P. 7

                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 11 SepteMber 2017

            Wildfire smoke clearing in US West as storms move through

            By KEITH RIDLER                                                                                                     fires  on  Friday  to  burn  fuel
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ahead  of  the  blaze  and
            BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Storms                                                                                          have  greatly  reduced  the
            brought cooler and wetter                                                                                           danger of the fire’s spread
            weather  into  the  Western                                                                                         to the north.
            and  Northwestern  U.S.  this                                                                                       Officials  say  the  fire  has
            weekend,  breaking  up  a                                                                                           burned  in  a  mosaic  pat-
            temperature  inversion  that                                                                                        tern, and some areas with-
            had  blanketed  much  of                                                                                            in the perimeter of the fire
            the region with acrid smoke                                                                                         have trees that should sur-
            from dozens of wildfires.                                                                                           vive, keeping at least some
            Officials  at  the  National                                                                                        of the scenic gorge green.
            Interagency  Fire  Center
            in  Boise  said  this  weekend                                                                                      CALIFORNIA
            they  expected  fire  activ-                                                                                        A wildfire burning for more
            ity  to  decrease  over  the                                                                                        than two weeks in far north-
            next several weeks. Center                                                                                          western  California  contin-
            spokeswoman  Kari  Cobb                                                                                             ues  to  chew  through  tim-
            says  air  quality  should  im-                                                                                     ber even as crews increase
            prove  as  the  smoke-trap-                                                                                         containment.
            ping inversion breaks up.                                                                                           Officials said Saturday that
            “We  should  see  it  lifting                                                                                       the  blaze  near  Helena,  a
            more today,” she said Sat-   In this Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2017, photo, neighbors watch a wildfire burn through residential areas   rural  community  that  was
            urday.                       near the mouth of Weber Canyon near Ogden, Utah.                                       once  a  19th  century  min-
            “It’s predicted to be mostly                                               (Benjamin Zack/Standard-Examiner via AP)  ing  camp,  has  consumed
            gone by tomorrow in most  kilometer)  fire  near  Lincoln   the  border  into  Canada  A wildfire burning in the Co-  nearly  32  square  miles  (83
            of the West.”                toward them.                 late last month with flames  lumbia River Gorge Nation-   square kilometers) of forest.
            The  center  says  there  are                             fueled by heavy dead and  al  Scenic  Area  is  holding  It’s  40  percent  contained.
            67 active large wildfires be-  IDAHO                      down timber.                 at  about  52  square  miles  Evacuation  orders  remain
            ing fought.                  At  least  four  high  school   Officials say the fire is about  (135 square kilometers) but  in place for several homes.
            A  look  wildfires  across  the  football  games  were  can-  40  percent  contained  but  residents  in  communities  In  Central  California,  a  fire
            region:                      celled  Friday  and  another   rugged  terrain  is  hamper-  in  three  counties  remain  on  the  western  edge  of
                                         13 postponed due to smoke    ing firefighting efforts.    under  evacuation  notices  the Sierra is half contained
            MONTANA                      from wildfires that the state   About  200  firefighters  are  and those in other commu-  after  burning  nearly  40
            Firefighters in drought-strick-  Department of Health and   assigned to that fire.     nities have been told to be  square miles (102 square ki-
            en Montana used sprinklers  Welfare  said  was  so  bad                                ready to flee.               lometers) of dry brush and
            and  hoses  on  Saturday  to  children  and  teens  should   OREGON                    Officials  say  firefighters  set  trees near Springville.q
            try  to  protect  strategic  lo-  be kept indoors and activi-
            cations  near  some  of  the  ties like football and soccer
            over  two  dozen  wildfires  avoided.
            burning  in  the  state  that  Some of those games were
            have  forced  more  people  rescheduled  for  Saturday,
            from their homes.            and  state  officials  said  air
            A  “rain  for  rent”  system  quality  conditions  had  im-
            was  being  used  in  Glacier  proved  enough  that  they
            National  Park,  including  lifted a statewide Air Qual-
            around  Lake  McDonald  ity Forecast and Caution.
            Lodge, to increase humid-    IOfficials  say  the  fire  on
            ity  in  the  immediate  area.  Saturday  had  consumed
            That   means     firefighters  about  126  square  miles
            were  using  sprinklers  to  re-  (326 square kilometers).
            charge  a  swamp  on  the
            perimeter of a 176-square-   WASHINGTON
            mile (456-square-kilometer)  A          165-square-mile
            fire  burning  near  Seeley  (427-square-kilometer)
            Lake. About a dozen peo-     wildfire  burning  within  the
            ple were ordered to evac-    Pasayten Wilderness about
            uate  their  homes  Friday  12  miles  (19  kilometers)
            night after very warm and  north  of  Mazama  is  the
            dry  conditions  pushed  a  largest  wildfire  in  Washing-
            37-square-mile  (93-square-  ton  state.  It  also  crossed
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