P. 10

             Thursday 2 November 2017
            In key step, Hamas gives up control of Gaza border crossings

            By FARES AKRAM               agents  were  seen  pulling  Hamas seized control from  onciliation  deal,  but  many  dover will lead to an easing
            Associated Press             away  from  the  crossings  the  Fatah-led  forces  of  issues remain unresolved.      of the blockade.
            GAZA  CITY,  Gaza  Strip  that  facilitate  the  move-    the  Palestinian  Authority  in  The  sides  are  to  meet  in  Israel,   which   considers
            (AP) — The Islamic militant  ment of cargo and people  2007. But after a decade of  Cairo  on  Nov.  21  to  con-   Hamas  a  terrorist  group,
            group  Hamas  on  Wednes-    in and out of Gaza.          an  Israeli-Egyptian  block-  tinue  talks  on  two  of  the  and  Egypt  say  the  block-
            day  handed  over  control  Representatives  of  the  Fa-  ade,  Hamas’  new  leader-  thorniest issues, the fate of  ade  was  needed  to  pre-
            of  Gaza’s  border  crossings  tah-dominated  Palestinian  ship  says  the  group  is  no  40,000 employees hired by  vent  the  flow  of  weapons
            with Israel and Egypt to the  Authority  quickly  took  up  longer interested in govern-  the  Hamas  government  and militants in and out of
            internationally  recognized  positions.                   ing Gaza.                    and control of Hamas’ vast  Gaza.
            Palestinian  Authority,  tak-  “From now on, we have no  The  blockade  has  hit  Ga-  arsenal  of  rockets,  mortars  “We finished the first phase
            ing  the  first  tangible  step  relationship  with  crossings  za’s  economy  hard,  with  and explosives. Hamas’ mil-  of  the  reconciliation  with
            toward  implementing  a  and  our  employees  are  over 40 percent unemploy-           itary wing has said it will not  excellence,”  Hamas’  top
            reconciliation deal with the  not  present  inside  them,”  ment  and  chronic  power  give up its weapons.         leader in Gaza, Ismail Hani-
            rival Fatah movement.        Mohammed Abu Zaid, the  outages.                          Still,  Wednesday’s  hando-  yeh, said during a seminar
            After  a  decade  of  Hamas  Hamas-appointed  director  Under Egyptian mediation,  ver  marked  an  important  in Gaza City.
            rule,  the  group’s  security  of  crossing  points,  told  re-  the two rivals last month an-  step forward.       “We are going to (discuss)
            forces  and  border  control  porters.                    nounced a preliminary rec-   Officials hope that the han-  big issues.”q
             Century-old declaration hardens Israeli-Palestinian rift

