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              Saturday 2 december 2017
            Top Syrian envoy blasts ‘irresponsible’ opposition comments

            By JAMEY KEATEN              Assad’s future.              to  run  through  Dec.  15,  He  touted  a  “12  points”  in  released  the  document
            BASSEM MROUE                 Speaking  to  reporters  in  with  a  weekend  break.  the  works  that  could  lead  called  “12  Living  Intra-
            Associated Press             Geneva,  Bashar  Ja’afari  Speaking  at  the  first  news  to a “shared vision of what  Syrian  Essential  Principles”
            GENEVA  (AP)  —  The  head  said his team will be leaving  conference   since   talks  Syria  could  look  like”  after  for  post-war  life  in  the
            of    Syria’s   government  the  Swiss  city  on  Saturday,  began  Wednesday  with  6-1/2 years of war that has  country.  It  was  distributed
            delegation     on    Friday  and  that  Damascus  will  the  arrival  of  the  Syrian  claimed  at  least  400,000  to  the  government  and
            blasted  the  opposition  for  decide   whether     the  government          envoys,  lives.                        opposition  delegations  in
            statements  made  ahead  delegation         will   return  he  cited  a  “serious  and  Ja’afari   said   that   the  Geneva.  The  statement
            of the current round of talks  Tuesday  to  continue  the  professional”  atmosphere  government       delegation  said    de    Mistura   has
            in  Geneva,  saying  there  talks.                        between  the  opposition  had  put  forward  in  March  requested  the  delegations
            can be no progress in light  The  U.N.’s  Syria  envoy,  and             government  a  12-point  plan,  which  he  to  further  reflect  upon
            of  such  “provocative  and  Staffan  de  Mistura,  said  delegations,  and  pointed  said  de  Mistura  had  kept  and  offer  responses  to  the
            irresponsible”   statements  Thursday  that  the  current  to  a  lack  of  trust  as  “the  tucked “in his pocket.”  document  when  the  talks
            relating to President Bashar  round  of  peace  talks  is  biggest obstacle.”          On Friday, de Mistrua’s office  resume next week. q

            Myanmar’s Suu Kyi meets China’s Xi as Rohingya censure grows

                                                                                                   over the last few months in  potential  for  future  coop-
                                                                                                   what the U.N. and the U.S.  eration  through  a  “China-
                                                                                                   say is a campaign of ethnic  Myanmar  economic  cor-
                                                                                                   cleansing by Myanmar.        ridor,”  state  broadcaster
                                                                                                   Suu Kyi, who spent 15 years  CCTV reported.
                                                                                                   under  house  arrest  during  Suu  Kyi’s  visit  comes  just  a
                                                                                                   the  nation’s  military  rule,  week  after  Min  Aung  Hla-
                                                                                                   has  come  under  wide-      ing,  the  commander  of
                                                                                                   spread  criticism  for  not  Myanmar’s military, held his
                                                                                                   speaking out against the vi-  own talks with Xi in Beijing.
                                                                                                   olence. But she was warmly  Myanmar’s  army  remains
                                                                                                   welcomed in China, Myan-     politically powerful and the
                                                                                                   mar’s   friendly   northern  civilian government has no
                                                                                                   neighbor,  including  when  control  over  certain  areas
                                                                                                   she met with Chinese Presi-  such  as  defense  and  na-
                                                                                                   dent Xi Jinping on Friday.   tional security.
                                                                                                   Suu  Kyi  spoke  at  a  gath-  Analysts  said  Beijing  has
                                                                                                   ering  of  political  parties  likely won greater leverage
                                                                                                   hosted  by  China’s  ruling  over  Myanmar  by  helping
                                                                                                   Communist  Party  and  said  shield  it  from  criticism  over
                                                                                                   her  National  League  for  the Rohingya crisis.
                                                                                                   Democracy-led      govern-   “Myanmar  has  leaned  to-
                                                                                                   ment  “has  made  progress  ward  China  because  of
            Myanmar’s civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi, right, meets Natsuo Yamaguchi, President of New   in  its  endeavors  to  create  international  criticism  and
            Komeito Party of Japan at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, Friday, Dec. 1, 2017. Myanmar’s   a peaceful, stable and har-  condemnation  on  Myan-
            civilian  leader  Aung  San  Suu  Kyi,  facing  growing  international  criticism  over  her  country’s
            persecution of Rohingya Muslims, said Friday her government has made progress in creating a   monious society.”     mar  over  the  crisis,”  said
            peaceful society but acknowledged that “much still remains to be done.”                “But  much  still  remains  to  prominent  Myanmar  politi-
                                                                     (Fred Dufour/Pool Photo via AP)  be done,” she added.      cal analyst Yan Myo Thein.
            By CHRIS BODEEN              her  country’s  persecution  still remains to be done.”   China  has  avoided  criti-  Beijing  immediately  saw
            Associated Press             of  Rohingya  Muslims,  said  In remarks on a visit to Bei-  cizing  the  crisis  and  state  that  the  crisis  provided  an
            BEIJING (AP) — Myanmar’s  Friday her government has  jing, Suu Kyi did not directly  media  did  not  say  wheth-   opportunity for China to re-
            civilian  leader  Aung  San  made  progress  in  creating  address  the  crisis  that  has  er  the  issue  was  discussed  structure a relationship that
            Suu Kyi, facing growing in-  a peaceful society but ac-   seen  more  than  620,000  during her meeting with Xi.  stalled  after  Myanmar  be-
            ternational  criticism  over  knowledged  that  “much  Rohingya  flee  the  country  The two leaders hailed the  gan opening.q

