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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 11 SepteMber 2017

            Suspect in 4 slayings in Massachusetts to appear in court

                                                                                                   Neighbor Wagner Alcocer,
                                                                                                   52,  unwittingly  became  a
                                                                                                   witness  when  the  suspect
                                                                                                   showed  up  at  his  back
                                                                                                   door,  naked  and  muddy,
                                                                                                   that  evening  and  calmly
                                                                                                   told  Alcocer  he  “just  mur-
                                                                                                   dered  four  people,”  ac-
                                                                                                   cording to Alcocer.
                                                                                                   Alcocer  told  The  Associat-
                                                                                                   ed Press that the suspect’s
                                                                                                   eyes  were  “very  red”  and
                                                                                                   he  had  cuts  on  his  body
                                                                                                   and  blood  above  his  eye
                                                                                                   and knee but was unarmed
                                                                                                   and seemed vulnerable.
                                                                                                   “He  looked  like  a  nice  kid
                                                                                                   who needed help, he was
                                                                                                   skinny (and) tall.
                                                                                                   I  thought  he  was  the  vic-

            In this Friday, Sept. 8, 2017, photo, police officers take Orion Krause, covered in a white sheet,   tim  of  the  prank,  or  in  an
            to a police vehicle in Groton, Mass. The 22-year-old recent Oberlin College graduate and jazz   accident or had a mental
            drummer from Maine will face murder charges Monday in the slayings of four adults found at a   health problem.
            Massachusetts home.                                                     (Courtesy via AP)  He  wasn’t  bleeding  pro-
            By CRYSTAL HILL              miles (69 kilometers) north-  violence”  but  it’s  unclear  fusely  or  anything,”  Alco-
            BOSTON (AP) — A 22-year-     west of Boston, the Middle-  how Krause is related to the  cer said.q
            old recent Oberlin College  sex district attorney’s office
            graduate  and  jazz  drum-   said Sunday.
            mer  from  Maine  will  face  Town police found the man
            murder  charges  Monday  and  two  of  the  women
            in the slayings of four adults  dead inside the house and
            found  at  a  Massachusetts  the  other  woman’s  body
            home.                        outside  on  Friday  night.
            Orion  Krause,  of  Rockport,  The victims’ have yet to be
            Maine  is  scheduled  for  ar-  identified.
            raignment  in  Ayer  District  Middlesex  District  Attor-
            Court  in  connection  with  ney  Marian  Ryan  said  the
            the  deaths  of  an  elderly  victims  appeared  to  have
            man and woman and two  died of blunt force trauma.
            middle-aged  women  in  She called the situation “a
            Groton,  a  town  about  43  tragic  incident  of  family

            Metal band members arrested
            in connection with kidnapping

            SPOKANE,  Wash.  (AP)  —  tended  the  heavy  metal
            The four members of a well-  concert, Fuller said.
            known  Polish  death  metal  Band  members  were  ar-
            band  have  been  arrested  rested  by  the  Los  Angeles
            on suspicion of kidnapping  County  Sheriff’s  Office  af-
            a  woman  after  a  concert  ter  their  Friday  night  con-
            last  month  in  Washington  cert  in  Santa  Ana,  Fuller
            state, authorities said.     said.  They  are  27-year-
            The members of the band  old  Michal  M.  Lysejko,
            Decapitated     were    ar-  35-year-old Waclaw J. Kiel-
            rested  early  Saturday  in  tyka,  31-year-old  Rafal  T.
            Santa  Ana,  California,  on  Piotrowski, and 30-year-old
            suspicion  of  kidnapping  a  Hubert E. Wiecek.
            woman after their Aug. 31  All are Polish citizens.
            concert  in  Spokane,  Spo-  “After they finished playing,
            kane  Police  Department  they were kind of hanging
            spokeswoman  Cpl.  Teresa  out,” Santa Ana police Sgt.
            Fuller said in a statement.  Javier Aceves told the Or-
            The woman told police just  ange  County  Register  on
            before  2  a.m.  on  Sept.  1  Saturday.
            about the alleged kidnap-    “There  was  nothing  dra-
            ping  by  the  band  mem-    matic.”
            bers, Fuller said.           They are being held in the
            The  band  had  performed  Los  Angeles  County  Jail
            at a concert in downtown  and will face extradition to
            Spokane.    The  woman  at-  Spokane, Fuller said.q
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