P. 8

A8    world news
              Monday 11 SepteMber 2017

                $  10

            Former UK leader advises immigration curbs instead of Brexit

            By GREGORY KATZ                                                                                                     ticians  know  that  leaving
            Associated Press                                                                                                    the EU is a grave error that
            LONDON  (AP)  —  Former                                                                                             will cause deep economic
            Prime  Minister  Tony  Blair  is                                                                                    hardship but feel “trapped”
            not giving up his campaign                                                                                          by  the  referendum  vote
            to prevent Britain from leav-                                                                                       and as a result are support-
            ing the European Union, us-                                                                                         ing Brexit even though they
            ing  a  Sunday  Times  article                                                                                      don’t believe in it.
            to  propose  that  Britain  in-                                                                                     His proposal is based on the
            stead  toughen  its  rules  on                                                                                      concept that the will of the
            EU immigration.                                                                                                     people  can  be  respected
            The  outspoken  Brexit  op-                                                                                         if EU immigration is substan-
            ponent  says  reducing  im-                                                                                         tially cut both by a series of
            migration from EU countries                                                                                         new rules and by negotia-
            into  Britain  would  satisfy                                                                                       tions with EU leaders.
            many  who  voted  in  favor                                                                                         Blair’s  proposal  would  re-
            of  Brexit  in  the  June,  2016                                                                                    quire EU immigrants to reg-
            referendum  without  sub-                                                                                           ister  upon  arrival  in  Britain
            jecting  the  country  to  the                                                                                      so  officials  can  find  out
            economic  havoc  it  would                                                                                          whether  they  find  jobs  or
            face if it leaves the 28-na-                                                                                        study. It would also require
            tion bloc.                                                                                                          EU nationals to prove they
            Blair,  who  led  the  Labour                                                                                       have  a  confirmed  job  of-
            Party to three consecutive   In this Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016 photo, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair is interviewed in   fer before they can settle in
            electoral  victories,  admits   New York. The longtime Brexit opponent said Sunday, Sept. 10, 2017, that controlling immigration   Britain, and ban those with-
            his  government  okayed      from other EU countries would satisfy the British public’s demands without having to take Britain out   out permission from renting
            the  open  door  policy  that   of the 28-nation bloc.                                          (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  property,  opening  a  bank
            brought  many  eastern  Eu-  to Brexit unless we confront  when  it  involves  conserva-  finalized, which is expected  account,  or  claiming  ben-
            ropeans to Britain after their  the  underlying  causes  of  tive Muslims — raising ques-  early in 2019.           efits.
            countries  joined  the  EU  in  it,”  Blair  said,  conceding  tions of cultural integration.  His  predecessor,  former  In  addition,  it  would  make
            2004. He said times — and  that  the  referendum  vote  Blair’s  intervention  comes  Prime  Minister  John  Major  it  harder  for  immigrants
            economic  conditions  —  showed a widespread feel-        as  Parliament  prepares  to  of  the  Conservative  Party,  to  qualify  for  the  National
            have  changed,  making  ing  that  unchecked  immi-       vote Monday on a Brexit bill  has also warned about the  Health  Service  and  al-
            it  mandatory  for  stiff  new  gration was forcing wages  that would eventually con-  negative consequences of  low  universities  to  charge
            controls to be put in place.  down,  straining  public  ser-  vert large swaths of EU law  Brexit.                  EU  nationals  higher  tuition
            “There can be no change  vices,  and  —  particularly  into British law once Brexit is  Blair said many senior poli-  rates.q

            Merkel, other German leaders dismiss Turkish travel warning

            BERLIN  (AP)  —  Chancellor  and  racist  rhetoric  before  Other  strains  include  local  tices.”                 with the European Union.
            Angela  Merkel  and  other  Germany’s  Sept.  24  elec-   German  authorities’  refus-  During a televised pre-elec-  On  Sunday,  Merkel  reject-
            senior  German  politicians  tion in the warning it circu-  al earlier this year to allow  tion  debate  a  week  ago,  ed the premise of the Turk-
            on Sunday dismissed a trav-  lated Saturday.              rallies  by  Turkish  politicians  Merkel said Turkey was de-  ish  travel  warning,  news
            el warning for their country  The  countries  are  at  odds  ahead  of  a  referendum  parting  from  democratic  agency dpa reported.
            issued by Turkey amid per-   over   Turkey’s   detention  on  the  Turkish  president’s  practices  at  “breakneck  “I  want  to  say  very  clearly
            sistent  tensions  between  of  at  least  10  Germans  on  powers. In response, Turkish  speed.”   Her   center-left  here that every Turkish citi-
            the two nations.             what Berlin considers politi-  President  Recep  Tayyip  Er-  challenger,  Martin  Schulz,  zen  can  travel  to  us,”  she
            Turkey’s  Foreign  Ministry  cal  grounds,  among  them  dogan  accused  Germany  said he would seek to end  said at a rally in Delbrueck
            cited  increased  right-wing  two journalists.            of  “committing  Nazi  prac-  Turkey’s  membership  talks  in western Germany.q
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