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A8   U.S. NEWS
             Thursday 2 November 2017
              Putin, in Iran for talks, offers support for nuclear deal

            By NASSER KARIMI                                                                                                    Russia  and  Iran  have  a
            Associated Press                                                                                                    complicated history. Many
            TEHRAN,  Iran  (AP)  —  Rus-                                                                                        still  remember  how  Russia,
            sian  President  Vladimir  Pu-                                                                                      alongside  Britain,  invaded
            tin on Wednesday strongly                                                                                           and  occupied  Iran  dur-
            backed Iran and its nucle-                                                                                          ing World War II to secure
            ar deal with world powers,                                                                                          oil  fields  and  Allied  sup-
            saying  Moscow  opposed                                                                                             ply  lines.But  while  Britain
            “any  unilateral  change”                                                                                           withdrew,  Russia  refused
            to  the  accord  after  U.S.                                                                                        to  leave,  sparking  the  first
            President Donald Trump re-                                                                                          international  rebuke  by
            fused to re-certify it.                                                                                             the  nascent  U.N.  Secu-
            Putin made the comments                                                                                             rity Council in 1946. During
            on a one-day trip to Tehran                                                                                         the  Soviet  occupation  of
            for  trilateral  talks  between                                                                                     Afghanistan,  Iran  allowed
            Azerbaijan,  Iran  and  Rus-                                                                                        refugees  into  the  country
            sia,  a  meeting  largely  fo-                                                                                      and  backed  mujahedeen
            cused  on  improving  road                                                                                          rebel  fighters  —  as  did
            and rail links to the neigh-                                                                                        the  U.S.  and  Saudi  Ara-
            boring  countries  on  the                                                                                          bia.While  Gulf  Arab  states
            Caspian Sea.                                                                                                        sought  the  protection  of
            However, the nuclear deal                                                                                           the U.S. after the 1991 Gulf
            loomed large as Putin met    In this photo released by an official website of the office of the Iranian Presidency, Iran’s President   War, Iran tilted toward Rus-
            with both Iranian President   Hassan Rouhani, right, shakes hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin during their meeting at   sia. Russia has supplied sur-
            Hassan Rouhani, who eas-     the Saadabad Palace in Tehran, Iran, Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2017. Putin arrived Wednesday for tri-  face-to-air  missiles  to  Iran,
            ily won re-election this year   lateral talks with Tehran and Azerbaijan, a meeting that comes as the Islamic Republic’s nuclear   and  helped  it  to  build  its
            after  securing  the  atomic   deal is threatened by U.S. President Donald Trump’s refusal to re-certify the accord.   first  nuclear  power  plant,
            deal, and Supreme Leader                                                            (Iranian Presidency Office via AP)  in the southern port city of
            Ayatollah  Ali  Khamenei,    defensive issues.”           The  U.S.  Congress  now  will  but  which  American  offi-  Bushehr, which went online
            who has the final say on all   Moscow  has  stood  by  make  a  decision  regard-      cials  say  violates  the  spirit   in  2011.  The  two  countries
            state matters.               Tehran  while  Trump  has  ing the 2015 nuclear deal,  of  the  accord.Khamenei        are  now  partnering  in  the
            “We oppose any unilateral    refused  to  re-certify  the  in which Iran agreed to limit  praised   Putin’s   “strong”   construction  of  two  more
            change  in  the  multilateral   nuclear deal between Iran  its  enrichment  of  uranium  character.“Because    of   nuclear reactors at the site.
