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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 6 OctOber 2017
            New wave of protest leaders emerged after Ferguson

            By JIM SALTER                                                                                                       franchise,  became  ac-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    tive in Ferguson “from day
            ST.  LOUIS  (AP)  —  Young                                                                                          one”  after  Brown’s  death.
            people thrust into activism                                                                                         He emerged as a quiet but
            by  the  fatal  police  shoot-                                                                                      charismatic  leader  and
            ing  of  Michael  Brown  in                                                                                         decided to run for the Mis-
            Ferguson  are  leading  a                                                                                           souri House. He beat an in-
            new wave of civil disobedi-                                                                                         cumbent in the 2016 Dem-
            ence in St. Louis, mentored                                                                                         ocratic  primary  and  won
            by a civil rights movement                                                                                          easily in November.
            veteran and driven by the                                                                                           Besides  selling  insurance
            belief  that  change  won’t                                                                                         and serving as a politician,
            happen until the entire re-                                                                                         he has battle rapped using
            gion is confronted with the                                                                                         the  stage  name  “Ooops.”
            uncomfortable  reality  of                                                                                          Franks  also  is  founder  of
            racism.                                                                                                             an  organization  aimed  at
            Protests  have  been  plen-                                                                                         reducing  gun  violence,
            tiful  in  St.  Louis  since  the                                                                                   a  role  that  often  has  him
            mid-September  acquittal                                                                                            working  with  police  lead-
            of Jason Stockley, a white                                                                                          ers. The latter doesn’t stop
            former  officer  who  fatally                                                                                       him  from  leading  protests
            shot  a  24-year-old  black                                                                                         against police or criticizing
            drug suspect, Anthony La-                                                                                           their use of chemicals and
            mar  Smith,  in  2011  while                                                                                        force in some of the more
            still  on  the  city’s  police   Darryl Gray, a pastor with deep roots in civil rights activism who serves as a mentor to the unof-  than  300  arrests  since  the
            force.  The  demonstrators   ficial leaders of the so-called Frontline protest movement poses for a photo in St. Louis, Thursday,   Stockley acquittal.
            have  blocked  traffic  on  a   Oct. 5, 2017.                                               (AP Photo by Jim Salter)  Bush, 41, said she found her
            major  highway,  marched                                                                                            calling  in  Ferguson.  “We
            through  shopping  malls     of the list are Bush, a pastor  center of 1960s protests. “St.   to lead Frontline.    became  a  family  day  af-
            and filled the streets of up-  and  registered  nurse,  and  Louis  is  the  heart  of  Amer-  Franks,  33,  has  seen  first-  ter  day,  night  after  night,
            scale  suburban  neighbor-   Bruce Franks Jr., one of Mis-  ica.  It’s  America’s  center.   hand  the  horror  of  gun   24 hours a day being in the
            hoods.                       souri’s  youngest  state  rep-  And the racism in St. Louis   violence.  He  was  just  6   streets,” she said.
            The  locations  are  not  ac-  resentatives.              is similar to Selma where it   years old when his 9-year-  While in her early 20s, Bush
            cidental:  Leaders  say  all   The unofficial leaders, rang-  is  deeply  embedded.”For   old brother was killed in a   lived in a car with her then-
            of St. Louis and its suburbs   ing  in  age  from  their  early  many  young  protesters,   St.  Louis  gunfight  in  which   husband  and  two  young
            must  understand  the  pain   20s  to  early  40s,  are  men-  their  activism  started  with   someone  used  him  as  a   children  for  four  months
            and frustration of the black   tored by 63-year-old pastor  Ferguson, the St. Louis sub-  human  shield.Franks,  who   when they couldn’t afford
            community  over  police      Darryl Gray, who has deep  urb where white police of-     owns an Allstate insurance   rent. q
            shootings  and  economic     roots in civil rights activism.  ficer  Darren  Wilson  fatally
            and  educational  dispari-   Gray  worked  for  nearly  40  shot  Brown,  an  unarmed
            ties.                        years for the Atlanta-based  black 18-year-old, on Aug.
            “Change      hasn’t   hap-   Southern  Christian  Leader-  9, 2014. A St. Louis County
            pened  yet,”  protest  orga-  ship  Conference,  whose  grand  jury  and  the  U.S.
            nizer  Cori  Bush  said.  “That   first president was the Rev.  Department of Justice de-
            tells  us  we  have  to  keep   Martin Luther King Jr.    clined  to  charge  Wilson.
            pushing.”                    Gray sees fierceness in the  He  resigned  from  the  po-
            Bush is part of what’s called   St. Louis protesters, and he  lice force months after the
            the  Frontline  movement.    senses  they’re  in  for  the  shooting.
            It’s  organic  enough  that   long haul.                  The protests that rose from
            there  are  no  designated   “This is the new Selma,” he  Ferguson  created  a  new
            leaders,  but  clearly  some   said,  comparing  St.  Louis  mission for Bush, Franks and
            have emerged. At the top     to the Alabama city at the  many  others  now  helping

             Judge intends to dismiss 2nd suit against BLM

            By M KUNZELMAN               therefore can’t be sued.     filed on behalf of a sheriff’s
            Associated Press             Last   Thursday,   Jackson  deputy  wounded  in  the
            BATON  ROUGE,  La.  (AP)  —  threw out a police officer’s  July 2016 attack that killed
            A  federal  judge  says  he  lawsuit blaming Black Lives  three other officers in Baton
            intends to dismiss a lawsuit  Matter   and   movement  Rouge.
            that  accuses  Black  Lives  leader  DeRay  Mckesson  The  same  Baton  Rouge-
            Matter  and  several  move-  for  injuries  he  sustained  based  attorney,  Donna
            ment  leaders  of  inciting  during  a  protest  over  a  Grodner,  filed  both  suits.
            violence that led to a gun-  deadly  police  shooting  in  The judge is giving her until
            man’s  deadly  ambush  of  Baton Rouge last year. The  Oct. 13 to respond to his or-
            law enforcement officers in  officer’s  lawyer  also  at-  der and present arguments
            Baton Rouge last year.       tempted  to  add  “#Black-   why  the  deputy’s  case
            U.S.  District  Judge  Brian  LivesMatter”  as  a  defen-  shouldn’t be dismissed.
            Jackson  issued  that  warn-  dant,  but  Jackson  ruled  a  Grodner declined to com-
            ing  in  an  order  Wednes-  hashtag  can’t  be  sued  ei-  ment  Thursday  on  the
            day, less than a week after  ther.                        judge’s order or say wheth-
            ruling  Black  Lives  Matter  is  Now  the  judge  is  vowing  er she plans to appeal last
            a  social  movement  and  to  dismiss  a  separate  suit  week’s ruling.q
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