Page 18 - AHATA Oct 24 2020
P. 18

                Saturday 24 OctOber 2020
            U.S. suicide rate fell last year after decade of steady rise

            By MIKE STOBBE                                                                                                      The  pandemic  sparked  a
            AP Medical Writer                                                                                                   wave  of  business  closures,
            NEW YORK (AP) — The U.S.                                                                                            some temporary and some
            suicide  rate  fell  slightly  last                                                                                 permanent. Millions of peo-
            year,  the  first  annual  de-                                                                                      ple  were  forced  to  stay
            cline  in  more  than  a  de-                                                                                       at  home,  many  of  them
            cade,  according  to  new                                                                                           alone.   Surveys   suggest
            government data.                                                                                                    more  Americans  are  re-
            It's  a  small  decrease  and                                                                                       porting depression, anxiety
            the  data  is  preliminary,                                                                                         and drug and alcohol use.
            but  the  decline  is  "really                                                                                      Adding  to  that  dangerous
            exciting,"  said  Dr.  Christine                                                                                    mix, firearm purchases rose
            Moutier,  chief  medical  of-                                                                                       85% in March, when the vi-
            ficer of the American Foun-                                                                                         rus was first surging.
            dation  for  Suicide  Preven-                                                                                       "There  are  clear  forces
            tion.                                                                                                               pressing suicide risk factors
            The fall may be partly due                                                                                          in  a  negative  direction,"
            to years of suicide preven-                                                                                         Moutier  said,  but  that's
            tion  efforts,  like  increasing                                                                                    doesn't mean suicide rates
            mental  health  screenings,                                                                                         will automatically rise.
            she said. Other factors, like                                                                                       There  are  some  "silver  lin-
            the  pre-pandemic  econo-                                                                                           ings" to the pandemic, she
            my, might also have played                                                                                          added.  One  is  increasing
            a role, she added.           This Dec. 11, 2019 file photo shows gravestones at a cemetery in New Jersey.           acceptance  that  mental
            Experts aren't sure how the                                                                        Associated Press  health  distress  is  normal,
            coronavirus  will  influence  13.9.                       in gun homicides.            ing,"  Anderson  said.  "2020  and  that  it's  OK  to  seek
            this year's suicide numbers,  Drug  overdoses  rose  in  When all that is factored to-  will  not."  There  have  been  counseling.  Another  is  in-
            though American mortality  2019, and deaths from falls  gether, the U.S. life expec-   at  least  300,000  more  creasing availability of tele-
            overall is looking far bleak-  were  up,  too.  But  death  tancy  calculation  for  2019  deaths  this  year  than  ex-  medicine.
            er.  Suicides  had  been  on  rates  for  the  nation's  two  should  stay  the  same  as  it  pected,  the  CDC  said  this  Anderson noted many CO-
            the rise since 2005. In 2018,  biggest  killers  —  heart  dis-  was in 2018 or maybe even  week in a separate report.  VID-19  deaths  have  been
            the  national  suicide  rate  ease  and  cancer  —  were  increase  slightly,  said  Rob-  About  two-thirds  of  those  in  the  same  set  of  late-
            hit  its  highest  level  since  down, as were death rates  ert Anderson, who oversees  are being attributed direct-  middle-aged white people
            1941  —  14.2  per  100,000  for flu, chronic lung disease  death  data  for  the  CDC's  ly  to  COVID-19,  but  many  who are considered at high
            people. The Centers for Dis-  and  Alzheimer's  disease.  National  Center  for  Health  of  the  others  are  believed  risk for suicide.
            ease  Control  and  Preven-  The firearm death rate was  Statistics.                   to  be  related  to  the  pan-  "It's possible that the rise in
            tion posted new death rate  flat, probably because the  "I think 2019 will turn out to  demic.                      COVID-19  is  sort  pushing
            data  this  week  showing  small  decline  in  suicides  be  a  pretty  good  year  for  It's  not  yet  clear  whether  down the suicide rate," he
            that for 2019, it dropped to  was offset by a slight uptick  mortality,  relatively  speak-  suicides are up this year.  suggested.q

            Nonprofit app aims to help unblock global air travel

                                                                      15 from London’s Heathrow  go...  This  is  a  way  to  get  concerns about the accu-
                                                                      to  Newark  Liberty  Interna-  things  moving  again.”  The  racy  of  some  rapid  tests.
                                                                      tional  Airport,  using  volun-  problem:  the  pandemic  People  can  be  infectious
                                                                      teers  carrying  the  app  on  has led to a patchwork of  for  several  days  before
                                                                      their smartphones. Officials  travel  bans,  quarantines  they  show  symptoms,  and
                                                                      from  the  U.S.  Centers  for  and  testing  requirements,  these  people  may  also
                                                                      Disease  Control  and  Pre-  with each country imposing  test negative. The project’s
                                                                      vention  and  Customs  and  its own rules. Testing is seen  chief  medical  officer,  Dr.
                                                                      Border Protection were ob-   by airlines as a way to reas-  Brad Perkins, said that two
                                                                      serving the test.            sure  passengers  and  allow  tests  during  long-distance
                                                                      The system looks forward to  people to skip quarantines,  travel  —  one  72  hours  be-
                                                                      the  day  when  travel  may  but  there’s  no  common  fore departure and one on
                                                                      be determined not only by  approach.  When  it  comes  arrival  —  would  cover  the
                                                                      testing but by the need to  to testing, passengers may  incubation  period.  Testing
                                                                      show  vaccination  records.  present  paper  documents  technology  may  continue
            In this Wednesday, July 1, 2020 file photo, United Airlines planes   The  World  Health  Organi-  in different languages and  to  evolve  during  the  pan-
            are  parked  at  gates  at  Newark Liberty  International  Airport  in   zation  says  vaccines  may  from  labs  unknown  to  au-  demic. Passengers can use
            Newark, N.J.                                              start  becoming  available  thorities in a given country.   the app to find participat-
                                                     Associated Press  by mid-2021, though effica-  The  CommonPass  project,  ing  labs  and  testing  sites,
            By DAVID McHUGH              ments.  It’s  an  attempt  to  cy and availability to broad  carried out in cooperation  retrieve  lab  results  and
            AP Business Writer           help  get  people  back  to  parts of the global popula-  with the Switzerland-based  complete  health  attesta-
            FRANKFURT,  Germany  (AP)  flying  after the pandemic  tion  remain  large  question  World  Economic  Forum,  tions. The app and its asso-
            — A nonprofit foundation is  sent global air travel down  marks.  Foundation  CEO  aims  to  establish  standard  ciated  data  platform  can
            testing  a  smartphone  app  by  92%.  The  Switzerland-  Paul Meyer said the pass is  ways  to  verify  lab  results  confirm  their  results  are  in
            that  could  make  it  easier  based  Commons  Project  “intended  to  give  people  and,  later,  vaccination  re-  line  with  the  destination’s
            for international airline pas-  Foundation  was  conduct-  the  ability  to  travel  again  cords, even if governments  requirements  and  gener-
            sengers  to  securely  show  ing a test Wednesday of its  by documenting that they  continue  to  set  different  ates  a  QR  code  that  au-
            they’ve    complied    with  CommonPass digital health  meet  the  requirements  of  health criteria.               thorities can use to confirm
            COVID-19  testing  require-  pass on United Airlines Flight  the  places  they  want  to  Scientists  warn  there  are  compliance.q
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