P. 13
Monday 11 SepteMber 2017
Oruba: ‘Our Local Musicians Have a Lot of Potential’
ORANJESTAD- On the road
to Caribbean Sea Jazz Fes-
tival 2017 -that is on for 15
and 16 September-, Aruba
Today has the opportunity
to introduce to you one of
the local bands that make
part of this event. Oruba
is a group of musicians,
brought together by Reno
Since a while, Steba had in
his mind to form a group of
local artists and he made
this dream reality in 2012.
“The musicians we have in
the band now complete
Oruba since last year. We
have Johnny Scharbaay at
piano, Lidrick Solognier on
tambu, Ipi Martis playing
cuarta, Arthur Kelly plays
the wiri, Serghio Jansen
at guitar, Susjaira Kerpens played around Christmas sure. It is a way of connec-
and Darien Quandus form time. Johnny Scharbaay tion we would like to set as
the vocalist duo, Jeremy used to be Steba’s piano an example for others too”,
Bonariba hits the drums student when he was a says Steba.
and myself at the banjo.” kid and drummer Jeremy’s
dad is a good friend of Ste- Aruba on the Map
Connected Generations ba since way back. Oruba There was a need for a
Most of them know each is actually a mix of several group artists that present
other since a long time al- generations, which makes Aruba abroad, is Steba’s
ready. Like Ipi Martis and it a group for everybody. A opinion. “I played for 30
Steba who already played group with a heart for mu- years abroad, and was al-
gaita together. Gaita is sic and Aruba and –also im- ways presented as Reno
That was my trigger to from their work at night and
form a group out of these danced and sang togeth-
talents, so we can pres- er at the sounds of tambu
ent us in this way abroad.” and cuarta.” Steba also
The other reason to form played music at Morocco
this band is to cherish and and encountered some
honor the authentic Aru- musical elements that fit
ban sounds. “I can recruit perfect in Aruba’s music
artists from Holland or other style, for instance the parts
countries, but it will not be with the banjo. Also music
the same as they do not vibes from Curacao are
know our local instruments inserted, coming originally
as local artists do.” from Africa. You might see
the band’s music as a fu-
Fusion of Sounds sion of several elements
The style of their music is in- which makes it a unique
fluenced by several sounds sound. “The name of the
coming from the history and band, Oruba, refers to the
heritage of Aruba’s music. Indians that were the first in-
There is an Indian influence, habitants of the island and
better known as Caiquetio named like that.
and Arawak. “I did some Oruba will perform 15th of
music that derives origi- portant- with an extensive Steba from Aruba. I played research and so far there September at the stage of
nally from Venezuela, but offer of instruments. “The at all festivals in Aruba and is no recording of the typi- the Caribbean Sea Jazz
has gotten more and more older musicians stimulate I noticed that local musi- cal Caiquetionan music. Festival. More information:
popular here and mixed the younger ones and the cians are growing and be- We do know they were Facebook Caribbean Sea
with Aruban flavors it is younger ones inspire us for coming more professional. fishermen that came back Jazz.q