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              Wednesday 21 OctOber 2020
            Japan's PM, in Indonesia, says SE Asia key for his nation

            By  NINIEK  KARMINI  and                                                                                            as  disaster  prevention,  as
            MARI YAMAGUCHI                                                                                                      well  as  medical  supplies
            Associated Press                                                                                                    and  equipment  for  medi-
            JAKARTA,  Indonesia  (AP)                                                                                           cal  institutions,  Suga  said.
            — Japanese Prime Minister                                                                                           Japan will provide support
            Yoshihide  Suga,  in  Indo-                                                                                         to   reinforce   Indonesia's
            nesia  on  his  first  overseas                                                                                     economy  through  infra-
            trip since taking office, ex-                                                                                       structure  projects  such  as
            pressed  his  backing  Tues-                                                                                        high-speed rail systems and
            day  for  Southeast  Asian                                                                                          the  development  of  re-
            efforts  toward  achieving                                                                                          mote islands, he said.
            peace  in  the  South  China                                                                                        "Indonesia  is  a  maritime
            Sea,  while  promoting  Ja-                                                                                         nation  in  the  Indo-Pacific
            pan's "free and open Indo-                                                                                          and  a  Japanese  strategic
            Pacific" concept of region-                                                                                         partner, and Japan further
            al  cooperation  in  counter-                                                                                       promotes  our  cooperation
            ing China.                                                                                                          in a range of areas, includ-
            Suga,  on  a  four-day  visit                                                                                       ing efforts to overcome the
            to  Vietnam  and  Indone-                                                                                           coronavirus    pandemic,"
            sia,  arrived  Tuesday  from                                                                                        Suga said.
            the  Vietnamese  capital  of                                                                                        Japan  and  Indonesia  also
            Hanoi.  Southeast  Asia  was                                                                                        agreed  to  negotiate  the
            chosen for his first trip since                                                                                     easing  of  entry  restrictions
            succeeding  Shinzo  Abe  as                                                                                         for  essential  business  trips
            prime minister last month in                                                                                        between the two countries.
            order  to  demonstrate  the                                                                                         As it promotes the FOIP vi-
            region's  importance  to  Ja-  In  this  photo  released  by  Indonesian  Presidential  Palace,  Japanese  Prime  Minister  Yoshihide   sion with the U.S., Australia
            pan.                         Suga, second left, Indonesian President Joko Widodo, second right, Suga's wife Mariko, left, and   and  India,  Tokyo  wants  to
            After  holding  talks  with  In-  Widodo's wife Iriana wave during their meeting at the Presidential Palace in Bogor West Java,   convey  that  its  respect  for
            donesian  President  Joko    Indonesia, Tuesday, Oct 20, 2020.                                     Associated Press  a  rules-based  international
            Widodo,  Suga  said  South-                                                                                         system  makes  it  a  better
            east  Asian  countries  are  between Indonesia and Ja-    eign  and  defense  ministe-  who  resigned  last  month  partner  for  ASEAN  nations
            key  to  pursuing  Japan's  pan. "I emphasize the spirit  rial  talks.  Japan  has  similar  due to health issues, to step  than China, whose escalat-
            "free  and  open  Indo-Pa-   of cooperation to continue  ministerial  talks  with  the  up the country's military ca-  ing  unilateral  and  military
            cific," or FOIP, and that he  to  be  strengthened,  es-  U.S.,  Australia  and  some  pability  and  help  develop  activity  in  the  region  have
            told Widodo that "Japan is  pecially  in  the  midst  of  in-  other countries, while Indo-  its defense industry.   triggered regional frictions.
            committed  to  contributing  creasingly  sharp  rivalries  nesia is the only member of  Suga  signed  such  a  deal  Earlier  Tuesday,  Suga  at-
            to the peace and prosper-    between the world's super-   the  Association  of  South-  with  Vietnam  on  Monday.  tended  a  welcoming  cer-
            ity in the region."          power nations," he said.     east  Asian  Nations  with  Japan  has  defense  equip-   emony  at  the  presidential
            "I  fully  support  the  ASEAN  "I also underlined my hope  that channel. The two sides  ment transfer deals with 11  palace  in  Bogor,  just  out-
            Outlook  on  the  Indo-Pa-   that  the  South  China  Sea  also  agreed  to  work  to-  other  countries,  including  side  Jakarta,  Indonesia's
            cific,  which  Indonesia  initi-  can  continue  to  be  a  sea  ward achieving a defense  the  U.S.,  Britain,  the  Philip-  capital,  after  arriving  from
            ated, as it has a lot of fun-  of peace and stability," he  equipment  and  technol-   pines and Malaysia, and is  Vietnam.  On  Wednesday,
            damental     commonalities  added.                        ogy transfer agreement.      negotiating with Thailand.   he  is  scheduled  to  meet
            with Japan's free and open  Suga  said  the  two  leaders  Japan  eased  its  arms  ex-  Japan on Tuesday agreed  people  related  to  Japa-
            Indo-Pacific," he said.      also  agreed  to  strengthen  ports  ban  in  2014  and  has  to  extend  a  50  billion  yen  nese  companies  and  lay
            Widodo welcomed Japan's  bilateral  defense  ties  and  since  been  promoting  ex-    ($470  million)  loan  to  sup-  a  wreath  at  the  Kalibata
            support for Southeast Asian  will work toward holding a  ports  of  defense  equip-    port Indonesia's pandemic-   Heroes  Cemetery  before
            nations and the partnership  second  "two-plus-two"  for-  ment under efforts by Abe,  hit economy, in areas such  returning to Tokyo.q

