P. 12

              Monday 11 SepteMber 2017

            Pope arrival in Cartagena off to bumpy start with black eye

                                                                                                   in Colombia,” said Ricardo  the dignity of all our broth-
                                                                                                   Morales, a lawyer who lined  ers  and  sisters,  particularly
                                                                                                   up outside St. Peter Claver’s  the poor and the excluded
                                                                                                   church for a glimpse of the  of  society,  those  who  are
                                                                                                   pope.                        abandoned,      immigrants
                                                                                                   “He made a great effort to  and  those  who  suffer  vio-
                                                                                                   be  here  and  from now  on  lence  and  human  traffick-
                                                                                                   it’s  our  obligation  to  make  ing.”
                                                                                                   a  similar  effort  to  thank  “Here  in  Colombia  and  in
                                                                                                   him  for  everything  he  has  the world, millions of people
                                                                                                   done.”                       are still being sold as slaves;
                                                                                                   Once  recovered,  Francis  they  either  beg  for  some
                                                                                                   visited  the  St.  Peter  Claver  expressions  of  humanity,
                                                                                                   church,  where  he  praised  moments of tenderness, or
                                                                                                   the 17th century missionary  they flee by sea or land be-
                                                                                                   for  having  recognized  the  cause they have lost every-
                                                                                                   inherent  dignity  of  slaves.  thing, primarily their dignity
                                                                                                   Francis,  known  for  his  own  and their rights,” he said.
                                                                                                   simple  and  austere  style,  Like  Claver,  history’s  first
                                                                                                   said  Claver  was  “austere  Latin  American  pope  has
                                                                                                   and charitable to the point  insisted  on  ministering  to
                                                                                                   of heroism.”                 society’s most marginal. He
                                                                                                   Claver,  the  self-described  takes  special  care  of  the
            Pope  Francis  greets  the  faithful  with  a  bruise  on  his  face  after  he  knocked  his  head  on  the   “slave  of  the  slaves  forev-  homeless  who  live  around
            popemobile, in Cartagena, Colombia, Sunday, Sept. 10, 2017. Vatican spokesman Greg Burke   er,”  has  been  revered  by  the  Vatican,  makes  regu-
            said that “The pope is fine” but has “a bruise on his cheekbone and eyebrow.           Jesuits,  popes  and  human  lar phone calls to prisoners,
                                                                         (Alberto Pizzoli/Pool via AP)  rights campaigners for cen-  brought a dozen Syrian ref-
            By NICOLE WINFIELD           be sold during Spanish co-   eye and a cut on his eye-    turies for having insisted on  ugees home with him from
            Associated Press             lonial times.                brow  that  dripped  blood  treating  slaves  as  children  a  Greek  refugee  camp,
            CARTAGENA,         Colom-    Francis’  visit  to  Cartagena  onto his white cassock.   of God and worthy of love  and embraces the sick, the
            bia  (AP)  —  Pope  Francis  got  off  to  a  rocky  start,  The  cut  was  quickly  ban-  when  others  considered  maimed and the deformed
            wrapped  up  his  Colombia  however, when he banged  daged  with  a  butterfly  them mere merchandise to  every chance he gets.
            trip with a deeply personal  his  head  on  his  popemo-  patch  and  Francis  carried  be bought and sold.         He  has  also  strongly  de-
            final  day  Sunday  honoring  bile  when  it  stopped  short  on  without  incident  with  In a prayer Sunday in front  nounced current-day slave
            St.  Peter  Claver,  a  fellow  amid  swarms  of  well-wish-  his  program.  Devotees  re-  of  Claver’s  church,  Fran-  trade,  calling  human  traf-
            Jesuit  who  ministered  to  ers.  Francis,  who  only  had  acted  to  the  wound  with  cis  said  the  legacy  of  the  ficking a crime against hu-
            hundreds  of  thousands  of  a hip-high bar to hold onto,  a  mix  of  amazement  and  Spanish  priest  should  serve  manity  and  leading  other
            African  slaves  who  arrived  lost  his  balance  and  suf-  concern.                 as a model for the Catholic  faith leaders to take a unit-
            in the port of Cartagena to  fered  a  bruised,  black  left  “This  holy  blood  is  staying  Church today to “promote  ed stand against it.q

             Brazil businessman turns himself into police in graft probe

             By SARAH DiLORENZO          Temer.                       Operation Car Wash, con-     Janot also has said he plans  from  those  who  thought
             Associated Press            Earlier this year, Temer was  tinues  to  churn  out  new  to file more charges against  they were too lenient.
             SAO PAULO (AP) — The for-   charged with corruption for  allegations  on  almost  a  Temer. To do so, he’ll need  Janot  said  last  week  that
             mer chairman of the world’s  allegedly  orchestrating  a  daily  basis.  Just  this  week  to act in the coming days  he is investigating whether
             largest meatpacker, whose  scheme in which he would  the  country’s  chief  pros-     since  his  terms  ends  on  Batista  and  other  coop-
             testimony  implicated  Bra-  get  payouts  totaling  mil-  ecutor, Rodrigo Janot, filed  Sept. 18.                 erating  witnesses  omitted
             zil’s president in corruption,  lions  of  dollars  for  helping  charges  against  three  for-  But the specter that Batista  some   information   from
             turned  himself  in  to  police  JBS resolve a business issue.  mer presidents and several  and  others  withheld  infor-  their testimony and he has
             Sunday after the country’s  Temer  denies  wrongdo-      other  powerful  politicians,  mation  could  cast  a  pall  threatened  to  revoke  the
             Supreme Court ordered his  ing, and Congress voted in  accusing  them  of  forming  over  the  Car  Wash  inves-   deals if they didn’t tell the
             arrest.                     August  that  he  would  not  criminal  organizations  to  tigation,  which  has  relied  whole truth. The revelation
             Joesley Batista has avoided  stand  trial  on  the  charge  pilfer  from  public  coffers,  heavily  on  plea  bargain  came  after  Janot’s  office
             prosecution  under  a  plea  while in office.            and  authorities  detained  deals, a fairly new innova-   received  audio  of  a  con-
             bargain  deal  in  which  he  But Brazil’s sprawling probe  a  former  Cabinet  minister  tion  here.  Many  in  Brazil  versation  between  Batista
             described how meatpack-     into  the  massive  trade  in  and close ally of Temer af-  are uneasy with the agree-  and  Ricardo  Saud,  an  ex-
             ing  giant  JBS  had  bribed  bribes and kickbacks for fa-  ter  $16  million  in  cash  was  ments, in general, and the  ecutive  at  J&F  Investimen-
             dozens  of  politicians,  in-  vors  between  companies  found  in  an  apartment  deals  JBS  executives  got  tos,  the  holding  company
             cluding  President  Michel  and  politicians,  known  as  linked to him.              provoked  specific  outrage  that controls JBS.q
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