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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 2 december 2017

                                                                                 DAILY FROM 4PM TILL 6:30PM

            Germany: Suspicious parcel held nails, powder, firecracker

            By DAVID RISING                                                                                                     the parcel.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    The  Christmas  market  was
            BERLIN (AP) — German po-                                                                                            evacuated to allow explo-
            lice  evacuated  a  popular                                                                                         sives experts to secure the
            Christmas  market  in  the                                                                                          device  and  destroy  it  in
            city  of  Potsdam  on  Friday                                                                                       place outside the pharma-
            before  destroying  a  suspi-                                                                                       cy in Potsdam, the capital
            cious package containing                                                                                            of  the  state  of  Branden-
            nails  and  an  unidentified                                                                                        burg, just outside of Berlin.
            powder in a controlled ex-                                                                                          Residents of the street were
            plosion, officials said.                                                                                            told to stay in the back of
            There  were  no  injuries  re-                                                                                      their homes while the pro-
            ported  in  the  evacuation                                                                                         cedure was carried out.
            or demolition of the pack-                                                                                          "The evaluation and analy-
            age, which authorities said                                                                                         sis  is  just  beginning  now,"
            did not appear to include                                                                                           Schroeter said. "If it was re-
            a fuse or other parts for a                                                                                         ally explosive or if it was a
            detonation.    Potsdam  po-                                                                                         fake  or  a  dummy,  we  will
            lice  said  it  was  too  soon                                                                                      only  know  through  further
            who  may  have  been  re-                                                                                           investigation."
            sponsible.                   Police close the streets around a Christmas market after a suspicious object was found in Pots-  Christmas  markets  are  ex-
            Police  were  alerted  at    dam, eastern Germany, Friday, Dec. 1, 2017.                                            tremely  popular  in  Ger-
            about 2:30 p.m. (1330 GMT;                                                               ( Julian Staehle/dpa via AP)  many and have increased
            8:30  a.m.  EST)  after  the                                                                                        security  this  year  following
            package was delivered to                                                                                            the deadly truck attack at
            a  pharmacy  on  the  same   Meyritz wasn't immediately   vice.                        ister  Karl-Heinz  Schroeter,   a market in downtown Ber-
            street  as  the  Christmas   available to provide further   Police said later on Twitter   said  it  also  held  a  large   lin last December.
            market, police spokesman     details, but told the news-  that the package included    firecracker  without  a  fuse,   In  that  case,  a  Tunisian
            Peter Meyritz told the Pots-  paper  that  the  package   "a  cylindrical  object  with   Germany's   dpa   news    man hijacked a truck and
            damer  Neueste  Nachrich-    measured  about  40  centi-  cables, batteries and nails   agency reported on Friday   drove  it  into  a  crowded
            ten newspaper. Wires and     meters  by  50  centimeters   but at this point no ignition   night.                   market,  killing  12  people
            other  items  that  aroused   (16  inches  by  20  inches)   device has been found."   Schroeter told reporters at   in  an  attack  that  was  lat-
            suspicion  were  found  in-  and was apparently deliv-    Brandenburg state's top se-  the scene earlier that nails   er  claimed  by  the  Islamic
            side, he said.               ered  by  a  messenger  ser-  curity  official,  Interior  Min-  and a powder were inside   State group. q

            Dutch autopsy shows dead war criminal had cyanide in system

            By MIKE CORDER               Public  Prosecutor's  Office   via  confirmed  his  20-year   tors.                    mains unclear how Praljak,
            Associated Press             said in a statement.         sentence for crimes during   The announcement came        who was in custody before
            THE  HAGUE,  Netherlands     The cyanide caused heart     the 1992-95 Bosnian war.     after  Croatia's  justice  min-  the  hearing,  obtained  the
            (AP)  —  A  former  Croatian   failure,  which  investiga-  He was pronounced dead     ister  raised  doubts  about   substance  and  managed
            general  who  died  after    tors  "pointed  out"  as  the   at a nearby hospital a little   whether security and med-  to smuggle it into the court-
            swallowing a liquid at a war   72-year-old  Praljak's  "sus-  while later.             ical staff at the tribunal re-  room.
            crimes hearing in the Neth-  pected  cause  of  death,"   Meanwhile, the United Na-    sponded  quickly  enough     The  tribunal's  review  will
            erlands had cyanide in his   according to the prosecu-    tions  tribunal  ordered  an   when  Praljak  raised  the   begin  next  week  and  be
            system,  Dutch  prosecutors   tor's statement.            independent  review  of  its   bottle  to  his  lips  with  a   led  by  Hassan  Jallow,  a
            said  after  an  autopsy  was   On  Wednesday,  Praljak   "internal operations" follow-  trembling  right  hand  and   former prosecutor with the
            performed Friday.            drank  from  a  small  bottle   ing  the  dramatic  event  in   consumed its contents.  U.N.'s  Rwanda  war  crimes
            Preliminary  results  from  a   that  he  said  contained   its  courtroom.  The  tribunal   Before  the  toxicological   tribunal. It aims to file a re-
            toxicological test revealed   poison  seconds  after  an   said  its  review  was  meant   test  results  came  back,   port by Dec. 31, when the
            "a concentration of potas-   appeals judge at the U.N.'s   to complement the ongo-     Dutch  prosecutors  had      tribunal  formally  closes  its
            sium cyanide" in Slobodan    International Criminal Tribu-  ing investigation of Praljak's   confirmed  the  bottle  car-  doors,  having  completed
            Praljak's  blood,  the  Hague   nal for the former Yugosla-  death  by  Dutch  prosecu-  ried a toxic chemical. It re-  all its cases.q
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