            nuclear  deal,”  Putin  said   and  world  powers,  includ-  in  exchange  for  the  lifting  this reason, it is possible to   Russia and Iran have both
            while  meeting  Khamenei,    ing  Russia.  The  other  par-  of  economic  sanctions.  In  have logical dialogue and   provided  crucial  support
            according  to  a  statement   ties to the accord — Britain,  recent  days,  lawmakers  cooperation with Russia as   to President Bashar Assad’s
            from the supreme leader’s    China,  France,  Germany  have  targeted  Iran  with  a big power about big jobs       forces  in  the  Syrian  civil
            office.  “We  oppose  link-  and the European Union —  new sanctions over its bal-     that  require  determination   war,  something  Rouhani
            ing Iran’s nuclear program   have  also  urged  Trump  to  listic missile program, which  and  effort,”  the  supreme   praised during his meeting
            with  other  issues  including   stay in the deal.        wasn’t included in the deal  leader said.                 with Putin.q
             Ousted Catalan government members to appear in Madrid court

            By ELENA BECATOROS                                                                     bellion,  sedition  and  em-  to  Madrid  and  appear  in
            Associated Press                                                                       bezzlement  against  Puig-   court  to  “denounce  the
            BARCELONA,  Spain  (AP)                                                                demont,  his  ousted  Vice   lack  of  guarantees  of  the
            — Some members of Cat-                                                                 President  Oriol  Junqueras   Spanish justice system.”The
            alonia’s  ousted  govern-                                                              and  another  12  members    statement  described  the
            ment will appear before a                                                              of  the  now-fired  Catalan   charges  sought  by  pros-
            Spanish judge Thursday for                                                             government.  Convictions     ecutors  as  “disproportion-
            questioning  in  the  rebel-                                                           carry  potential  decades-   ate,”  saying  they  were
            lion investigation stemming                                                            long prison sentences.       “equivalent to crimes such
            from the region’s declara-                                                             The  legal  moves  are  part   as murder or terrorism.” The
            tion of independence, but                                                              of the Spanish central gov-  direction  of  the  criminal
            the  former  regional  presi-                                                          ernment’s  implementation    probe  demonstrates  “we
            dent  does  not  plan  to  be                                                          of  extraordinary  constitu-  are  facing  a  political  trial
            among  them.A  Belgian                                                                 tional  powers  after  Cata-  brought  by  orders  of  the
            lawyer  representing  the                                                              lan  lawmakers  voted  on    Spanish  state,”  they  said.
            sacked  Catalan  president                                                             Oct.  27  to  secede  from   Puigdemont and other re-
            said  Wednesday  he  was     Sacked  Catalonian  President  Carles  Puigdemont  smiles  after   Spain  in  an  escalation  of   moved  Catalan  officials
            seeking  to  have  Carles    a  press  conference  in  Brussels,  Tuesday,  Oct.  31,  2017.  Puig-  what has become Spain’s   intend to remain in Brussels
                                         demont will not return to Spain for questioning this week by a
            Puigdemont     questioned    National  Court  judge  investigating  him  for  possible  rebellion   worst  political  crisis  in  de-  and respond to any crimi-
            instead in Belgium. Puigde-  charges, his Belgian lawyer said Wednesday.               cades.Under  that  author-   nal charges “according to
            mont turned up  in  Brussels                                 (AP Photo/Olivier Matthys)  ity,  the  Spanish  govern-  the  mechanisms  foreseen
            this  week  along  with  sev-  know  if  Spanish  authorities   makers  voting  in  favor  of   ment  sacked  the  Catalan   in  the  European  Union  in
            eral  of  his  former  Cabinet   would accept the offer.  independence from Spain      Cabinet,   dissolved   the   such  circumstances,”  the
            members.“He  is  not  going   All  14  of  the  regional  of-  last  Friday.In  a  news  con-  regional  parliament  and   statement  read  without
            to  Madrid,  and  I  suggest-  ficials  removed  by  the   ference in Brussels on Tues-  called an election for Dec.   elaboration.The  14  have
            ed  that  they  question  him   Spanish  government  face   day,  Puigdemont  said  the   21.A  statement  issued  by   been  summoned  to  ap-
            here  in  Belgium,”  the  law-  possible  charges  of  re-  Catalan officials who trav-  the ousted cabinet, which   pear in the National Court
            yer, Paul Bekaert, told The   bellion,  sedition  and  em-  eled to Belgium were seek-  described  itself  as  “the   in  Madrid  at  9  a.m.  Thurs-
            Associated  Press.  Bekaert   bezzlement  for  driving  the   ing “freedom and safety.”  legitimate   government”   day for questioning that is
            said such an arrangement     series  of  moves  that  cul-  Spain’s  chief  prosecutor   of  Catalonia,  said  some   scheduled  to  last  through
            was possible, but he didn’t   minated  in  Catalan  law-  is  seeking  charges  of  re-  members   would    travel   Friday. q
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