P. 14
Monday 11 SepteMber 2017
Aruba Reaches Out to Our Sister Island of St. Maarten
community shows their hu-
manity and empathy for
the victims of hurricane
Irma, not only in words but
also in deeds.
The Dutch Ministry of De-
fense transported 67 dialy-
ses patients with urgency to
Aruba last Friday night, and
they are now taken care of
in our hospital. At the same
time Arubans donated an
enormous amount of need-
ed goods for these victims. help at among other the why not reach out and
Towels, clothing, tooth Facebook page of Bon- help?” Janine Rodriguez of
paste and soap were some Dia24 Aruba. St. Theresita Victims Aid asked people
of the goods that were do- Center at San Nicolas as to bring clothing like pa-
nated in big numbers by well as Red Cross opened jamas as those were most
Arubans this past weekend. their doors for the collec- needed.
This to help and support the tion of donations. Daisy The comments of people
patients that stay in medi- Tchong was working as vol- on the live video at St.
cal center Imsan in San unteer at St. Theresita Cen- Theresita Center by Bon
Nicolas. ter. “When I saw what hap- Dia 24 Aruba this weekend
People were offering their pened at our sister island, were heartwarming.q