happening, Mr Marcelito said: “We’ve noticed                                                   for every cruise passenger from $3.50
that the import duties on new cars is decreasing more and more       The United States                           to $8.00 in 2014 which is extremely
every year. This is due to many factors but one of the main factors  Compared to the same period in 2014         important for a sustainable development
is the import of second hand cars, they cause the import duties to   Aruba received 7.8% more stay over          of this industry for Aruba the percentage
decrease resulting in less new cars being imported.”                 tourists from the United Stated.            of Cruise Tourists has will probably be
                                                                                                                 decreased by 8% by the end of the year.
All imported cars are brought to the Customs Criminal                Venezuela                                   However calculations for 2016 show
Investigation Department after going through the declaration         The second largest market is Venezuela      that cruise tourism will increase by 16%
process, this control often costs more than what is charged.         with an increase of 69.8% in the first 6    compared to 2015. This will exceed the
There are numerous ways to calculate the import duties,              months of the year. This market can be      2013 record.
sometimes you can even get a car for free but have to pay for        divided into three segments.
it when it enters Aruba, sometimes you even have to pay what         The first segment is tourists that use      RevPar
the car is worth. When it comes to cars bought abroad Aruba’s        Aruba as a hub to go to the United Stated   To get an idea of the quality of tourists
Customs Office deals with the authorities of the country where       or Europe; these tourists usually stay no   that Aruba attracts the Average Daily
the car was bought, they provide the info about where the car        more than one night. This segment grew      Rate (ADR) is used. This rate indicates
was bought and how much it cost and based on this the Customs        a lot during the last few years because     how much a tourist pays for a room.
office determines how much import tax someone will be charged.       of American airlines and other airlines     According to AHATA the ADR increased
Marcelito concluded by saying: “Douane (Customs Office) is           canceling flights to Venezuela because      with 9.9% in the first half of 2015
willing to advice the Government on how to slow the import of        of not having access to dollars in this     compared to the same period in 2014.
second hand cars or cars with a right sided steering wheel, but we   market.                                     The room occupancy has decreased
only give advice when the government asks for it.”                                                               with 0.9% during the first half of 2015.
                                                                     The second segment is the usual             However the profit per room, also called
ARUBA TRAVELLER - Wednesday, July 22 2015                            tourists, which stay around 7 nights        the REVPAR increased with 8.6% in the
                                                                     and are affluent and spend a lot on their   first half of 2015.
                                                                     vacation. This market is still the largest
                                                                     one. However this segment is under a
                                                                     lot of pressure because of the problems
                                                                     in Venezuela and could change their
                                                                     spending habits from buying expensive

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