Page 17 - AHATA Oct 24 2020
P. 17

Saturday 24 OctOber 2020 LOCAL


            By: Carlos M Viana, Board Certified Clinical Nu-  Some dietary supplements like vitamin C have
            tritionist (CCN), Oriental Medicine (OMD)       shown to help detox the lungs.  Studies suggest
            ST.CRUZ — Breathing is essential to life.  Breath-  people  with  COPD  and  other  conditions  may
            ing  air  into  your  lungs  provides  the  body  with  have low levels of Vitamin D3.  Vitamin D3 has
            necessary  oxygen  to  support  muscle  move-   shown to improve the body’s sensitivity to insu-

            ment, food digestion, brain function and more.  lin which controls blood sugar, reducing risk of
            Exhaling rids the body of the waste gas, carbon  insulin  resistance.    Vitamin  D3  may  lessen  flair
            dioxide.                                        ups in chronic lung patients and help the lungs
                                                            function better.
            For some, this is easier said than done.  The Inter-
            national Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmo-  My favorite lung supplement, NAC or N-acetyl-
            nary Disease published an article that explains  cysteine is can be safely taken to dissolve thick
            how  mucus  secretions  commonly  found  in  mucus with problems such as chronic bronchi-
            people with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmo-    tis,  asthma,  emphysema,  colds  and  flu.  NAC

            nary Disease) negatively impacts lung function.  liquifies thick mucus from the chest and lungs,
            People with COPD, asthma or other breathing  allowing you to breathe easier.
            problems  generally  have  a  lower  or  compro-
            mised  immune  system  and  need  to  be  espe-  NAC is an antidote for Paracetamol, acetamin-
            cially extra diligent following guidelines to stay  ophen toxicity.  Taking too much Paracetamol
            safe and healthy especially in today’s world.   (pain killer) can hurt the liver.  Symptoms can
                                                            include, nausea, vomiting, pale skin, sweating
            Exercise helps strengthen lungs.  Being physical-  and fatigue.  NAC will detoxify the body so you
            ly active makes the lungs work harder to bring  can feel better quickly.                           CARLOS  VIANA,  Ph.  D.    is  an  Oriental
            additional oxygen demanded by the body. This                                                       Medical Doctor (O.M.D.) having studied
            reinforces muscles, heart and lungs.  If you can-  Dietary  supplements  do  not  have  the  nega-  in  Shanghai,  China;  a  Board  Cert.  Clini-

            not breathe deeply, it’s difficult to do aerobics.  tive side effects of many pharmaceutical drugs   cal  Nutritionist  (C.C.N.),  a  fellow  mem-
            Start with easy yoga deep breathing.  SCUBA  when broken down in the liver.  Instead of pro-       ber  of  the  Board  Certified  Association
            divers  and  singers  know  and  practice  deep  ducing toxins, NAC breaks down into in the liver.     of  Addiction  Professionals  (C.Ad.),  the
            controlled breathing.  Be sure to work on your  Glutathione, called “The Mother of All Antioxi-    Chairperson of the Latin American Com-
            posture to lift ribcage, stay hydrated to loosen  dants” prevents and stops cell damage.  It pro-  mittee  of  the  International  Academy  of
            mucus.  Deep belly laughing is also a great lung  tects our brain and helps prevent cancer.  Take   Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT), a
            exercise!                                       NAC with food for lung and liver health.           Rejuvenating Cell Therapist and special-
                                                                                                               izes in Anti-Aging Medicine, has a weekly
            Besides  sanitation  and  protection  or  avoiding  Get the Point!  All yogis and health guru’s know   radio program, writes and lectures exten-
            others  who  may  be  sick,  anyone  who  is  ill  or  Breath is Life!  A healthy diet including eliminat-  sively.    For  information:  VIANA  NATURAL
            ‘high risk’ of having difficulty breathing should  ing  dairy  products  and  adding  supplements   HEALING  CENTER  NV,  Kibaima  7,  Aruba,

            eat  as  fresh,  natural  and  healthy  as  possible.  like vitamin C, D3 and NAC can help clear tight   TEL: 585-1270, Web Site: www.vianaheal.
            Avoid dairy products.  Cow’s milk is a top food  lungs.  Eliminating or reducing chemical, bac-    com.  Dr.  Viana’s  Award  Winning  BOOK:
            for producing mucus in the lungs, sinus and co-  terial  and  viral  pollutants  whenever  possible.   Prescriptions  from  Paradise,  Introduction
            lon.  Other mucus producing and inflammato-     Learn  about  deep  breathing  exercises,  good    to  Biocompatible  Medicine  –  Available
            ry foods include: soy products, wheat (bread,  not only for lungs, but also relaxation.  Contact   at local Bookstores, Hotel Gift shops and
            pasta, cereals and more), corn, all sugar – es-  us for personal questions and do not forget the   Boticas. Signed copies at Viana Healing
            pecially  processed,  other  white  starchy  foods  first things birds do to greet the new day and   Center,  EBooks:  Amazon  kindle,  Nook,
            like  white  potato,  white  rice,  caffeine,  read  last thing at night is to breathe and sing.  A big   Itunes  check  for  Events  at:  facebook.
            meat and alcohol.                               belly laugh might also be just what the doctor     com/vianahealingcenter.q
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