            By TIA GOLDENBERG                                                                                                   retary  Lord  Arthur  Balfour
            Associated Press                                                                                                    and  addressed  to  Lord
            JERUSALEM  (AP)  —  Israelis                                                                                        Lionel Walter Rothschild, a
            celebrate  it.  Palestinians                                                                                        British  financier  and  Zion-
            despise it. The Balfour Dec-                                                                                        ist  leader,  the  declaration
            laration, Britain’s promise to                                                                                      promised  British  assistance
            Zionists to create a Jewish                                                                                         to  create  a  Jewish  home-
            home in what is now Israel,                                                                                         land.
            turns  100  this  week,  with                                                                                       “His Majesty’s government
            events  in  Israel,  the  Pales-                                                                                    view with favor the estab-
            tinian territories and Britain                                                                                      lishment  in  Palestine  of  a
            drawing  attention  to  the                                                                                         national home for the Jew-
            now  yellowing  document                                                                                            ish  people,  and  will  use
            tucked  away  in  London’s                                                                                          their best endeavors to fa-
            British Library.                                                                                                    cilitate the achievement of
            Historians  still  muse  about                                                                                      this  object,”  the  declara-
            Britain’s  motivations,  and                                                                                        tion  goes,  continuing  with
            its commitment to the dec-                                                                                          a caveat: “It being clearly
            laration  waned  in  the  de-                                                                                       understood  that  nothing
            cades  after  it  was  issued.                                                                                      shall  be  done  which  may
            Yet  the  67  words  penned                                                                                         prejudice the civil and reli-
            by  a  British  Cabinet  minis-                                                                                     gious rights of existing non-
            ter  still  resonate  100  years                                                                                    Jewish communities in Pal-
            later, with both the Israelis   Palestinians stand around an effigy of Arthur Balfour during a protest on the anniversary of the   estine.”
                                         Balfour Declaration in Bethlehem, West Bank, Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2017. The Balfour Declaration,
            and Palestinians seizing the   Britain’s promise to Zionists to create a Jewish home in what is now Israel, turns 100 this week, with   British motives for issuing the
            anniversary  to  reinforce   events in Israel, the Palestinian territories and Britain drawing attention to the now yellowing docu-  declaration include imperi-
            their narratives.            ment tucked away in London’s British Library                                           alist  political  calculations
            Each  side  is  marking  the                                                             (AP Photo/Nasser Shiyoukhi)  meant  to  secure  a  foot-
            centenary  in  starkly  differ-  day  because  Zionists  think  ians and Arabs see it as the  sult of discussions between   hold  in  the  Levant  amid
            ent ways, shining a light on   that  the  Balfour  Declara-  foundation  stone  of  their  British Zionists seeking politi-  the  collapse  of  the  Otto-
            the  chasm  between  Israel   tion  laid  the  foundation  dispossession  and  misery,”  cal recognition of their goal   man  Empire  to  the  mes-
            and  the  Palestinians  that   stone  for  modern  Israel  —  said  Jonathan  Schneer,  a  of  Jewish  statehood  and   sianism of British politicians
            some say was cleaved on      and  they’re  right  to  think  historian  who  authored  a  British politicians embroiled   steeped  in  biblical  history,
            Nov. 2, 1917.                that  —  and  by  the  same  book on the document.        in the First World War. Writ-  hoping  to  restore  Jews  to
            “It’s  so  divisive  even  to-  token  non-Jewish  Palestin-  The declaration was the re-  ten  by  British  Foreign  Sec-  their ancestral home. q
            Saudi-led coalition airstrike in Yemen kills 29 people

            By AHMED Al-HAJ              da,  which  borders  Saudi  And  even  if  we  don’t  get  against the Houthis began  near  Sanaa,  which  fell  to
            Associated Press             Arabia,  is  a  stronghold  of  revenge, our children will,”  in  March  2015.  The  coali-  the  Houthis  in  September
            SANAA,  Yemen  (AP)  —  A  the  Iran-backed  rebels,  he  said.Al-Ezi  said  another  tion  aims  to  reinstate  the  2014,  but  the  Houthis  say
            suspected  airstrike  by  the  known  as  Houthis.Footage  airstrike killed three people  internationally  recognized  they  are  still  holding  onto
            Saudi-led  coalition  fighting  obtained  by  The  Associat-  Wednesday  in  a  different  government of Abed Rab-  their  positions.  Hadi’s  gov-
            Shiite rebels in Yemen killed  ed Press shows a bulldozer  part of the vast province.  bo  Mansour  Hadi.Hadi’s  ernment is currently based
            at  least  29  people,  includ-  removing  wreckage  and  The  spokesman  for  the  forces  have  been  battling  in the southern port city of
            ing  children,  in  the  coun-  debris  from  the  site  of  the  Saudi-led  coalition  did  not  the  rebels  over  the  past  Aden.In  the  southwestern
            try’s north, a Yemeni health  airstrike.Ahmed   Moham-    immediately  respond  to  a  two days east of the rebel-  city  of  Taiz,  more  than  80
            official said Wednesday.     med,  an  eyewitness,  insist-  request for comment.      held  capital,  Sanaa,  and  people were killed on both
            Abdellah al-Ezi, head of the  ed  there  were  no  fighters  International  rights  groups  in areas close to the Saudi  sides  in  fighting  over  the
            health  office  of  the  north-  in the hotel. “This is an act  have accused the coalition  border,  leaving  more  than  past two days, the officials
            ern  Saada  province,  said  of aggression by the Ameri-  of bombing civilian gather-  100 dead on both sides.Se-   said,  speaking  on  condi-
            the  airstrike  struck  a  small  cans, the Saudis, and the Zi-  ings, markets, hospitals and  curity  officials  from  Hadi’s  tion of anonymity because
            hotel  in  a  market,  wound-  onists, and by God’s will we  residential areas across Ye-  forces say their troops have  they were not authorized to
            ing  28  other  people.  Saa-  will take revenge one day.  men since its air campaign  advanced in several areas  speak to the media.q
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