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A4   U.S. NEWS
              Saturday 2 december 2017
            Attack siren blares in Hawaii for first time since Cold War

            By CALEB JONES                                                                         includes a nuclear attack,"   sites and media stories.
            JENNIFER KELLEHER                                                                      Gov.  David  Ige  said  this   The  test  comes  the  same
            Associated Press                                                                       week, adding that the pos-   week  that  North  Korea
            HONOLULU  (AP)  —  A  siren                                                            sibility of a strike is remote.  fired  a  powerful  nuclear-
            blared across Hawaii on Fri-                                                           Ige said the new test will en-  capable  intercontinental
            day for the first time since                                                           sure the public knows what   ballistic  missile  it  calls  the
            the end of the Cold War in                                                             they  should  do  in  case  of   Hwasong-15, leading ana-
            an effort to prepare tourists                                                          an  imminent  attack.  If  a   lysts  to  conclude  the  na-
            and residents for a possible                                                           missile  is  launched,  resi-  tion  has  made  a  jump  in
            nuclear  attack  from  North                                                           dents  and  tourists  would   its  missile  capability.  The
            Korea.                                                                                 have  less  than  20  minutes   weapon  would  have  a
            The state is the first to bring                                                        to  take  shelter,  officials   range  of  more  than  8,100
            back  the  Cold  War-era                                                               said.                        miles  (13,000  kilometers),
            warning  system,  Hawaii                                                                                            easily  reaching  the  U.S.
            emergency  management                                                                  Vern  Miyagi,  administra-   mainland.
            officials  said.  The  wailing   A Hawaii Civil Defense Warning Device, which sounds an alert   tor  for  Hawaii  Emergency
            siren  sounded  for  a  min-  siren during natural disasters, is shown in Honolulu. The alert   Management   Agency,   Hawaii  is  one  of  the  clos-
            ute  after  the  usual  testing   system is tested monthly, but on Friday Hawaii residents heard   said the state delayed the   est  states  to  North  Korea,
            of the steady alert for tsu-  a new tone designed to alert people of an impending nuclear   test for a month to let peo-  and  its  large  military  pres-
            namis  and  other  natural   attack by North Korea.                                    ple know it would be hap-    ence  could  make  it  more
            disasters  that  Hawaii  resi-                                 (AP Photo/Caleb Jones)  pening.  Hawaii  turned  to   of  a  target.  The  island  of
            dents are used to hearing.                                                             public  service  announce-   Oahu is home to U.S. Pacif-
            There  was  little  reaction   test sounded like a distant   perative  that  we  be  pre-  ments  on  TV  and  radio,   ic Command, the military's
            from  people  on  famous     siren.                       pared  for  every  disaster,   town  hall  meetings,  infor-  headquarters for the Asia-
            Waikiki  Beach,  where  the   "We  believe  that  it  is  im-  and  in  today's  world,  that   mation  on  agency  web-  Pacific region. q

             Postal regulators move to let stamp prices jump higher

             By HOPE YEN                 tually  add  millions  more   Service's  stamp  rates.  It   The   commission's   plan   as  upgraded  information
             Associated Press            dollars to companies' ship-  concluded  that  the  post   would  give  the  Postal  Ser-  technology and new deliv-
             WASHINGTON      (AP)   —    ping  rates  from  prescrip-  office's  mounting  red  ink   vice  freedom  to  raise  the   ery trucks.
             Seeking  to  bolster  the  ail-  tion  drugs  to  magazine   from declining mail volume   price of its first-class stamp,   The  post  office  could  also
             ing  U.S.  Postal  Service,   subscriptions.             and  costs  from  its  pension   now at 49 cents, by an ad-  tack on another 1 percent
             federal  regulators  moved   The   Postal   Regulatory   and  health  care  obliga-   ditional  2  percent  above   to the stamp price if it met
             on  Friday  to  allow  bigger   Commission   announced   tions hamper the ability to   the rate of inflation to help   certain  standards  for  "op-
             jumps to stamp prices be-   the  decision  as  part  of  a   provide  reliable  mail  and   avoid   bankruptcy   and   erational  efficiency"  and
             yond  the  rate  of  inflation,   much-anticipated,   10-  package  service  in  the   make  needed  multi-billion   quality service.
             a  move  that  could  even-  year  review  of  the  Postal   digital age.             dollar  investments,  such   In  all,  that  could  translate
                                                                                                                                to  an  increase  of  up  to
                                                                                                                                a  few  cents  each  year,
                                                                                                                                depending  on  rates  of  in-
                                                                                                                                flation,  compared  with
                                                                                                                                roughly  1  cent  per  year
                                                                                                                                previously. The new pricing
                                                                                                                                system  would  be  in  place
                                                                                                                                for  at  least  the  next  five
                                                                                                                                Businesses    immediately
                                                                                                                                voiced  objections,  calling
                                                                                                                                the regulatory plan "disap-
                                                                                                                                "The   more-than-doubling
                                                                                                                                over  5  years  at  current  in-
                                                                                                                                flation  rates  proposed  by
                                                                                                                                the  commission  would  be
                                                                                                                                harmful  to  postal  custom-
                                                                                                                                ers and the Postal Service,"
                                                                                                                                said  Art  Sackler,  manager
                                                                                                                                of  the  Coalition  for  a  21st
                                                                                                                                Century  Postal  Service,  a
                                                                                                                                broad  trade  group  that
                                                                                                                                includes  mailers  such  as
                                                                                                                                Amazon  and  the  National
                                                                                                                                Retail  Federation.  He  said
                                                                                                                                higher  stamp  rates  could
                                                                                                                                drive  more  price-sensitive
                                                                                                                                consumers  to  online  com-
                                                                                                                                munications,   decreasing
                                                                                                                                postal revenue further.
                                                                                                                                "Once mail leaves, it rarely
                                                                                                                                comes back," he said.q
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