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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 2 december 2017

            AP: Conservatives            At Press Time:
            rebel against GOP            GOP nears Senate OK of tax bill after flurry of deals
            plan on shutdown

            By ANDREW TAYLOR                                                                                                    fore opposition Democrats
            Associated Press                                                                                                    and lobbying groups could
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Hard-                                                                                             blow it up. The party views
            right  conservatives  are  re-                                                                                      passage  as  crucial  to  re-
            belling  against  a  plan  by                                                                                       taining  its  House  and  Sen-
            House  GOP  leaders  for  a                                                                                         ate majorities in next year’s
            two-week  reprieve  from  a                                                                                         elections.
            possible  government  shut-                                                                                         Democrats derided the bill
            down next week.                                                                                                     as a GOP gift to its wealthy
            Speaker  Paul  Ryan  and                                                                                            and business backers at the
            other  GOP  leaders  want                                                                                           expense  of  lower-earning
            to  set  a  new  government                                                                                         people.  They  contrasted
            shutdown  deadline  just                                                                                            the bill’s permanent reduc-
            prior  to  Christmas  to  give                                                                                      tion  in  corporate  income
            time  for  talks  with  Demo-                                                                                       tax  rates  from  35  percent
            crats on the budget, hurri-                                                                                         to 20 percent to individual
            cane relief and other unfin-                                                                                        tax breaks that would end
            ished  business.  Right  now,                                                                                       in 2026.
            Washington faces a Dec. 8                                                                                           Congress’      nonpartisan
            deadline.                                                                                                           Joint  Committee  on  Taxa-
            But  conservatives  said  Fri-                                                                                      tion  has  said  the  bill’s  re-
            day that they fear the new                                                                                          ductions  for  many  families
            Dec.  22  deadline  means                                                                                           would be modest and said
            they’ll  get  legislation  they                                                                                     by  2027,  families  earning
            don’t like jammed through.   Telling reporters “we have the votes,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., walks to the   under  $75,000  would  on
            Democrats  won’t  commit     chamber after a closed-door meeting with Republican lawmakers to advance the stalled GOP   average  face  higher,  not
            to  helping  the  GOP  pass   overhaul of the tax code, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Friday, Dec. 1, 2017.        lower, taxes.
            the  two-week  funding  bill.                                                          (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)  “Every  time  the  choice  is
            They want assurances that    By ALAN FRAM                 erty taxes.                  nosaur on the fiscal issues,”   between corporations and
            immigrants brought illegal-  MARCY GORDON                 Party  leaders  hoped  for  said  Sen.  Bob  Corker,  R-  families,  the  Republicans
            ly to the U.S. as children will   Associated Press        Senate  approval  later  Fri-  Tenn., the only announced   choose corporations,” said
            be  given  protection  from   WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Re-    day on a measure that fo-    GOP  opponent,  who  bat-    Senate  Minority  Leader
            deportation  —  and  many    publicans  used  a  burst  of  cuses the bulk of its tax re-  tled  to  keep  the  measure   Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.
            insist that it pass this year.  eleventh-hour  horse-trad-  ductions on businesses and  from worsening the govern-  The  bill  hit  rough  waters
            If Democrats don’t provide   ing  Friday  to  edge  a  $1.4  higher-earning  individuals,  ment’s  accumulated  $20   Thursday  after  the  Joint
            the votes to prevent a shut-  trillion tax bill to the brink of  gives  more  modest  breaks  trillion in IOUs.     Taxation panel concluded
            down,  Republicans  would    Senate passage, as a party  to others and would be the  The  Republican-led  House     it  would  worsen  federal
            have to pass a temporary     starved  all  year  for  a  ma-  boldest  rewrite  of  the  na-  approved  a  similar  bill  last   shortfalls  by  $1  trillion  over
            spending  bill,  known  as  a   jor  legislative  triumph  took  tion’s tax system since 1986.  month in what has been a   a decade, even when fac-
            “continuing resolution,” on   a giant step toward giving  Republicans  touted  the  stunningly swift trip through   toring in economic growth
            their own.                   President  Donald  Trump  package  as  one  that  Congress           for   legislation   that  lower  taxes  would
            Majority Leader Kevin Mc-    one  of  his  top  priorities  by  would  benefit  people  of  that  impacts  the  breadth   stimulate.
