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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 2 November 2017

             Truck attack suspect is charged with terrorism offenses

            Continued from Front         seen the suspect and two     President  Donald  Trump     “lone  wolves”  —  inspired   helicopters,   sand-truck
                                         friends  using  the  same    slammed  the  visa  lottery   but  not  actually  directed   barricades  and  other  se-
            During the last few weeks,   model of rented truck sev-   program that Saipov used     by  the  Islamic  State.  In   curity  measures  along  the
            Saipov searched the inter-   eral times in the past three   to come to the U.S. in 2010.   some  cases,  they  never   marathon route, in the sub-
            net for information on Hal-                                                                                         ways and at other sites.
            loween  in  New  York  City                                                                                         The  attack  killed  five  peo-
            and  for  truck  rentals,  the                                                                                      ple  from  Argentina,  one
            agent  said.  Saipov  even                                                                                          from  Belgium  and  two
            rented  a  truck  on  Oct.  22                                                                                      Americans, authorities said.
            to  practice  making  turns,                                                                                        Nine   people    remained
            and  he  initially  hoped  to                                                                                       hospitalized  in  serious  or
            get  from  the  bike  path                                                                                          critical condition, with inju-
            across lower Manhattan to                                                                                           ries that included lost limbs
            hit more pedestrians on the                                                                                         and  wounds  to  the  head,
            Brooklyn Bridge, Tyree said.                                                                                        chest and neck.
            He  even  considered  dis-                                                                                          A  roughly  two-mile  stretch
            playing  ISIS  flags  on  the                                                                                       of  highway  in  lower  Man-
            truck  during  the  attack                                                                                          hattan  was  closed  for
            but decided against it be-                                                                                          much of the day for the in-
            cause  he  did  not  want  to                                                                                       vestigation. Authorities also
            draw the attention, author-                                                                                         converged  on  Saipov’s
            ities said.                                                                                                         New    Jersey   apartment
            John  Miller,  deputy  New                                                                                          building  and  a  van  in  a
            York  police  commission-    This undated photo provided by the St. Charles County Department of Corrections in St.   parking lot at a New Jersey
            er  for  intelligence,  said   Charles, Mo., via KMOV shows Sayfullo Saipov. Federal prosecutors brought terrorism charges   Home Depot.
            Saipov  “appears  to  have   Wednesday against Saipov, who is accused in the truck rampage that left eight people dead in   Runners  and  cyclists  who
            followed, almost exactly to   New York City.                                                                        use the popular bike path
            a T, the instructions that ISIS                                            (St. Charles County, Mo. DOC/KMOV via AP)  were  diverted  from  the
            has put out.”                weeks.                       Trump called the program     even  made  contact  with    crime scene by officers at
            In  the  past  few  years,  the   It  was  not  clear  whether   “a  Chuck  Schumer  beau-  the group.              barricades.
            Islamic State has exhorted   Saipov  had  been  on  au-   ty,” a reference to the Sen-  On  the  morning  after  the   “It’s  the  messed-up  world
            followers online to use vehi-  thorities’  radar.  Miller  said   ate’s top Democrat.  bloodshed,  city  leaders    we  live  in  these  days,”
            cles, knives or other close-  Saipov  had  never  been    The  program  dates  to      vowed  New  York  would      said  Dave  Hartie,  57,  who
            at-hand  means  of  killing   the subject of a criminal in-  1990,  when  Republican   not  be  intimidated,  and   works in finance and rides
            people in their home coun-   vestigation but appears to   President   George    H.W.   they  commended  New         his bike along the path ev-
            tries. England, France and   have  links  to  people  who   Bush signed it as part of a   Yorkers  for  going  ahead   ery morning. “Part of me is
            Germany  have  all  seen     have been investigated.      bipartisan  immigration  bill.   with  Halloween  festivities   surprised it doesn’t happen
            deadly  vehicle  attacks     In Tuesday’s attack, Saipov   Trump called on Congress    on Tuesday night.            more often.”
            since mid-2016.              drove  his  speeding  truck   to eliminate it, saying, “We   They  also  said  Sunday’s   The slight, bearded Saipov
            A  November  2016  issue  of   for  nearly  a  mile  along  a   have to get much tougher,   New  York  City  Marathon,   is  a  legal,  permanent  U.S.
            the  group’s  online  maga-  bike  path,  running  down   much smarter and less po-    with  50,000  participants   resident.
            zine detailed features that   cyclists  and  pedestrians,   litically correct.”        and some 2 million specta-   He lived in Ohio and Flori-
            an  attack  truck  or  van   then crashed into a school   Schumer,  who  represents    tors anticipated, will go on   da before moving to New
            should  have,  suggested     bus,  authorities  said.  He   New  York,  said  in  a  state-  as scheduled.          Jersey  around  June,  au-
            renting such a vehicle and   was  shot  in  the  abdomen   ment  that  he  has  always   “We will not be cowed. We   thorities said.
            recommended  targeting       after he jumped out of the   believed  that  immigration   will  not  be  thrown  off  by   Birth records show he and
            crowded  streets  and  out-  vehicle brandishing two air   “is good for America,” and   anything,”  said  Mayor  Bill   his wife had two daughters
            door  gatherings,  accord-   guns,  one  in  each  hand,   he  accused  the  president   de Blasio.                 in Ohio, and a neighbor in
            ing to the SITE Intelligence   and yelling “God is great!”   of  “politicizing  and  divid-  While the mayor said there   New  Jersey  said  they  re-
            Group,  a  militant-monitor-  in Arabic, they said.       ing” the country.            have  been  no  credible     cently had a baby boy.
            ing agency.                  In  addition  to  those  killed,   Assailants  in  a  number  of   threats  of  any  additional   Saipov  was  a  commercial
            Carlos  Batista,  a  neighbor   12 people were injured.   other  recent  extremist  at-  attacks,  police  said  they   truck  driver  in  Ohio.  More
            of  Saipov’s  in  Paterson,   The aftermath took a politi-  tacks  around  the  world   were  adding  more  sniper   recently,  he  was  an  Uber
            New  Jersey,  said  he  had   cal turn Wednesday when     were found to have been      teams, bomb-sniffing dogs,   driver.q
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