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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 2 November 2017

            GOP scrambling to finalize

            tax bill despite opposition

            Continued from Front         sents eastern Long Island. “I
                                         don’t want my home state
            Tax  writers  decided  to  to be a loser, and that re-
            maintain  the  highest  per-  ally shouldn’t come as any
            sonal  income  tax  rate  at  surprise.”  The  lawmakers
            its  current  39.6  percent  were haggling over a pos-
            and  to  slash  the  top  tax  sible cap to the deduction
            rate  for  corporations  to  20  for  local  property  taxes.
            percent  from  35  percent.  Ways and Means Commit-
            They  strained  to  complete  tee Chairman Kevin Brady,
            other last-minute changes,  R-Texas,  had  offered  as  a
            but failed to finalize details  concession  keeping  the
            to  meet  their  Wednesday  property tax deduction for
            deadline. A key reason was  a homeowner’s federal tax
            continuing opposition from  bill,  though  the  amount  of
            GOP lawmakers from New  the  deduction  that  could
            York and New Jersey, many  be taken may be limited.
            of  whom  are  opposed  to  The ability to deduct state
            repealing  a  lucrative  de-  and local income taxes on
            duction  for  state  and  lo-  federal returns, on the other
            cal taxes that benefits their  hand, would be ended. The
            states more than other.      proposed  change  means
            “I  view  the  elimination  of  there would be three item-
            the  deduction  as  a  geo-  ized  deductions  retained:
            graphic  redistribution  of  for  home  mortgage  inter-
            wealth    picking   winners  est,  charitable  donations
            and  losers,”  said  Rep.  Lee  and local property taxes.
            Zeldin,  R-N.Y.,  who  repre-  Talks  on  the  issue  seemed

                                                                                                   to have broken off for now  ing the per-child tax credit.
                                                                                                   as  Brady  and  other  key  In  addition  to  slashing  the
                                                                                                   Republicans  scrambled  to  corporate  tax  rate,  it  also
                                                                                                   find offsetting tax revenues  seeks to repeal inheritance
                                                                                                   to help finance rate cuts.   taxes  on  multimillion-dollar
                                                                                                   The  plan  outline  released  estates, a big break for the
                                                                                                   last  month  by  Trump  and  wealthy.
                                                                                                   Republican leaders in Con-   A  controversy  over  reduc-
                                                                                                   gress  called  for  shrinking  ing  the  amount  of  money
                                                                                                   the number of tax brackets  people can contribute tax
                                                                                                   from seven to three or four,  free into 401(k) retirements
                                                                                                   with  respective  tax  rates  accounts continues to swirl,
                                                                                                   of 12 percent, 25 percent,  as  lawmakers  like  Brady
                                                                                                   35  percent  and  to  be  de-  are  tempted  to  trim  the
                                                                                                   termined.  The  tax  system  benefit  to  generate  addi-
                                                                                                   would  be  simplified,  and  tional revenues in the near
                                                                                                   most  people  would  be  term. Trump has weighed in
                                                                                                   able to file their returns on  against the idea.
                                                                                                   a postcard-sized form.       The  president  set  an  ag-
                                                                                                   The  plan  calls  for  nearly  gressive  timetable  for  the
                                                                                                   doubling the standard de-    legislation  and  predicted
            Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin listens as President Donald Trump speaks during a meeting on   duction used by most aver-  a grand signing ceremony
            tax policy with business leaders in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2017,   age  Americans  to  $12,000  before  Christmas  at  “the
            in Washington.                                                                         for  individuals  and  $24,000  biggest tax event in the his-
                                                                            (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)  for  families,  and  increas-  tory of our country.”q
             Trump signs GOP repeal of consumer banking rule

            By KEN THOMAS                House in private. Journalists  ket  and  lead  to  frivolous  court.” “This action tips the  Wells Fargo and the securi-
            Associated Press             were not present to witness  lawsuits.                    scales of justice in favor of  ty breach at credit compa-
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-     the  signing.  The  Republi-  Democrats  contend  the  Wall Street banks less than  ny Equifax. The overturning
            dent  Donald  Trump  on  can-led  Senate  narrowly  rule would have given con-         ten years after they caused  of the rule marks a notable
            Wednesday      signed   the  voted  to  repeal  the  Con-  sumers  more  leverage  to  the financial crisis,” Cordray  victory for Wall Street. After
            repeal  of  a  banking  rule  sumer  Financial  Protection  stop companies from finan-  said.  If  the  rule  had  been  the financial crisis, Congress
            that  would  have  allowed  Bureau’s  regulation,  which  cial  wrongdoing.  CFPB  Di-  allowed  to  go  into  effect  and  the  Obama  adminis-
            consumers to join together  the  banking  industry  had  rector Richard Cordray, an  in  2019,  it  could  have  ex-  tration installed tough new
            to  sue  their  bank  or  credit  been seeking to roll back.  appointee  of  former  Presi-  posed banks to large class-  regulations  on  how  banks
            card  company  to  resolve  The  Trump  administration  dent  Barack  Obama,  said  action lawsuits, a possibility  operated  and  fined  them
            financial disputes.          and    Republicans    have  in  a  statement  that  Trump  that has taken gotten more  tens of billions of dollars for
            The  president  signed  the  pushed to undo regulations  had  “signed  away  con-      attention   following   the  the  damage  they  caused
            measure  at  the  White  they say harm the free mar-      sumers’ right to their day in  sales  practices  scandal  at  to the housing market.q
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