P. 10

                   Friday 6 OctOber 2017
            Syria:                                                                                                              Tunisia:

            Red Cross warns hospitals hit as fighting escalates                                                                 No sign Marseille
                                                                                                                                knife attacker had
            By BASSEM MROUE                                                                                                     any extremist link
            NATALIYA VASILYEVA                                                                                                  By BOUAZZA BEN BOUAZZA
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Associated Press
            BEIRUT  (AP)  —  Intensified                                                                                        TUNIS,  Tunisia  (AP)  —  Tu-
            fighting  in  Syria  in  recent                                                                                     nisia’s  prime  minister  said
            weeks has damaged more                                                                                              Thursday  his  government
            hospitals,  with  at  least  10                                                                                     has  no  evidence  that  the
            medical  facilities  hit  over                                                                                      Tunisian  who  stabbed  two
            the past 10 days and hun-                                                                                           women  to  death  in  Mar-
            dreds  of  thousands  of                                                                                            seille  had  links  to  any  ex-
            people cut off from health                                                                                          tremist group.
            care,   the   International                                                                                         Meeting  Thursday  with  his
            Committee  of  the  Red                                                                                             French  counterpart  in  Tu-
            Cross said on Thursday.                                                                                             nis,  Tunisian  Prime  Minis-
            The  escalation  in  fighting                                                                                       ter  Youssef  Chahed  con-
            has  also  forced  hundreds                                                                                         demned  Sunday’s  attack,
            of schools across the coun-                                                                                         saying  “there  is  no  justifi-
            try to suspend classes over                                                                                         cation  for  such  barbaric
            the  past  two  weeks,  with                                                                                        acts.”
            teachers  sending  children   This photo, shows Abu Mohammed al-Golani, second right, then leader of Fatah al-Sham Front,   French  Prime  Minister  Ed-
            home  in  terror  as  bombs   in pictures posted by the group, discussing battlefield details in Aleppo, Syria. Russia’s military   ouard Philippe said the two
            and shells fall nearby, Save   announced Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2017, that it carried out airstrikes in Syria this week that critically   countries  agreed  to  work
                                         wounded al-Golani. Writing in Arabic banner reads, “Sheik Abu Mohammed al-Golani inspects
            the Children said.           military development and discusses them with military commanders as part of the battle for lifting   more  closely  together  on
            The violence has been the    the siege off Aleppo.”                                                                 security and responding to
            worst  the  war-torn  coun-                                                                    (Militant UGC via AP)  terror attacks and radical-
            try has seen since govern-   ment forces and rival insur-  mittee, in the northwestern  around  the  northern  prov-  ization.
            ment  forces  captured  the   gent  groups.  The  violence  province  of  Idlib  for  two  ince  of  Raqqa  and  in  the   Chahed  said  they  would
            rebel-held  eastern  part    is  also  taking  place  in  de-  days  and  on  Wednesday  eastern  region  of  Deir  el-  notably focus on “prevent-
            of  the  city  of  Aleppo  last   escalation  zones  that  are  killed  seven  militant  com-  Zour  are  receiving  over   ing the risks inherent in the
            December.  ICRC  said  it’s   part  of  a  deal  reached  in  manders  and  dozens  of  1,000 women, children and   return of terrorists from hot
            alarmed by reports of hun-   the  Kazakh  capital  of  As-  fighters  at  a  militant-con-  men  every  day,  the  state-  spots.”
            dreds  of civilian  casualties   tana  between  Iran,  Turkey  trolled  air  base,  the  Rus-  ment said.           French  authorities  have
            and the destruction of hos-  and Russia.                  sian  Defense  Ministry  said  Syrian  troops  and  the  U.S.-  identified  the  Marseille  at-
            pitals and schools.          Russia’s  military  also  said  Thursday.  At  the  time,  the  backed Syrian Democratic   tacker as Ahmed Hanachi,
            “We have seen an increas-    the leader of an al-Qaida-   ministry  quoted  military  in-  Forces  have  been  gaining   a 29-year-old Tunisian.
            ingly worrying spike in mili-  linked  group  in  Syria  who  telligence  as  saying  that  ground  from  the  Islamic   He  was  killed  by  soldiers
            tary  operations  that  cor-  was reportedly wounded in  al-Golani  had  been  criti-  State  group  in  both  prov-  soon  after  the  stabbings
            relates  with  high  levels  of   a Russian airstrike this week  cally   wounded.However,  inces over the past months.   at Marseille’s Saint Charles
            civilian  casualties,”  said   had  fallen  into  a  coma.  the  al-Qaida-linked  group  Their  separate  but  simul-  station,  which  left  two
            Marianne Gasser, head of     The military offered no evi-  denied its leader had been  taneous  attacks  have  led   young  cousins  dead  after
            ICRC’s delegation in Syria.  dence  on  the  purported  wounded, saying he was in  thousands  of  people  to        a  weekend  birthday  cel-
            Fighting  has  been  espe-   condition  of  Abu  Moham-   excellent health and carry-  flee IS-held areas that have   ebration.
            cially  heavy  in  recent    med al-Golani.               ing on his tasks as usual.   come  under  intense  air-   The so-called Islamic State
            weeks  in  central,  northern   Russian  jets  bombed  posi-  With  swelling  numbers  of  strikes by Russian warplanes   group claimed responsibil-
            and eastern Syria between    tions  of  the  militant  group,  civilians   fleeing   military  and  those  of  the  U.S.-led   ity, saying he responded to
            Russian-backed     govern-   the Levant Liberation Com-   operations,  some  camps  coalition.q                     their calls to mete out ven-
                                                                                                                                geance  for  international
            Iraq says it has retaken one of IS’s last strongholds                                                               military  operations  against

