P. 9
WORLD NEWS Thursday 2 November 2017
Runaway 7-year- BOE warns 10,000 financial job losses on Brexit Day 1
old girl sneaks on
plane in Geneva By PAN PYLAS bank’s deputy governor for about the implications of that his firm may relocate
Associated Press prudential regulation, told Britain’s exit from the Euro- chunks of his business out
GENEVA (AP) — A runaway LONDON (AP) — Britain’s a parliamentary hearing pean Union, which is due in of London to Germany’s fi-
7-year-old girl slipped finance industry could lose that he expected 10,000 March 2019. Membership nancial center in Frankfurt.
through security checks at 10,000 jobs on the first day job losses on “day one” of of the EU has given firms Other firms are also making
Geneva’s airport and onto after the country leaves Brexit.That, he said, would the ability to automatically contingency plans to set
a plane without a ticket the European Union, the represent around 2 per- sell their products across EU up operations in Europe or
before being spotted by a Bank of England warned cent of the British workforce borders and London has moving staff and activities
crew member and hand- Wednesday, as it urged in banking and insurance, become the European hub to avoid potential disor-
ed over to police, officials the government to swiftly or around 3 percent of for many international firms. derly Brexit, which would in-
said Wednesday. reach a transitional deal to those working in or around Lloyd Blankfein, the CEO of volve Britain not coming to
Acknowledging an “emi- smooth out the process. London.Many firms in the U.S. bank Goldman Sachs, an agreement with the EU
nently regrettable” in- Sam Woods, the central financial sector are worried has been vocal in warning on matters of trade.q
cident that could have
ended badly, Geneva Air- UK:
port spokesman Bernard Defense secretary resigns on allegations over behavior
Stampfli said authorities
were enhancing measures head of the civil service to
to make sure children are “establish the facts and re-
accompanied by adults port back as soon as pos-
when passing through se- sible.”
curity checks. Meanwhile, an opposition
In the incident on Sunday, Labour Party activist said
the girl, who was not iden- the party discouraged her
tified, initially slipped away from reporting that she was
from her parents at Ge- raped at a Labour confer-
neva’s main railway sta- ence in 2011 when she was
tion and traveled by train 19. Bex Bailey said a party
to the small airport on the official told her “that if I
French border. did, it might damage me.”
The child repeatedly The party said it was investi-
“took advantage of her gating the report.
small size” and employed Labour lawmaker Lisa Nan-
a “ruse” to make it look dy said Wednesday that
like she was traveling with she had raised concerns
adults ahead or behind three years ago that party
her, Stampfli said. whips kept claims of sexual
After a first attempt failed, abuse as ammunition to
she tried again and suc- Britain’s Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon leaves Downing Street in London, Tuesday Oct. 31, control lawmakers, rather
ceeded — getting aboard 2017. UK government says Defense Secretary Michael Fallon has resigned Wednesday Nov. 1, than dealing with the alle-
an easyJet flight to Cor- 2017, after allegations of inappropriate behavior. gations.
sica. An alert Air France (Stefan Rousseau/PA via AP) May said the whips should
crew member who had By JILL LAWLESS gations about Fallon might inappropriate advances to make it clear that allega-
spotted the girl trying to Associated Press soon emerge.Accept- a Conservative activist. tions of crimes should be
board one of the carrier’s LONDON (AP) — Britain’s ing his resignation, May Writer and academic Kate reported to police.
flights flagged her to the defense minister resigned said she appreciated “the Maltby says Cabinet min- She has asked other party
crew of easyJet, which in Wednesday after allega- characteristically serious ister Damian Green “fleet- leaders to meet her next
turn alerted police. tions emerged about in- manner in which you have ingly” touched her knee in week to discuss setting
Using video surveillance appropriate sexual be- considered your position.” 2015 and later sent her a up an independent griev-
footage, airport authorities havior — the latest twist in The scandal surrounding “suggestive” text message ance procedure for peo-
said she was turned away a growing scandal over Hollywood mogul Harvey after she was pictured ple working in Parliament.
after trying to follow crew harassment and abuse in Weinstein has emboldened wearing a corset in a news- “We have a duty to en-
members onto a flight. She the country’s corridors of people in many industries paper. sure that everyone coming
then quickly blended into power. to speak up about sexual Maltby wrote in the Times here to contribute to pub-
the nearby crowd, pre- Michael Fallon said in a res- harassment or attacks at of London newspaper that lic life is treated with re-
tending to join up with her ignation letter to Prime Min- the hands of powerful in- Green “offered me career spect,” she told lawmakers
parents, Stampfli said. The ister Theresa May that his dividuals who control their advice and in the same during her weekly session in
second time, she succeed- “previous conduct ... may future job prospects. breath made it clear he the House of Commons. q
ed by slipping through a have fallen below the high In Britain, it has produced was sexually interested.”
gap only large enough for standards that we require soul-searching about the “It was not acceptable
a small child.EasyJet, a low- of the Armed Forces.” growing number of reports to me at the time and it
cost carrier, said in a state- to Parliament in 1983 and abuse in politics. May has behavior in Westminster in Like
Fallon, 65, was first elected of sexual harassment and should not be acceptable
ment that “an unaccom-
panied child incorrectly has been defense secre- called a meeting of party the future,” Maltby wrote.
boarded flight EZS1305 tary since 2014. leaders to discuss how to Green, Britain’s de facto us on
from Geneva to Ajaccio,” A newspaper reported last deal with the topic, amid deputy prime minister, de- us on
and said an investigation weekend that Fallon had a growing roster of allega- nied making sexual ad-
has been launched. repeatedly touched a jour- tions about inappropriate vances and called the
shock” and “deeply hurt- Facebook
“The crew correctly identi- nalist’s knee at a function in behavior by politicians and allegations “a complete Facebook
fied the child should not be 2002. The journalist in ques- parliamentary staff.
onboard and immediately tion said she had shrugged May has also ordered an in- ful.”
reported it to the police,” off the incident, but reports vestigation into claims an- May’s office said the prime Bon Dia 24 Aruba
the statement said.q suggested that other alle- other senior minister made minister had asked the