              Israel says it uncovers deep militant tunnel dug from Gaza

              JERUSALEM  (AP)  —  The  Is-  infrastructure"  for  the  mili-  which  rules  Gaza.  Pales-  taken a heavy toll on the  but  that  it  would  have
              raeli  military  said  Tuesday  tant  Hamas  group.  There  tinian  militants  launched  territory's 2 million Palestin-  required  a  significant  fi-
              that  militants  in  the  Gaza  were no reports of casual-  deadly  attacks  through  ian residents.            nancial  investment.  Israel
              Strip  dug  a  tunnel  dozens  ties in either attack.   such  tunnels  during  the  Conricus  said  the  tunnel  holds  Hamas  responsible
              of  meters  (yards)  deep  Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus,  war.                        was  detected  by  sensors  for  all  attacks  emanating
              that  crossed  under  the  a military spokesman, said  There  was  no  immediate  mounted  on  an  under-       from Gaza.
              security fence around the  the  tunnel  crossed  into  Is-  comment from Hamas.     ground  barrier  being  built  Israel  and  Hamas  have
              territory  before  it  was  de-  raeli  territory  but  posed  Israel  has  pointed  to  the  along the 55-kilometer (35-  clashed  on  a  number  of
              tected  by  underground  "no threat" to nearby Israe-   tunnels, as well as Hamas'  mile) frontier.             occasions  since  the  2014
              sensors.                    li  communities  and  that  increasingly  sophisticated  The barrier is expected to  war.  An  informal  cease-
              Hours after the announce-   there  was  not  yet  an  exit  rocket  capabilities,  to  jus-  be  completed  by  March.  fire  brokered  by  Egypt
              ment,  a  rocket  fired  from  on the other side. He said  tify  the  blockade  it  has  It's  the  first  such  tunnel  to  has  brought  calm  in  ex-
              Gaza  was  intercepted by  troops  will  "neutralize"  the  imposed  on  Gaza  since  be  uncovered  in  more  change  for  the  easing  of
              Israeli missile defenses, the  tunnel in the coming days.  the  militant  group  seized  than a year.           the blockade and the en-
              military said. Late Tuesday,  Israel   has   uncovered  power  from  rival  Palestin-  Conricus  said  it  was  not  try of financial aid from the
              the  army  said  fighter  jets  around  20  such  tunnels  ian forces in 2007.      yet clear whether the tun-  oil-rich Gulf state of Qatar,
              and  attack  helicopters  since  the  2014  war  with  The  blockade,  supported  nel was built by Hamas or  but fighting still erupts from
              "struck  an  underground  the  Islamic  group  Hamas,  by neighboring Egypt, has  another  militant  group,  time to time.q
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