Page 25 - Patrick Paskel
P. 25

Customs Criminal Investigation Department Chief Mr.
Marcelito Pablo:

In the first half of 2015


has been confiscated

CUSTOMS Criminal Investigation Department Chief Mr.
Marcelito Pablo explained during an interview that the customs
office has different ways of handling drug cases. In some cases
the Customs Criminal Investigation Department controls
packages and in other cases the harbor customs, airport customs
or release customs check the packages and later send them to
the Customs Criminal Investigation Department if there is any
drugs confiscated later the Customs Criminal Investigation
Department hands the case over to the Police Department.

“Regarding drug cases in the first half of the year a total of 79
kilo of cocaine has been confiscated in different ways, 6.5 kilo
of cocaine and about 45 kilo of marijuana. We’ve confiscated
the most drugs from post office packages. There are 21 cases
where no one has been detained yet.” Mr. Marcelino said.

From the 21 cases 20 were packages sent abroad from Aruba.
The other case was a mistake made by the Customs Criminal
Investigation Department, they let the package leave for
Holland, but the address on the package wasn’t right so the
package was returned to Aruba it was only then that they found
out that the package contained drugs.

Regarding money, many cases have been confirmed of people
travelling with large sums of money without declaring this
according to the law. There are numerous signs at the airport
indicating that if you are travelling with more than 20 thousand
florins they need to declare this to Customs. Sometimes people
were found with sums that exceed the above mentioned
amount. Those cases are handed immediately over to the
Officer van Piket.
“People travelling with sums of money that exceed the allowed
amount are immediately informed of the fine they need to
pay. Especially people that are leaving Aruba and don’t have
a return date. The money isn’t always confiscated, but when it
is confiscated it’s handed to the Public Ministry.” Mr. Marcelito

4 LOCAL                                                            Wednesday, July 22 2015 - ARUBA TRAVELLER
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