Page 14 - AHATA Oct 24 2020
P. 14

                Saturday 24 OctOber 2020
            Some hospitals in crisis as U.S. nears high for COVID-19 cases

                                                                                                                                had  reached  99%  capac-
                                                                                                                                Kootenai  is  the  third-most
                                                                                                                                populous  county  in  con-
                                                                                                                                servative Idaho.
                                                                                                                                The  state  is  experienc-
                                                                                                                                ing  its  largest  coronavirus
                                                                                                                                spike  since  the  pandemic
                                                                                                                                began,  with  new  cases
                                                                                                                                increasing  statewide  by
                                                                                                                                46.5% percent over the past
                                                                                                                                two weeks. Gov. Brad Little,
                                                                                                                                a Republican, has declined
                                                                                                                                to take steps such as requir-
                                                                                                                                ing masks statewide to slow
                                                                                                                                the virus' spread.
                                                                                                                                Dr. Joshua Kern, vice presi-
                                                                                                                                dent  of  St.  Luke's  in  the
                                                                                                                                Magic  Valley  region  that
                                                                                                                                includes Twin Falls and Jer-
                                                                                                                                ome,  said  Thursday  during
                                                                                                                                a  virtual  press  conference
                                                                                                                                that he and other medical
                                                                                                                                professionals are scared.
                                                                                                                                "The  purpose  of  any  inter-
                                                                                                                                vention  around  coronavi-
                                                                                                                                rus has been to prevent the
                                                                                                                                hospitals  from  being  over-
                                                                                                                                whelmed,  and  here  I  am
                                                                                                                                today  saying  the  hospital
                                                                                                                                is being overwhelmed," he
            Salt Lake County Health Department public health nurse Lee Cherie Booth performs a coronavirus test outside the Salt Lake County   said,
            Health Department on Friday, Oct. 23, 2020, in Salt Lake City.                                                      "Frankly  there's  nowhere
                                                                                                               Associated Press
                                                                                                                                to  send  them,"  he  added.
            Continued from Front         ies  are  reining  in  nightlife  essential  travel  is  banned  but also everyone else they  "Boise  hospitals  are  very
                                         as  part  of  the  increasingly  and non-essential business-  come  into  contact  with  full,  most  of  the  hospitals
            "But  today  we  stand  on  drastic  measures  under-     es must close.               when they leave," said Pino.  in  this  area  are  experienc-
            the brink. If Utahans do not  taken  to  slow  the  spread  The tribe posted on its Twit-  "We  will  continue  to  see  ing similar issues. Salt Lake's
            take  serious  steps  to  limit  of  the  pandemic.  French  ter  page  that  there  were  consequences  if  we  don't  hospitals  have  full  ICUs.
            group gatherings and wear  authorities said the country  391 active COVID-19 cases  act super-responsibly."         There's not really a cavalry
            masks, our healthcare pro-   had  recorded  over  1  mil-  as  of  Thursday  on  the  res-  ___                     to come. We're it."
            viders will not have the abil-  lion  confirmed  coronavirus  ervation,  which  has  about  TEXAS                   __
            ity  to  provide  quality  care  cases since the start of the  20,000 residents.       In Texas, Gov. Greg Abbott  NEW  JERSEY  and  CON-
            for everyone who needs it."  pandemic,  becoming  the  The  lockdown  comes  as  is sending more medical re-        NECTICUT
            By  public  health  order,  second country in Western  South  Dakota  surpassed  inforcements to the El Paso  For  a  while,  as  new  COV-
            masks  are  required  in  21  Europe after Spain to reach  9,000  active  coronavirus  area in response to a surge  ID-19  cases  surged  in  the
            counties, said Herbert, urg-  that  number.  The  head  of  cases on Thursday and re-  of  coronavirus  infections.  Midwest  and  elsewhere,
            ing  Utah  residents  to  wear  the World Health Organiza-  ported  an  all-time  high  of  The  Texas  Department  of  the  level  of  new  cases  re-
            one  whenever  they  are  tion  warned  that  countries  973 new cases in one day.     State  Health  Services  and  mained  low  in  the  North-
            around  someone  outside  in the Northern Hemisphere  ___                              the  Texas  Division  of  Emer-  east,  which  had  been  hit
            their immediate household.   are  at  a  "critical  juncture"  FLORIDA                 gency  Management  will  hard earlier in the pandem-
            The  seven-day  rolling  av-  as  cases  and  deaths  con-  The  top  health  official  in  provide more medical per-  ic.  Several  states,  includ-
            erage  for  new  daily  COV-  tinue to rise.              one of Florida's most popu-  sonnel and equipment this  ing  New  Jersey  and  Con-
            ID-19  cases  in  the  U.S.  sur-  "The  next  few  months  are  lous  counties  discouraged  week.                 necticut,  imposed  14-day
            passed  61,140  Thursday,  going  to  be  very  tough  parents  from  hosting  birth-  El  Paso  County  reported  quarantine    requirements
            compared with 44,647 two  and some countries are on  day  parties  for  their  chil-   3,750  new  coronavirus  in-  for  travelers  arriving  from
            weeks ago. The record was  a  dangerous  track,"  said  dren, no matter the size.      fections  this  week,  includ-  dozens of states with higher
            reached  July  22  when  the  WHO  director-general  Te-  Dr. Raul Pino, a state health  ing 1,161 on Thursday. That  rates of positive tests.
            rolling average was 67,293  dros  Adhanom  Ghebreye-      officer  in  Orange  County,  number accounts for 17.5%  This week, however, rates in
            in  the  midst  of  a  summer  sus  at  a  press  briefing  on  said  half  of  the  30  attend-  of the 21,321 cases report-  New Jersey and Connecti-
            outbreak  driven  largely  by  Friday.                    ees  at  a  recent  Sweet  16  ed this week by the state's  cut rose to the point where
            surges of the virus in Florida,  Some of the latest develop-  party  in  the  Orlando  area  254 counties.          they  qualify  for  their  own
            Texas,  Arizona  and  Cali-  ments in the United States:  came down with the virus.  ___                            quarantine restrictions.
            fornia.  The  U.S.  recorded  SOUTH DAKOTA                Last  month,  an  Orange  IDAHO                           After  some  confusion,  the
            71,671 new cases Thursday,  In South Dakota, the Ogla-    County high school closed  Even  as  the  health-care  Democratic  governors  of
            with  several  states  setting  la  Sioux  Tribe  ordered  a  for  two  weeks  after  stu-  situation worsened in north-  New  Jersey,  Connecticut
            records across the Midwest  one-week lockdown of the  dents who had attended a  ern Idaho, a regional health  and New York, where rates
            and West.                    Pine Ridge Indian Reserva-   birthday  party  tested  posi-  board voted to repeal a lo-  remain  lower,  decided  to
            The  U.S.  surge  mirrors  a  tion in response to a surging  tive.                     cal  mask  mandate.  It  act-  keep  their  travel  rules  in
            similarly  widespread  spike  number of COVID-19 cases  "Those  parties  will  not  only  ed  moments  after  hearing  place,  but  not  add  each
            in  Europe,  where  Rome,  in  the  state.  Through  the  affect  those  people  par-  how  the  Kootenai  Health  other  to  their  quarantine
            Paris  and  other  major  cit-  morning of Oct. 30, all non-  ticipating  in  that  activity,  hospital  in  Coeur  d'Alene  lists.q
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