P. 6
Thursday 2 November 2017
Details of abuse emerge in hazing case against college frat
PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. (AP) — The abuse endured by 10 burgh’s campus police members vomited on the mer students are expected
Associated Press pledges was carried out in- that while being paddled, students and others tossed to be charged.
A rental home near a New side the frat house, a two- “One of the brothers hit cups of urine on them. Plattsburgh City Court offi-
York college campus be- story Victorian home with me so hard that my knees College officials have sus- cials said nine of the current
came a house of horrors distinctive red and green buckled and I had to be pended the fraternity as students were arraigned
for fraternity pledges who trim located near the cam- held up.” SUNY Plattsburgh, and local Wednesday, and all plead-
were vomited on, doused pus of SUNY Plattsburgh, 20 He also said pledges were authorities continue their in- ed not guilty, including frat
in urine and forced to eat miles south of the Canadi- forced to drink alcohol and vestigation. President Evan Floreck, 21.
foods that sickened them, an border in northern New other liquids and eat foods “We will not tolerate haz- A phone message left
authorities said as the first York. that would make them ing in any form,” college with his attorney wasn’t re-
of nearly two dozen sus- The victims told authorities throw up, including condi- President John Ettling said turned.
pects began showing up in how the fraternity brothers ments, raw sardines, clam Monday. Emails sent to an address
court Wednesday. subjected the pledges to juice and chewing tobac- A total of 21 students have listed for Floreck
More details of the allega- hazing that also included co. been charged with haz- on the college’s list of frats
tions against the Pi Alpha repeated paddling on the Another pledge told au- ing, criminal nuisance and weren’t answered.
Nu emerged in documents buttocks and being forced thorities that during “hell unlawfully dealing with a WPTZ-TV in Plattsburgh re-
filed in a Plattsburgh court to eat food off the floor. week” last February the child, which pertains to ported that no one an-
in the case against 21 State According to court docu- pledges were made to get providing alcohol to peo- swered the door when a
University of New York stu- ments, a 19-year-old stu- down on the floor in a plank ple under 21. reporter went to the home
dents charged with hazing. dent told SUNY Platts- position while some frat Officials said another six for- Tuesday. q
Pace of therapist probe angers boarding school abuse victims
says Kosseff was the only email it is the department’s
adult who helped him. longstanding policy not to
Both complaints were filed comment on complaints or
by women abused by ath- investigations.
letic trainer Al Gibbs, who “Generally, cases take lon-
abused at least 31 girls ger to adjudicate when
at the school. One, Katie they are more complicat-
Wales Lovkay, told Kosseff ed and involve more wit-
about the abuse, but as far nesses, particularly when
as she knows, he never re- those cases are related to
ported it. incidents that allegedly oc-
“The fact that they still curred decades ago,” he
have not made a deci- wrote.
sion on this two years later Kosseff declined to com-
is absurd. This is the wel- ment on the complaints
fare of children,” she told but said he acted ethi-
The Associated Press. “If he cally during his years as a
had told authorities, or had part-time psychologist at
believed me ... the whole St. George’s from 1979 to
outcome could have been 2014. He currently practic-
different.” es in South Kingstown and
The other woman has Newport.
This 2016 photo shows the campus at St. George’s School in Middletown, R.I. Nearly two years asked to speak to the “I certainly have cooper-
after receiving complaints that a former boarding school psychologist didn’t do enough to help Board of Psychology on ated with the board fully
abused children, Rhode Island officials still have not decided whether to discipline him or let him Thursday to press them to and supplied them with
continue to practice. revoke his license. everything that they’ve re-
(AP Photo/Steven Senne) “I don’t know why it’s taken quested,” he said.
By MICHELLE R. SMITH children, Rhode Island offi- Health in December 2015 two years,” she said. “I’m going to await the
Associated Press cials still have not decided against Peter Kosseff, a psy- The AP typically doesn’t board’s review.”
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — whether to discipline him or chologist there for 35 years. name people who have An independent report re-
Nearly two years after re- let him continue to prac- Some of those abused at been sexually abused un- leased in September 2016
ceiving complaints that a tice. St. George’s say Kosseff less they come forward found dozens of children
former psychologist at a Two former students at St. failed to protect them and publicly, as Lovkay has. were abused by staffers
prominent New England George’s School in Middle- say they’re frustrated by Joseph Wendelken, a and fellow students from
boarding school didn’t do town filed complaints with the slow pace of the inves- spokesman for the Health the 1970s to as recently as
enough to help abused the state Department of tigation. But at least one Department, said in an the early 2000s. q
Police: Student put body fluids on roommate’s belongings
WEST HARTFORD, Conn. dent Brianna Brochu, 18, school and will not be re- statement to the campus Brochu, of Harwinton, Con-
(AP) — A white Connecti- was charged Saturday turning. University officials community Tuesday. “The necticut, did not return a
cut college student has with misdemeanor crimi- said federal privacy laws incident has brought about message from The Associ-
been charged with smear- nal mischief and breach of prevent them from saying accusations of racism, and ated Press on Wednesday.
ing body fluids on her black peace. whether a student is ex- I want you to know that I She did not comment dur-
roommate’s belongings, Police also asked a judge pelled. hear and share your anger ing a Wednesday court ap-
and police are saying it to add a felony bigotry “The accused student’s and frustration. Acts of rac- pearance, when a judge
was a bias crime. charge Wednesday. behavior was reprehen- ism, bias, bullying, or other barred her from campus
West Hartford police dis- University President Greg sible and does not reflect abusive behaviors will not property and ordered her
closed Wednesday that Woodward said Brochu is the values of our institu- be tolerated on this cam- to stay away from her now-
University of Hartford stu- no longer a student at the tion,” Woodward said in a pus.” former roommate. q