            By PHILIP ISSA               country.                     Kurdish state anytime soon,  about  the  escalating  dis-  the group in Syria and Iraq.
            ANGELA CHARLTON              Al-Abadi  made  the  dec-    was  rejected  as  illegal  by  pute.  He  said  France  sup-  Hanachi  watched  videos
            Associated Press             laration  at  a  news  confer-  the  Baghdad  government  ports the territorial integrity   of  Islamic  chants  on  You-
            BAGHDAD  (AP)  —  Iraqi  ence  in  Paris  with  French  as well as neighboring Tur-    of Iraq and called for “na-  Tube  but  they  have  not
            Prime  Minister  Haider  al-  President  Emmanuel  Ma-    key and Iran.                tional reconciliation and in-  found  firm  links  between
            Abadi  announced  Thurs-     cron,  who  has  offered  to  Iraq’s  central  government  clusive  governance,”  not-  Hanachi and IS or signs that
            day  that  Iraqi  forces  have  help  mediate  between  has  imposed  a  flight  ban  ing  France’s  close  ties  to   he  was  radicalized.  Five
            driven  the  Islamic  State  Iraq’s government and the  on the Kurdish region, while  the Kurds.                    people suspected of help-
            group from one of the ex-    autonomous  Kurdish  re-     Turkey  and  Iran  have  sent  He  said  dialogue  “is  the   ing  Hanachi  have  been
            tremists’  last  strongholds  in  gion, which voted for inde-  troops  to  the  land-locked  only path” out of the crisis,   arrested.While  French  au-
            the  country,  the  northern  pendence last week.         region’s  borders  to  signal  and  said  France  is  ready   thorities  describe  Hanachi
            town of Hawija.              “I  want  to  announce  the  their  opposition  to  any  re-  “to  contribute  actively  to   as  a  mysterious  illegal  mi-
            The victory came as Bagh-    liberation  of  the  city  of  drawing of the map.        mediation.”                  grant and IS calls him one
            dad  and  Iraq’s  Kurdish  re-  Hawija  today,”  al-Abadi  Turkish  President  Recep  Despite  the  political  wran-  of  its  “soldiers,”  neighbors
            gion  remain  in  a  political  said,  calling  it  a  “victory  Tayyip  Erdogan  on  Thurs-  gling,  the  Kurdish  forces,   in  the  working  class  Tuni-
            deadlock following a con-    not just for Iraq but for the  day appeared to threaten  known  as  the  Peshmerga,    sian  neighborhood  where
            troversial  Kurdish  indepen-  whole world.”              a  blockade  of  the  Kurdish  and  the  Iraqi  army  have   Hanachi  grew  up  paint  a
            dence referendum. But on  Still,  Abadi’s  government  region, saying: “All airspace  kept  up  coordination  in    different  picture.They  de-
            the  battlefield  Iraqi  and  is struggling to contain the  will  be  closed,  flights  have  the  Hawija  area  as  the   scribe  a  fisherman  with  a
            Kurdish  forces  continue  fallout  from  the  indepen-   already  been  banned.  ...  last  pockets  of  IS  territory   history  of  drug  problems,
            to  collaborate,  squeezing  dence  vote,  which,  while  Soon  the  borders  will  be  are  retaken,  U.S.  coalition   abandoned  by  his  wife
            the  jihadis  who  once  con-  not binding or expected to  closed too.”                spokesman Ryan Dillon told   and with no outward signs
            trolled nearly a third of the  lead to the formation of a  Macron expressed concern  The Associated Press.q         of radicalization. q
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