            Carthy  insists  “it’ll  be  fine”   Christmas.           all  incomes  and  ignite  the  of American society and is   Trump  administration  of-
            and that they want to get    “We have the votes,” Sen-    economy.  Even  an  official  hundreds of pages long.     ficials  and  many  Republi-
            all the work done.           ate  Majority  Leader  Mitch  projection  of  a  $1  trillion,  After  spending  the  year’s   cans  have  insisted  the  bill
            “Look, two weeks isn’t very   McConnell, R-Ky., declared  10-year  flood  of  deeper  first  nine  months  futilely   would pay for itself by stim-
            long,”  said  McCarthy,  R-  after leaders swayed hold-   budget  deficits  couldn’t  trying  to  repeal  President   ulating the economy.
            Calif. “We want to keep up   out  senators  by  agreeing  dissuade  nearly  all  GOP  Barack  Obama’s  health       But   the   sour   projec-
            the pressure up.”            to fatten tax breaks for mil-  senators  from  rallying  be-  care  law,  GOP  leaders   tions  stiffened  resistance
            But  conservatives  fear  a   lions  of  businesses  and  let  hind the bill.          were determined to move      from  some  deficit-averse
            torrent  of  spending  bills   people deduct local prop-  “Obviously I’m kind of a di-  the  measure  rapidly  be-  Republicans.q
            and  legislation  to  shore
            up  Obamacare  insurance
                                 issues  Trump denies Tillerson out as US secretary
            markets,  and  also  worry
            that   immigration
            would be addressed in the
            year-end crunch.             By MATTHEW LEE               tivities, including two meet-  tweet  was  Trump’s  stron-  for  a  previously  scheduled
            “I  am  a  hard  no  on  any   AP Diplomatic Writer       ings  with  Trump,  the  presi-  gest endorsement of his top  meeting.  On  Friday,  Tiller-
            (continuing     resolution)   WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-    dent  said  his  secretary  of  diplomat since senior White  son attended two meetings
            ending the week of Christ-   dent  Donald  Trump  on  Fri-  state is “not leaving.” “The  House officials on Thursday  at  the  White  House  with
            mas,”  said  Rep.  Louie     day  denied  he  wants  to  media has been speculat-      began    telling   reporters  Trump  —  one  with  Libya’s
            Gohmert,  R-Texas.  “That    oust Secretary of State Rex  ing that I fired Rex Tillerson  that  a  plan  had  been  de-  visiting  prime  minister  and
            tells me that they have an   Tillerson,  calling  reports  to  or that he would be leaving  vised  to  push  Tillerson  out  then a lunch with the presi-
            absolutely horrible bill that   that effect “fake news,” as  soon  -  FAKE  NEWS!”  Trump  and  replace  him  with  CIA  dent  and  Defense  Secre-
            they  want  to  try  to  jam   his  top  diplomat  brushed  tweeted. “He’s not leaving  chief  Mike  Pompeo.  Im-   tary  James  Mattis.  Before
            through.”                    off  speculation  that  he  and  while  we  disagree  on  mediately  after  reports  of  those  meetings,  Tillerson
            With  the  additional  two   has lost the confidence of  certain subjects, (I call the  the  plan  emerged,  Trump  told  reporters  at  the  State
            weeks, congressional lead-   the  White  House.  As  Tiller-  final shots) we work well to-  offered  only  tepid  support  Department  that  specula-
            ers  in  both  parties  hope   son went about his normal  gether and America is high-  for Tillerson, noting only that  tion he was on his way out
            that talks over spending.q   schedule of diplomatic ac-   ly  respected  again!”The  he was at the White House  was “laughable.”q
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