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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 21 OctOber 2020
            Donors pledge $1.7 billion for Burkina Faso, Mail and Niger

            By EDITH M. LEDERER                                                                                                 This requires improved agri-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    cultural productivity, urban
            UNITED     NATIONS     (AP)                                                                                         planning  and  economic
            —  More  than  20  donors                                                                                           development, he said.
            pledged nearly $1 billion for                                                                                       Both  Guterres  and  Low-
            the  three  countries  at  the                                                                                      cock appealed for $2.4 bil-
            epicenter  of  a  humanitar-                                                                                        lion to cover the remaining
            ian crisis in Africa's Sahel re-                                                                                    months of 2020 and 2021.
            gion for this year and over                                                                                         U.N.  spokesman  Dujarric
            $700  million  for  2021  and                                                                                       said  donors  pledged  $985
            beyond, the United Nations                                                                                          million  for  this  year  and
            announced Tuesday.                                                                                                  $704  million  for  2021  and
            U.N.  spokesman  Stephane                                                                                           beyond.
            Dujarric  said  the  funds  will                                                                                    Among  the  pledges  were
            help some 10 million people                                                                                         43.6  million  euros  ($51.5
            in Burkina Faso, Mali and Ni-                                                                                       million)  from  the  European
            ger for the remainder of this                                                                                       Union, 8 million euros in ad-
            year and through next year                                                                                          ditional  funding  from  EU
            with "nutrition, food, health                                                                                       member  Belgium,  and  390
            services,  water  and  sani-                                                                                        million  kroner  ($42  million)
            tation,  shelter,  education,                                                                                       from Norway.
            protection  and  support  to                                                                                        "The EU's pledge consists of
            survivors  of  gender-based                                                                                         23.6 million euro in funding
            violence."                   This June 4, 2020, file photo shows Women and children walk in a makeshift site for displaced   for humanitarian actions in
            U.N.     Secretary-General   people in Kongoussi, Burkina Faso.                                    Associated Press  Burkino  Faso,  Mali  and  Ni-
            Antonio  Guterres  told  the                                                                                        ger,  and  20  million  euro  in
            high-level  virtual  donors  ing  people's  livelihoods.  could   reach    neighbor-   high-level  meeting  that  development  funding  to
            meeting  co-sponsored  by  And COVID-19 is making all  ing  countries  and  further  these  root  causes  "are  not  address  the  food  crisis  af-
            the  U.N.,  Denmark,  Ger-   of it worse."                afield."                     being properly addressed,"  flicting  the  central  Sahel
            many  and  the  European  The  U.N.  chief  said  this  Lowcock  said  more  than  saying  the  international  region,"  European  Com-
            Union that "the central Sa-  downward  spiral  "is  a  mi-  13 million people in Burkina  community  has  focused  mission  spokesman  Balazs
            hel region is at a breaking  crocosm    of   cascading  Faso, Mali and Niger need  mainly  on  short-term  hu-      Ujvari  said.  He  said  the  EU
            point"  and  humanitarian  global  risks  converging  in  emergency  assistance  to  manitarian  aid  and  secu-    has  already  "mobilized"  8
            needs in the border region  one  region,"  and  needs  survive,  including  5  million  rity interventions "but much  billion  euros  for  the  region
            of the three countries "have  to  be  reversed  with  a  re-  children.                more is needed."             since 2014.
            reached record levels."      newed push for peace and  Before the meeting, he told  He  called  on  the  inter-     Norwegian Foreign Minister
            "The  security  situation  has  reconciliation.           The  Associated  Press  that  national  community  and  Ine  Eriksen  Soereide  said:
            deteriorated sharply, harsh-  U.N.  humanitarian  chief  the troubling situation in the  the   Sahel   governments  "Safe  and  unhindered  hu-
            ly  affecting  people's  daily  Mark  Lowcock  reiterated  three  countries  is  a  symp-  to  make  far  bigger  invest-  manitarian access is abso-
            lives,"  he  said.  "Violence  is  that "nowhere in the world  tom  of  failure  to  deal  with  ments in basic services, es-  lutely crucial to be able to
            rising, and women and girls  worries me as much as the  a broad range of political,  pecially education, health,  protect  civilians,  provide
            are  especially  vulnerable.  Sahel in the medium-term."  security  and  development  clean    water,   sanitation  education for children and
            Internal  displacement  has  And  he  again  expressed  challenges, as well as rapid  and  family  planning,  and  young  people,  as  well  as
            increased  twenty-fold  in  fear that the region "is very  population growth and cli-  in  adapting  to  the  pres-  prevent  and  deter  sexual-
            less  than  two  years.  Cli-  close  to  a  tipping  point,  mate change.             sures  of  climate  change  ized  and  gender-based
            mate  change  is  threaten-  with  ripple  effects  that  Lowcock  told  Tuesday's  and  population  growth.  violence." q

            EU takes action against Malta, Cyprus for 'golden passports'

            By SAMUEL PETREQUIN          vetting rules.               ports  have  been  issued  to
            Associated Press             Cyprus says it will end its pro-  investors  under  the  pro-
            BRUSSELS  (AP)  —  The  Eu-  gram  from  Nov.  1,  though  gram,  generating  more
            ropean         Commission  the Commission notes that  than  7  billion  euros  ($8.25
            launched      infringements  the  country  plans  to  con-  billion).  In  Malta,  the  pro-
            procedures         Tuesday  tinue  processing  current  gram was among the top-
            against  Cyprus  and  Malta  applications.                ics  investigative  reporter
            over their "golden passport"  The  Cypriot  program  was  Daphne  Caruana  Galizia
            programs, in which wealthy  introduced  in  the  wake  had  reported  on  before
            people can acquire EU citi-  of  a  2013  financial  crisis  she was blown up by a car
            zenship in exchange for an  that  brought  the  country  bomb while driving in 2017.
            investment.                  to  the  brink  of  bankruptcy  "The  schemes  remain  in
            The EU's executive said the  and forced it to accept a  place  for  the  time  being,
            lucrative  schemes  are  in  financial  rescue  program  in  both  member  states
            violation of EU law and un-  from creditors. Like a similar  concerned  and  could  be
            dermine the "essence of EU  program in Malta, it has at-  replaced  by  similar  invest-  A demonstrator takes a mock copy of Cyprus passport during
            citizenship."                tracted  many  foreigner  in-  ment  schemes"  said  EU   a demonstration against corruption outside of the conference
            Cyprus     recently     an-  vestors because a passport  Commission      spokesman     center in the capital Nicosia, Cyprus, Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2020.
            nounced that it was ending  from  those  EU  countries  Christian  Wigand.  "Malta                                              Associated Press
            its  program  amid  allega-  automatically  grants  the  has  in  fact  informed  the  Malta responded in a state-  regulations "which take into
            tions that a top state official  holder access to the entire  Commission that it envisag-  ment  that  its  program  will  consideration  the  Europe-
            and  a  veteran  lawmaker  27-nation European Union.      es a prolongation of citizen-  soon be terminated and re-  an  Commission's  concerns
            were trying to bypass strict  Around 4,000 Cypriot pass-  ship foreign investment."    placed  by  new  residence  and recommendations."q
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