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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 2 November 2017

           Police fatally shoot man holding California teacher hostage

            RIVERSIDE,  Calif.  (AP)  —  A  said.
            SWAT team shot and killed  Calls to 911 began coming
            a man who held a 70-year-    in to emergency dispatch-
            old   first-grade   teacher  ers at 11:12 a.m., reporting
            hostage  at  his  daughter’s  a disturbance and alterca-
            Southern  California  school  tion  involving  a  parent.  By
            during what his family said  the  time  officers  arrived,  it
            was an emotional crisis.     had  escalated  to  a  barri-
            The parent, who died at a  caded hostage situation.
            hospital,  was  identified  by  There  were  no  students  in
            Riverside  authorities  late  the classroom at the time,
            Tuesday as Luvelle Kennon,  and  eventually  all  the  stu-
            27, but no other information  dents  in  the  school  were
            about him was released.      moved  to  a  nearby  park
            Exactly  how  the  incident  as the SWAT team, a bomb
            at  Castle  View  Elemen-    squad    and    detectives
            tary  School  began  was  were brought in.
            not clear, but it quickly be-  Kennon’s relatives came to
            came violent. An unidenti-   the scene in hopes of inter-
            fied male substitute teach-  vening.
            er  suffered  a  broken  nose  “He’s not dangerous,” Ken-
            and  other  facial  injuries  non’s  uncle  Carl  Jackson
            while  trying  to  intervene,  said  before  the  standoff   Police help escort students to a nearby restroom as they wait to be released to parents after a
            a  police  spokesman  said,  ended. “It’s just a matter of   man barricaded himself in a classroom at Castle View Elementary School in Riverside on Tuesday,
            calling him a hero.          getting in there and talking   Oct. 31, 2017. The school was placed on lockdown, all students were evacuated and are reported
                                                                      to be safe.
            “He  did  everything  he  to  him,  because  we  can                                                    (W. Phomicinda/The Press-Enterprise via AP)
            could to try to prevent the  talk to him.”
            suspect  from  taking  the  Jackson  said  Kennon  had    at  times,  but  all  the  while,  teacher.               nades and storm the class-
            teacher into the classroom  just suffered an “emotional   the  safety  of  the  teacher  “We,  of  course,  had  been  room  was  made  because
            and being held hostage, to  breakdown,”  though  he       was  unknown.  After  hours  fearing  for  the  hostage’s  “the fear for her safety was
            the point where he got hit  did not elaborate.            of  trying  to  arrange  a  sur-  life all day,” Railsback said,  increasing.”Kennon   was
            in  the  face  pretty  good,”  SWAT officers were able to   render,  the  SWAT  team  but  the  decision  to  hurl  declared dead at a hospi-
            Officer   Ryan   Railsback  communicate with Kennon       moved  in  to  rescue  the  distracting  flash-bang  gre-  tal hours later. q
             Man who killed abortion doctor told no parole until 2043

            By JOE REEDY                 work  at  an  abortion  clinic  case  again  until  July  2024,  2010  interview  Griffin  gave  precedent for other cases.
            Associated Press             in Pensacola, Florida.       the  maximum  time  it  can  to  “60  Minutes  Australia”  “I certainly hope it will send
            TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — A  Griffin,  who  turned  56  on  set.  A  state  investigator  where  he  said  “the  only  a  message  that  it  will  be
            man  who  shot  and  killed  Sept.  11,  is  serving  a  life  had recommended a pre-  people  who  should  be  taken  seriously.  Every  killer
            a  doctor  outside  a  Flori-  sentence  at  Blackwater  sumptive  release  date  of  in  fear  and  terror  are  the  that  has  taken  the  same
            da  abortion  clinic  in  1993  River  Correctional  Facility  April 9, 2018.          abortion  doctors  .  they’ve  action that he took has cit-
            should not be released from  in Milton. He was convicted  Gunn’s  murder  marked  got  to  have  a  reckoning  ed him as an influence,” he
            prison  for  25  more  years,  of  first-degree  murder  in  the  beginning  of  a  wave  one day with God.”        said. “It is and has been a
            Florida’s  parole  board  de-  1994.  The  commission  was  of  deadly  anti-abortion  “They  saw  the  evidence  very influential case. Unfor-
            cided Wednesday.             required  to  consider  Grif-  violence.  The  shooting  fol-  that  was  provided  and  tunately it is the wrong kind
            The   state’s   Commission  fin’s release date because  lowed clinic bombings and  the  interview,  demonstrat-     of influence.”
            on  Offender  Review  set  a  of  the  state’s  mandatory  regular  anti-abortion  pro-  ing he can be a clear and  Griffin  was  not  present  at
            March 9, 2043, release date  minimum  sentencing  of  25  tests in Pensacola.          present  danger.  We  are  the  hearing.Griffin’s  moth-
            for Michael Griffin, who was  years,  but  was  not  meet-  Gunn’s  son  and  daughter  absolutely pleased with the  er,  Lillian  Ferreira,  and
            convicted  of  shooting  Dr.  ing  to  decide  whether  he  testified against Griffin’s re-  sentence  handed  down,”  another  supporter  were
            David  Gunn  three  times  should be paroled now.         lease,  noting  that  he  has  said  David  Gunn  Jr.  after  supposed  to  attend  the
            in  the  back  on  March  10,  The  commission  also  vot-  not  apologized  or  shown  the hearing.                hearing but sent letters ask-
            1993,  as  Gunn  arrived  to  ed not to consider Griffin’s  remorse. They also cited a  He  said  this  should  set  a  ing for an earlier release. q
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