P. 6
Monday 11 SepteMber 2017
California officers’ gunshot wounds result of friendly fire
HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. Both officers were released with non-life-threatening in-
(AP) — Bullet wounds suf- from the hospital after be- juries.
fered by two California po- ing treated for minor inju- A preliminary investigation
lice officers responding to a ries sustained during the found the officers “were
report of a man with a knife confrontation in Huntington injured by friendly fire,” ac-
were the result of gunfire Beach on Thursday. cording to a statement by
between the officers, au- The suspect, who was also the Orange County Sher-
thorities said. shot, remained hospitalized iff’s Department.
A detective stops for a moment to look again at the scene where
two officers and one suspect were hospitalized after a call for
a man with a knife turned into an officer-involved shooting in
Huntington Beach, Calif., Thursday, Sept. 7, 2017.
(Ken Steinhardt/The Orange County Register via AP)
They were called to a resi- cer was struck in the lower
dential neighborhood in extremities, and the other
the coastal city south of higher in the body, officials
Los Angeles for a report of said. A knife was recovered
a man with a knife slashing at the scene.
tires. The suspect’s name was
During a confrontation with not released.
the suspect, at least one The Sheriff’s Department is
of the officers opened fire, investigating the incident
striking him. Both officers to avoid any appearance
were hit as well. One offi- of a conflict of interest.q
Homeowner facing charges in
shooting that injured officer
WHITEHALL, Pa. (AP) — The Saturday and called 911
owner of a vacant Pennsyl- when he thought he heard
vania home that had been footsteps. Shortly after, two
burglarized faces charges officers entered through
after police say he appar- an open basement door,
ently suspected someone but as they approached
was breaking into the prop- the staircase leading to the
erty again, called 911 and first floor, Sturtevant fired a
then shot a police officer shot down into the base-
who responded. ment, Martin said. “It ap-
William Sturtevant, 46, said pears that he mistook the
he mistook Whitehall Town- officers for the burglars that
ship police officers for bur- he anticipated encounter-
glars returning to the home, ing, but keep in mind that
where someone had stolen this was an unoccupied
copper pipes a day earlier, house and he used deadly
authorities said. force in an effort to protect
Lehigh County District At- property, which you can’t
torney Jim Martin said Stur- do,” Martin said, referring
tevant was either sleeping to the defendant’s actions
or hiding in the home early as those of a “vigilante.”q