P. 13

                                                                                                                           Thursday 2 November 2017

             Musical RENT is ON this Week at Cas di Cultura

            -‘We feel proud to have a    Cas di Cultura, the theatre  actor  colleagues.”  Johnny
            Broadway  show  on  stage    where the show is playing.  Newcomb  explains  that
            in Aruba.’                   “We  did  not  know  what  you need persistence and
                                         to expect as this is the first  drive  to  do  this  work  and
            By LUIS VILLEGAS             time  Aruba  has  a  Broad-  that money should  not be
            ORANJESTAD-  The  musical    way  show  on  stage,  but  your motivation.
            RENT gave away a preview     the enthusiasm that came  Teachers  of  the  Abraham
            for a full theatre of students   from  the  schools  is  over-  de  Veer  School,  Caroll
            and teachers last Tuesday.   whelming.”                   Croes-Guiamo,  Dina  Thiel
            The  audience  was  blown    The  morning  was  interac-  and Lilian Hernandez praise
            away  with  the  talents  on   tive  as  students  were  par-  the  interactive  morning
            stage  that  paint  the  world   ticipating in a quiz around  and notice the stimulant for
            of  end  80-ies,  beginning   the musical. The show was  the students. “The theme is
            90-ies of a group of artists   specially  adapted  to  the  extremely  interesting  and
            in East Village, New York.   school  schedule.  Normally  especially  for  young  peo-
                                         the musical will last 2 hours  ple informative. We should
            It  was  the  time  that  the   and 40 minutes, for the stu-  be  proud  to  have  a  show
            world  endured  the  crisis   dents  there  was  a  shorter  like this from Broadway on
            of  HIV/AIDS  and  a  lot  of   version  of  one  and  a  half  our tiny island.” Student of
            young  lives  were  taken    hour  including  Q&A  ses-   Colegio San Antonio, Arsh-
            away  by  this  disease.  The   sion. During this last session  mainy Eckmeyer, expresses
            battle  to  survive  is  one  of   the  actors  were  ready  to  that she was moved by the
            the themes touched by the    answer questions like what  show.  “I  felt  like  crying  in
            tremendous musical that is   or  who  made  them  want-   some  moments  because  I
            showed here 1, 3, 4 and 5    ing  to  be  an  actor  and  recognized  situations  out
            November. The enthusiasm     how family has a role in this.  of my personal life.” She is
            of the students by seeing a   Actor  Evan  Maltby  stated  happy  that  there  is  space
            Broadway  show  was  loud    that the job is not an easy  for this theme of the LGBTQ
            and clear and during sen-    one  and  he  could  not  do  community  and  that  is  is
            timental  parts  cell  phone   it without the support of his  looked at from the positive
            lights  uplifted  the  theatre.   family.  The  actors  talked  side.  “Many  times  there  is
            The  invited  schools  were   about  the  stigma  that  ex-  negativity around this com-
            Abraham  de  Veer,  Cole-    ists  around  the  job  and  munity  here,  but  this  is  a
            gio  San  Nicolas,  EPI  Unit   that many do not consider  boost for that group.” Tick-
            Ciencia  y  Tecnologia  and   it  as  a  real  profession.  Lisa  ets for the show are avail-
            Colegio San Antonio. More    Johanson:  “In  case  your  able  at  Cas  di  Cultura,
            schools  will  follow  during   family  is  not  supportive  in  Superfood   Plaza,   Fresh
            the coming mornings, says    chasing  your  dream,  you  Market and DeWitt & Van-
            Vicky  Arens,  director  of   will find a new family in your  Dorp San Nicolas.q
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