P. 10

              Monday 11 SepteMber 2017

            Russian envoy visits Saudi Arabia for Syria, Gulf talks

            By ABDULLAH AL-SHIHRI        policy, visited Russia in May
            AYA BATRAWY                  to  boost  ties  between  the
            Associated Press             world’s two top oil produc-
            RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP)  ers.
            — The Saudi king and Rus-    Saudi  Arabia’s  state  news
            sia’s  foreign  minister  met  agency  said  the  monarch
            in Saudi Arabia on Sunday  and  Lavrov  discussed  the
            ahead of a possible visit by  wars in Syria and Yemen, as
            the monarch to Russia next  well as an Arab diplomatic
            month.                       crisis with Qatar.
            King  Salman  greeted  Ser-  Russia  and  Saudi  Ara-
            gey  Lavrov  at  his  summer  bia  back  warring  sides  in
            palace in the Red Sea city  Syria’s  conflict,  with  the
            of  Jiddah  before  the  Rus-  kingdom  supporting  Sunni
            sian  envoy’s  meeting  with  rebel  groups  fighting  the
            Crown    Prince   Moham-     Syrian  government,  which
            med bin Salman. The king’s  is backed by Moscow and
            32-year-old son and heir to  Shiite-ruled  Iran.  In  a  brief
            the  throne,  who  oversees  press   conference    with
            Saudi energy and defense  Saudi Foreign Minister Adel

                                                                      In this photo released by Saudi Press Agency, SPA, Saudi King Salman, right, receives the Russian
                                                                      Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at Al-Salam Palace in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, Sunday Sept. 10, 2017.
                                                                                                                                  (Saudi Press Agency via AP)
                                                                      al-Jubeir  in  Jiddah,  Lavrov  the  region,  where  he  met  June, but the call only led
                                                                      said  Russia  supports  Saudi  with  leaders  in  Kuwait,  the  to  further  public  squab-
                                                                      Arabia’s efforts to unite the  United  Arab  Emirates  and  bling.  Saudi  Arabia,  the
                                                                      Syrian  opposition  into  one  Qatar.                     UAE,  Bahrain  and  Egypt
                                                                      group.                       Over  the  weekend,  Saudi  cut ties with Qatar over its
                                                                      Lavrov is scheduled to visit  Arabia’s crown prince and  ties with Islamist groups and
                                                                      Jordan  next.  Last  month,  Qatar’s  ruling  emir  spoke  relations with Iran. The four
                                                                      the  Arab  diplomatic  crisis  for  the  first  time  since  a  also  accuse  Qatar  of  sup-
                                                                      with Qatar drew Lavrov to  diplomatic crisis erupted in  porting extremist groups.q
                                                                      Iraq holding hundreds of IS family members

                                                                      By BALINT SZLANKO            sul,  Iraqi  security  officials  and  Syria  to  live  in  the  IS
                                                                      SALAR SALIM                  said. The officials spoke on  group’s  self-styled  Islamic
                                                                      Associated Press             condition  of  anonymity  in  caliphate.  The  territory  un-
                                                                      MOSUL,  Iraq  (AP)  —  Iraqi  keeping with military proto-  der their control has rapidly
                                                                      forces  are  holding  more  col.                          shrunk  over  the  past  two
                                                                      than  1,300  foreign  women  They   say   the   women  years  as  Iraqi  and  Syrian
                                                                      and  children,  the  families  and  children  will  not  be  forces  have  retaken  sev-
                                                                      of Islamic State fighters, at  charged  with  crimes  and  eral cities and towns.
                                                                      a camp for displaced peo-    will likely be repatriated to  “We couldn’t practice our
                                                                      ple in northern Iraq.        their home countries. Most  religion  in  Azerbaijan.  We
                                                                      The  1,333  individuals,  from  hail from Central Asia, Rus-  couldn’t wear the niqab (a
                                                                      14  countries,  surrendered  sia  and  Turkey,  but  the  veil  that  covers  the  face)
                                                                      to Kurdish forces at the end  group also includes people  because  there  were  in-
                                                                      of August after an Iraqi of-  from as far away as Japan  telligence  officers  every-
                                                                      fensive  drove  the  extrem-  and South Korea.            where,”  said  Feyruza,  who
                                                                      ist group from the northern  Tens  of  thousands  of  for-  is  originally  from  Dagestan
                                                                      town of Tal Afar, near Mo-   eigners  traveled  to  Iraq  in Russia.q
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