Page 29 - Patrick Paskel
P. 29


of the day care centre
law will be introduced to
the Parliament soon

ACCORDING to Mrs. Jennifer Arends-Reyes she              Many regrettable events have taken place
filed a motion that was successfully supported by all    at numerous day care centers due to
21 parliament members. This motion was to urge the       lack of permits and authority control.
Government to make the day care centre law concept       This law could prevent such cases from
one of their priorities, so it can be introduced to the  repeating themselves or avoid them
parliament and be discussed as soon as possible.         completely.

This law concept was introduced in the past but          Kids between the ages of 0 to 4
didn’t yield the desired results due to many financial
elements tied to the law. The Ministry of Education      need to be well prepared when
is currently in charge cooperating with different
foundations and institutions to provide a final          entering      kindergarten
concept for this law. The final concept will include
basic requirements and the permit system to all day      and all have the right to
care centers.
                                                         attend a day care centre
Aruba currently has about 140 day care centers,
but there a more centers that aren’t registered yet.     that offers safety,

                                                         care and hygiene that

                                                         contribute to their

                                                         development   and

                                                         prepares them for


EUTHANASIA:                                                                                        Opposition                      Saba itself hasn’t taken a position on
                                                                                                                                   this subject. “I was just instated as
One of Aruba’s biggest taboos                                                                      party MEP never                 director and am still trying to figure
                                                                                                                                   everything out. I will certainly converse
                                                                                                   responded on                    with my doctors and to determine what
                                                                                                                                   the right path is. Personally, I think it
                                                                                                   the requests of                 would be good to arrange things just
                                                                                                                                   like in the Dutch Caribbean.”
                                                                                                   whether they
                                                                                                   have a position                 Gonzalez regularly deals with patients
                                                                                                                                   who indicate that they no longer want
                                                                                                   on the euthanasia               any active treatments because they
                                                                                                                                   can no longer bear the burden and
                                                                                                   subject    even                 experience their quality of life as “too
                                                                                                   after repeated                  If the family is at peace with this
                                                                                                                                   after much talking and explaining a
                                                                                                   requests.                       palliative care program is initiated
                                                                                                                                   which mainly makes sure that the
NO one is talking about euthanasia. Not    If a serious discussion could be             Caribbean Netherlands                      patient is comfortable, not afraid and
even in politics. While other taboos are   conducted within the party, the party        Nurse Nienke Gonzalez is not surprised     not hurting, but Euthanasia is not
being broken through, silence remains      could take a position on that subject.       that even politicians are silent about     allowed. You do what you can to make
on the subject of life and death.          But taking a stand is not possible at the    euthanasia. Remo Kock, director of         life bearable and comfortable for the
                                           moment since the discussion cannot be        General Elderly Care Aruba Foundation      dying patient.
Same-sex marriage on Aruba and             held at the moment.”                         (SABA) would like to discuss this topic
several other taboos are carefully                                                      with the government. “Euthanasia is a      This article was taken out of the
being discussed. Yet things remains        PDR-leader Andin Bikker comments:            big taboo in Aruba. It is not like in the  Amigoe paper. It is a very interesting
remarkably quiet around the theme of       “As far as I can remember, this is not an    Dutch Caribbean, where the legislation     subject that we wanted to share with
euthanasia. Political parties also appear  issue that has emerged in the last three     in the Netherlands applies to them         our readers.
to have no opinion on this matter.         elections. We have therefore not taken       too. Saba is happy to talk about how
René Herde representative of the AVP       a specific position, because it has never    we should handle this. Saba consists
Party says that there is no real reason    specifically been discussed. To take a       of nursing homes and you do not want
for this. “We follow the international     specific position on a subject that has      people to suffer too long. But you should
trends, just as we do with issues such     never or often been raised locally and       always obey the law and most certainly
as narcotics. We regularly talk on the     that is globally still seen as an extremely  take into account the feelings of people
subject of euthanasia within the party.    sensitive topic, I would need to at least    from the society, but there has certainly
Euthanasia is a very sensitive issue, not  hear the opinion of my supporters and        been a progression in Aruba the last ten
only in Aruba, but also internationally.   experts “.                                   years, things are shifting.”

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