Page 13 - aruba-today-20171202
P. 13

                                                                                                                           Saturday 2 december 2017

            For our sponsors & readers:

            You Give, We Give and They Receive

            ORANJESTAD  -  Aruba  To-    ter  or  a  nice  meal  to  the  The Gifts:               base.                        At  the  same  time  they
            day  is  the  only  English  elderly in their senior citizen  Please  contact  our  sales  Facebook: casmariecentro  avoid  waste  of  food  and
            newspaper  distributed  in  facility  for  this  special  holi-  department  for  more  de-  di  encuentro  pa  persona  products.
            the  island  of  Aruba.  Six  day.                        tails  at:  +297  597-7801  or  cu demencia y nanfamia    Facebook:  Fundacion  Pa
            days  in  a  week  we  bring  It  is  your  choice  to  join  in!  email:   linda.reijnders@                        Nos   Comunidad     (FPNC
            a  well-picked  selection  of  What do you do? Simple: if                   3. Casa Cuna Progreso        Aruba)
            United  States,  international  you have a company, book                               Casa  Cuna  Progresois  a
            and local news. We have a  an ad with us (minimum ¼  The Foundations:                  children’s  home  society  5.     Eliezer   Foundation
            heart for the newspaper, as  page) and we grant a half                                 that  accommodates  36  Greenvalley  Farm  -  Detox
            well as for the island and its  page to one of the below  1. Ambiente Feliz            children and offers care to  & Rehab
            people.                      selected foundations. Your  A  family  replacing  home  children seven days a week
                                         name  will  be  on  the  top  for  about  20  adult  clients  from day to night. Based on  Eliezer  is  Hebrew  for:  ‘God
            At  the  end  of  the  year  of  the  article  as  being  the  with a mental disability. The  the  idea  that  every  child  helps’, and that is the base
            there is  always  this  time  of  sponsor of this half page.   foundation  offers  24-hours  has  the  right  to  have  se-  of this detox & rehab cen-
            reflection and you may feel  Our  journalist  will  write  a  care in a warm, well-heart-  curity,  love,  attention  and  ter.
            softer. That is what we call  nice article where the foun-  ed  ambiance.  That  is  also  structure.               Actually  it  is  a  care  farm
            the  holiday  spirit,  but  it  is  dation  is  presented  and  the meaning of ‘Ambiente-  Facebook:  Stichting  Casa  where  drug-  and  alcohol
            actually  your  true  self  tak-  where readers can donate  Feliz’: Happy Ambiance.    Cuna Progreso - SCCP         addicts are not only being
            ing time to stand still.     for  this  good  cause.  If  you  Facebook:  stichtingambi-                            helped to end their addic-
            Our company stands still as  are a reader, keep an eye  entefeliz                      4.  Fundacion  Pa  Nos  Co-  tion, but also learn to grow
            well and realizes it is time to  on Aruba Today the follow-                            munidad                      and cultivate crops as well
            give  some  space  to  those  ing weeks as we will present  2. Cas Marie               A foundation that supports  as  take  care  of  animals.
            who  make  efforts  for  oth-  a  selection  of  foundations  This is a day care for people  vulnerable groups and vol-  The  couple  that  run  the
            ers:  foundations  for  good  to you that really make the  with dementia. Cas Marie is  untary initiatives in the Aru-  farm  are  wonderful,  open-
            causes.  Especially  with  the  difference  and  can  need  a  homey  place  where  el-  ban  community.  FPNC’s  hearted  people  that  see
            holidays  knocking  on  the  your  help.  You  give,  we  derly  people  with  demen-  major  project  is  the  na-  the addicts as their family.
            door  there  are  places  on  give and they receive. Let’s  tia  problems  will  find  daily  tional  Food  Bank;  storage  Facebook:  Eliezer  Funda-
            the island that can use our  all help a little bit.       happiness  in  connecting  for food products, clothing,  cionq
            help.  To  give  a  Christmas                             with each other and doing  furniture  and  other  basic
            toy to the child in the shel-                             activities  on  a  structured  needs articles.
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