            Philippines puts dengue immunization program on hold

            MANILA,  Philippines  (AP)  by  the  Strategic  Advisory  Health  launched  last  year  health  authorities  to  up-  People  who  catch  den-
            — The Philippines on Friday  Group of Experts on immu-    its 3.5 billion peso ($69.5 mil-  date  information  provided  gue  more  than  once  can
            put on hold its dengue im-   nization,  an  advisory  body  lion)  public  dengue immu-  to physicians and patients.  be at risk of a hemorrhagic
            munization  program,  the  of  the  World  Health  Orga-  nization drive — the world’s  The   analysis   confirmed  version of the disease. The
            world’s first, after new find-  nization.                 first such program.          Dengvaxia  provides  persis-  mosquito-spread disease is
            ings by the vaccine manu-    More  than  730,000  pub-    Sanofi  said  Wednesday  tent  protective  benefit  in  found  in  tropical  and  sub-
            facturer  that  severe  cases  lic  school  children  aged  9  that  an  analysis  based  on  those who had prior infec-  tropical  climates  world-
            of dengue can occur in the  and  above  in  three  highly  up  to  six  years  of  clinical  tion, Sanofi said.     wide. It causes a flu-like dis-
            longer  term  among  those  endemic Philippine regions  data  showed  that  in  the  For  those  who  were  not  ease  that  can  cause  joint
            vaccinated  without  prior  have received at least the  longer  term,  more  cases  previously  infected  by  the  pain, nausea, vomiting and
            infection.                   first dose of Dengvaxia, the  of severe dengue can oc-    dengue  virus,  the  analy-  a rash.
            Health Secretary Francisco  first  licensed  dengue  vac-  cur  following  vaccination  sis  found  that  vaccination  In  severe  cases,  dengue
            Duque  III  said  further  rec-  cine    manufactured  by  among  people  who  have  prevented severe illness for  can cause breathing prob-
            ommendation  will  be  re-   France-based  Sanofi  Pas-   not  had  previous  dengue  at  least  30  months,  Duque  lems,  hemorrhaging  and
            leased  on  Dec.  12  or  13  teur.  The  Department  of  infection.    It  said  it  will  ask  told reporters.    organ failure.q
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