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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 2 december 2017
             Falklands: Red Cross ID's 88 Argentine troop remains

            BUENOS  AIRES,  Argentina                                                              tion process of 121 graves   the  multinational  team  of
            (AP)  —  A  team  of  foren-                                                           was  highly  successful.  But   14 experts exhumed, ana-
            sic  experts  led  by  the  In-                                                        it did not specify what will   lyzed, sampled and docu-
            ternational  Committee  of                                                             happen  to  rest  of  the  un-  mented the remains of the
            the  Red  Cross  said  Friday                                                          identified bodies.           unidentified  soldiers  from
            that it has identified the re-                                                         "We  are  pleased  that  we   June  20-Aug.  7.  The  re-
            mains  of  88  Argentine  sol-                                                         can now match names to       mains were collected from
            diers  buried  in  a  Falklands                                                        many  of  the  unidentified   graves with the inscription,
            Islands cemetery after the                                                             soldiers,  providing  answers   "Soldado  Argentino  solo
            1982 war.                                                                              to  many  of  the  families   conocido por Dios," mean-
            Argentina  lost  a  brief  but                                                         who  have  been  waiting     ing:  Argentine  soldier  only
            bloody conflict with Britain                                                           for news for over three de-  known to God.
            after  Argentine  troops  in-                                                          cades,"  said  Dominik  Still-  In all, the war claimed the
            vaded  the  South  Atlantic                                                            hart, director of operations   lives of 649 Argentines and
            archipelago.  Both  coun-                                                              at  the  International  Com-  255 British soldiers.
            tries  reached  a  deal  in   This June 20, 2017 photo shows at work an unidentified mem-  mittee of the Red Cross.
            December 2016 to identify    ber of the team led by the IRC to identify the soldiers buried at                      The South American coun-
                                         the Argentine Darwin memorial cemetery on Falkland Islands,
            the  remains  of  the  fallen   or Malvinas Islands.                                   Argentine  authorities  will   try  still  claims  the  islands
            soldiers.                                   (International Committee of the Red Cross/AP)  announce the results con-  that  it  calls  the  Malvinas.
            The forensic report was pre-                                                           fidentially to the families of   Britain  says  the  Falklands
            sented  to  Argentine  and   Red Cross headquarters in    Red  Cross  said  in  a  state-  the fallen soldiers.     are a self-governing entity
            British  delegations  at  the   Geneva,  Switzerland.  The   ment  that  the  identifica-  The  Red  Cross  said  that   under its protection.q

             Caribbean Public Health Agency CARPHA Observes World AIDS Day

             (CARPHA)                    lic  health  issue.    To  end   (CSO) by providing techni-  governmental   agencies   support  the  needs  of  their
             PORT OF SPAIN - The Carib-  HIV transmission, the focus   cal support in the develop-  as ‘unsafe’ or intimidating.   communities  is  enhanced,
             bean  remains  the  sub-re-  should  be  on  HIV  combi-  ment of a technical brief to   Building  the  capacity  of   there  is  an  increased  po-
             gion with the second high-  nation  prevention,  early   be delivered to ministries of   CSOs  in  developing  tech-  tential for the collection of
             est  estimated  adult  HIV   detection  and  access  to   health.”                    nical  briefs  was  seen  as   evidence-based  informa-
             prevalence  (1.3%  Adults   antiretroviral treatment.      It  was  noted  that  public   an  important  initiative  as   tion  to  inform  policy  and
             15-49 years, 2016[1]). Avail-  CARPHA has spent the last   health  professionals  do   CSOs  can  be  very  strong   advocacy.
             able  data  indicates  that   three years identifying ac-  not  always  leverage  KP   representatives,  allies  and   “We  have  made  great
             new infections in the Carib-  tivities that focus on reduc-  communities’   ability   to   gatekeepers for KPs. When   strides  and  need  to  con-
             bean appear to be stabiliz-  ing the impact of HIV/AIDS   improve  their  health,  in   their  ability  to  collect  and   tinue combining our efforts
             ing (0.47/1,000 population,   on key populations (KP) by   addition,  the  CSOs  can   analyze    data/informa-    if  we  want  to  End  AIDS,”
             20161),  and  AIDS  deaths  identifying and addressing   reach KPs that may regard    tion  for  the  development   stated Dr. Hospedales. q
             are decreasing. Neverthe-   the  barriers  that  KPs  living   ministries  and  other  non-  of  technical  papers  that
             less,  challenges  remain,   with  HIV  must  overcome
             and  key  populations  such  to obtain adequate health
             as  female  sex  workers,   care.
             transgender  persons,  men   Dr  Cheryl  Jones,  Behav-
             who  have  sex  with  men  ioural  Scientist  at  CARPHA
             and  young  persons,  con-  explains  “The  approach
             tinue  to  be  disproportion-  for  addressing  this  issue  is
             ately  affected  by  the  HIV   multifaceted and includes
             epidemic.                   building  capacity  and  a
             Caribbean  Public  Health  detailed  understanding  of
             Agency  (CARPHA)  Execu-    the  needs  of  KPs  among
             tive Director, Dr. C. James   health  educators,  health
             Hospedales  said  “While  care service providers and
             high  incidences  of  HIV   communities  of  KPs.    The
             persist  among  key  popu-  initial focus was to gain in-
             lations,  significant  gains   put from health promotion
             have  been  made  in  pre-  specialists  in  CMS  on  the
             vention  in  the  Region.    Six  development  of  a  region-
             CARPHA  Member  States      al  behavioural  sciences
             (CMS)  have  been  recog-   agenda  that  seeks  to  re-
             nized by the World Health   duce  the  impact  of  HIV/
             Organization (WHO) for the  AIDS and all related public
             dual elimination of Mother   health  concerns  in  the  re-
             to Child Transmission of HIV   gion.  Secondly,  clinicians
             and Syphilis.”              from five CMS participated
             The  theme  for  World  AIDS  in a workshop that sought
             Day  2017  is  Everybody    to  facilitate  clinician  cen-
             Counts.  End  AIDS.  Ob-    tered  behaviour  change
             served  every  year  on  De-  along the HIV Cascade of
             cember  1st,  World  AIDS   Care.  Thirdly,  the  most  re-
             Day  calls  for  increased   cent  and,  perhaps,  most
             awareness,      education  telling  phase  has  been
             and  greater  understand-   building  the  capacity  of
             ing of HIV as a global pub-  civil  society  organizations
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