Page 28 - Patrick Paskel
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Natusha Croes

GRADUATED from the Rietveld Academy

THE HAGUE – The Aruban student Natusha Croes            will present a large exposition towards the end of       more attention. “A lot of tourists are interested in
recently graduated from the audiovisual department      August.                                                  Aruba’s art and culture. This is a positive development
at Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam. Because of this       Natusha expressed how exited she is to be coming         for Aruban artists.” According to Minister Boekhoudt.
amazing achievement she received a courtesy visit       to Aruba. “The attention for the arts in Aruba is very   Mr. Boekhoudt congratulated Natusha with her
from Minister Plenipotentiary Alfonso Boekhoudt         noticeable. The last few years Aruba has given the arts  diploma and wished her all kinds of success in the
                                                        more attention and morer youth are involved with the     future.
Natusha is coming to Aruba for 3 months to participate  arts. There are a lot of creative minds in Aruba and
in the Caribbean Linked project organized by Atelier    they are worth supporting.” According to Natusha.        Natasha started studying at Rietveld Academy in
89.                                                                                                              August 2010. Her graduation project was a movie
A huge group of Caribbean artists will participate in   Minister Boekhoudt mentioned that you that               entitled ‘We talked about the things we don’t say’ and
this event. As a conclusion to the project the artists  education system has been giving the arts more and       a performance installation.

ARUBA TRAVELLER - Wednesday, July 22 2015                                                                        7LOCAL
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