P. 9

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 11 SepteMber 2017
            Stateless Mikheil Saakashvili breaks through into Ukraine

                                                                      The  border  breakthrough  violence.                      through.  After  passing  the
                                                                      at   the   Medyka-Shehyni  He then traveled to the Pol-   Polish  checkpoint,  he  was
                                                                      crossing point on the Polish-  ish  city  of  Przemysl,  where  confronted  by  cars  block-
                                                                      Ukrainian border came af-    he boarded a train bound  ing  the  road  and  a  single
                                                                      ter a day of drama and re-   for the western Ukraine city  line  of  guards  in  camou-
                                                                      peatedly changing plans.     of  Lviv.  But  the  train  was  flage, carrying batons.
                                                                      Saakashvili  had  intended  held at the station for hours  The crowd approached the
                                                                      to  travel  through  another  —  and  then  announced  line of guards and eventu-
                                                                      crossing  point,  where  hun-  that it would not leave with  ally  began  shoving,  then
                                                                      dreds  of  supporters  had  a person who had no per-      broke  through.  Supporters
                                                                      gathered  on  the  Ukrainian  mission to enter Ukraine.   who had gathered on the
                                                                      side.  But  he  changed  his  Saakashvili  and  his  entou-  Ukrainian  side  rushed  for-
                                                                      plans  at  midday  Sunday,  rage  eventually  got  off  ward  to  greet  Saakashvili
                                                                      claiming  fears  that  provo-  the  train  and  took  buses  and the crowd proceeded
                                                                      cateurs  on  the  Ukrainian  to  the  Medyka  crossing,  toward the Ukrainian town
                                                                      side  were  gearing  up  for  where Polish guards let him  of Shehyni on foot.q
            Former  Georgian  President
            and  former  Ukraine  official,
            Mikheil  Shaakashvili  speaks
            on  a  mobile  phone  in  the
            south-eastern city of Rzeszow,
            Poland,  Sunday,  Sept.  10,
            2017,  before  setting  off  in  an
            attempt  to  return  to  Ukraine
            although  both  his  Ukrainian
            and Georgia passports are no
            longer valid.
                       (AP Photo/Czarek
            By DMYTRO VLASOV
            Associated Press
            SHEHYNI,  Ukraine  (AP)  —
            Mikheil  Saakashvili  and  a
            small  crowd  of  supporters
            shoved  their  way  through
            a  line  of  guards  on  the
            Ukrainian  border  Sunday,
            making good on the politi-
            cian’s vow to return to the
            land that had stripped him
            of citizenship.
            The  return  of  the  divisive
            and  headstrong  Saakash-
            vili, who became governor
            of Ukraine’s Odessa region
            after being Georgian presi-
            dent from 2004-13, poses a
            strong challenge to Ukraini-
            an Petro Poroshenko, who
            once was Saakashvili’s pa-
            tron  but  then  revoked  his
            citizenship in July.
            Saakashvili was appointed
            to the Odessa post in 2015
            on  the  strength  of  his  re-
            cord of fighting corruption
            in Georgia.
            However  he  resigned  the
            post  after  only  18  months,
            complaining  that  official
            corruption  was  so  en-
            trenched  he  could  not
            work effectively.
            The  return  also  carries  risk
            for Saakashvili, who is state-
            Georgia,  where  he  faces
            accusations  of  abuse  of
            power  and  misappropria-
            tion  of  property,  has  sent
            an  extradition  request  for
            him  to  Ukraine.  It  is  not
            clear  if  Ukraine  intends  to
            honor that request.
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