P. 11
WORLD NEWS Thursday 2 November 2017
Kenyan police kill 13 protesters since new vote, group says
By TOM ODULA A vetting process by the
Associated Press independent National Po-
NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — lice Service Commission
Kenyan police have killed to weed out errant police
13 protesters in opposition officers that started in 2012
strongholds since Thurs- has been criticized for not
day’s repeat presidential doing enough to reform
election, which the main the 99,000-strong force,
opposition group boy- which admits corruption is
cotted, a local civil rights widespread.
group said Wednesday. Also Wednesday, ruling
The Independent Medico party lawmakers appealed
Legal Unit said it recorded for calm amid ethnic ten-
64 cases of use of excessive sions in a rural area follow-
force by police, including ing last week’s election.
34 people being shot, be- They noted reports that
tween Oct. 25 and Oct. 28. opposition supporters have
The rights group uses medi- blocked roads and hurled
cal evidence to help vic- stones at vehicles near the
tims build up cases against border of Kisumu County,
human rights abuses. an opposition stronghold
Peter Kiama, the group’s whose residents are mainly
executive director, said Kenya’s opposition leader Raila Odinga leaves after making a statement to the media in Nairobi, from the Luo ethnic group,
police should investigate Kenya Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2017. In his first public statement since President Uhuru Kenyatta was de- and Kericho County, an
and discipline errant offi- clared the winner of the Oct. 26 election, Odinga called the election a “sham” and said he wants ethnic Kalenjin area that
cers. Kenyan human rights a new vote to be held. supports the government.
groups have long accused (AP Photo/Ben Curtis) Hillary Kosgei, a Kalenjin
police of extrajudicial kill- at least 67 opposition sup- nounced ing margin after opposition lawmaker from Kericho,
ings. porters after the results of President Uhuru Kenyatta leader Raila Odinga re- condemned the unrest as
Last month, Amnesty Inter- the August election, nulli- this week was declared the fused to participate, saying a “direct invitation to vio-
national and Human Rights fied by the Supreme Court winner of the Oct. 26 repeat electoral reforms had not lence” between the fac-
Watch said police killed over irregularities, were an- election by an overwhelm- been made. tions. q
Zimbabwe’s Mugabe says he favors resumption of executions
By FARAI MUTSAKA for the death penalty for tences last year, accord-
Associated Press people convicted of mur- ing to Amnesty Interna-
HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) der “in aggravating cir- tional. The human rights
— Zimbabwe’s President cumstances.” Women and group said 97 people were
Robert Mugabe said offenders younger than 17 known to be facing death
Wednesday he is in favor and older than 70 are ex- sentences in the country as
of resuming executions af- empt from executions. of the end of 2016. q
ter more than a decade in Over 90 prisoners are on
response to rising murder death row, according to
rates. official figures. Like
The last execution in the The hangman’s job has Like
southern African nation been vacant in Zimbabwe
was in 2005. for over a decade, but
us on
justice ministry permanent
Although he said his cabi- secretary Virgina Mabhiza us on
net is divided on the issue,
Mugabe said he favors lift- has said recent months
ing the moratorium on ex- Zimbabwean President Robert Muagbe addresses mourners at have seen a “flood” of ap- Facebook
ecutions. “Let’s restore the the Heroes Acre in Harare, Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2017. plications in the economi- Facebook
death penalty,” he said, (AP Photo/Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi) cally struggling nation. She
speaking at the burial of a could happen but said Mugabe’s thinking has pre- said more than 50 people
political ally. that “if you hear people vailed.” had applied. Zimbabwe Bon Dia 24 Aruba
He did not say when it are being executed, know Zimbabwe’s law allows imposed eight death sen-