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A6   U.S. NEWS
                   Friday 6 OctOber 2017
             Prosecutors:                                                                                                       Judge denies bail

             Keep Slender Man attacker in hospital 40 years                                                                     for woman accused
                                                                                                                                of leaking secrets

                                                                                                   years  in  a  mental  hospi-  By RUSS BYNUM
                                                                                                   tal when she is sentenced     Associated Press
                                                                                                   later.                        SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) —
                                                                                                   Prosecutors   say    Weier    A  woman  charged  with
                                                                                                   and  Geyser  lured  Leutner   leaking U.S. secrets must
                                                                                                   into  the  woods  at  a  park   remain jailed until her tri-
                                                                                                   in  the  Milwaukee  suburb    al, a federal judge ruled
                                                                                                   of  Waukesha  and  then       Thursday,  saying  her  re-
                                                                                                   attacked    her.   Geyser     lease  would  pose  an
                                                                                                   stabbed  Leutner  19  times   “ongoing risk to national
                                                                                                   while  Weier  urged  her  on,   security.”Reality  Winner,
                                                                                                   according to investigators.   25,  is  a  former  Air  Force
                                                                                                   Leutner’s  family  issued  a   linguist  who  worked  as
                                                                                                   statement    saying   they    a contractor for the Na-
                                                                                                   were  happy  to  avoid  a     tional  Security  Agency
                                                                                                   trial.“Though  we  do  not    at  a  facility  in  Augusta,
                                                                                                   believe  that  an  institution   Georgia,  when  she  was
                                                                                                   is  where  these  attempted   charged  in  June  with
                                                                                                   murderers belong, the cur-    copying  a  classified  U.S.
                                                                                                   rent legal system does not    report and mailing it to a
                                                                                                   favor  victims  in  this  situa-  news organization.
                                                                                                   tion,” the statement said.    Winner’s  defense  attor-
            Morgan Geyser, one of two Wisconsin girls charged with stabbing a classmate to impress the ficti-  It added: “With this closure,   neys  asked  a  judge  to
            tious horror character Slender Man, enters a Waukesha County Court in Waukesha, Wis.   our  daughter  is  a  heroic   reconsider  releasing  her
                                                (Michael Sear/Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel via AP, Pool)  survivor -- and no longer a   on bail after her trial date
                                                                                                   victim.”Geyser’s  attorney,   was postponed from Oc-
            By IVAN MORENO               nickname as she began to  where she was found by a        Anthony Cotton, said after    tober to next March.
            Associated Press             recount  for  the  judge  the  passing  bicyclist.  All  three   the hearing his client is re-  They argued Winner had
            WAUKESHA,  Wis.  (AP)  —  crime  for  which  she  was  girls were 12 at the time.      morseful for hurting Leutner   no  prior  criminal  history
            Prosecutors asked a judge  pleading guilty.               Geyser will undergo a doc-   and  wrote  her  “a  very     and  served  admirably
            Thursday to sentence a girl  “I  hurt  Bella,”  Geyser  said,  tor’s evaluation by Nov. 13,   powerful”  apology  letter   in  the  military.  Winner’s
            to 40 years in a mental hos-  stopping  several  times  to  and a hearing for sentenc-  she  hopes  can  be  deliv-  mother  in  Kingsville,  Tex-
            pital  for  stabbing  a  class-  compose  herself  during  ing  was  to  be  scheduled   ered to her one day.        as,  planned  to  move  to
            mate in an attack she said  the  hearing  as  she  told  later.  The  defense  made    “It’s  very  sincere,”  Cotton   Georgia  to  ensure  her
            was  done  to  please  the  the judge she stabbed her  no  request  for  length  of    said.Weier   and   Geyser     daughter  obeyed  any
            fictional  horror  character  classmate with a knife she  sentence  because  the  at-  told  detectives  they  felt   terms  of  her  bond.But
            Slender Man.                 took from home.              torneys are waiting for the   they  had  to  kill  Leutner  to   U.S.  Magistrate  Judge
            Morgan  Geyser,  now  15,  “Anissa     said   that   she  evaluation.                  become  Slender  Man’s        Brian  K.  Epps  sided  with
            broke down in sobs during  couldn’t  do  it  and  then  She  agreed  last  week  to    “proxies,”  or  servants,  and   prosecutors in ruling that
            her plea hearing as a judge  I  had  to,”  Geyser  said,  plead  guilty  to  attempted   protect  their  families  from   keeping  Winner  jailed  is
            asked  her  to  recount  the  her  voice  choking.  When  first-degree  intentional  ho-  him.Prosecutors   initially   the  only  way  to  ensure
            2014  stabbing  of  a  class-  Judge   Michael   Bohren  micide  to  avoid  prison,    charged  both  girls  with    she  doesn’t  flee  over-
            mate in a Milwaukee-area  asked  her  where  the  girl  continuing  treatment  in  a   attempted  first-degree  in-  seas or leak more secret
            park. A co-defendant, An-    was stabbed, Geyser said:  mental hospital instead.       tentional  homicide,  which   information.  The  judge
            issa Weier, also admitted a  “Everywhere.”                A  jury  last  month  deter-  carries a possible sentence   referenced  prosecutors’
            role in the attack.          The victim, Payton Leutner,  mined  Weier  was  mentally   of up to 65 years in prison,   transcript  of  a  Face-
            An  emotional  Geyser  re-   survived  the  attack  by  ill at the time of the attack.   but their plea deals spared   book  chat  in  February
            ferred to the victim by her  crawling  out  of  woods,  She  faces  at  least  three   them that. q                  in  which  Winner  wrote
             Arkansas board rejects killer’s clemency bid                                                                        to her sister: “Look, I only
                                                                                                                                 say  I  hate  America  like

                                                                                                                                 own  words  and  actions,
            By KELLY P. KISSEL           said Thursday it would rec-  bons  said  Greene  could  tional.  Greene  appeared       3  times  a  day.”“By  her
            Associated Press             ommend  that  Gov.  Asa  have killed Burnett quickly,  before the board Wednes-         (Winner)  has  painted  a
            LITTLE  ROCK,  Ark.  (AP)  —  Hutchinson  let  the  death  but  didn’t.“The  purpose  day  with  rolled  up  tissue   disturbing  self-portrait  of
            Members  of  the  Arkansas  sentence stand.               was  to  torture  that  man,”  stuck  in  both  ears  and  his   an  American  with  years
            Parole Board said Thursday  In  emotional  and  graphic  Gibbons  said,  describing  left nostril. What appeared     of  national  service  and
            that  an  inmate  scheduled  testimony before the board  Burnett  being  beaten  and  to  be  blood  stained  the    access  to  classified  in-
            to  die  next  month  for  kill-  Wednesday,  three  of  Bur-  stabbed  and  having  his  skin  below  his  left  ear.The   formation who hates the
            ing a man who had helped  nett’s  daughters  likened  face  slit  from  his  mouth  to  board said it would recom-   United  States  and  de-
            him out doesn’t deserve to  Greene to a dog and a ter-    his ear.                     mend against clemency in      sires  to  damage  nation-
            have his sentence reduced  rorist.                        “That  man  felt  every  bit  a  two-line  statement,  as  is   al  security  on  the  same
            to a life term.              Prosecutor  David  Gibbons  of  that,”  Gibbons  said.  its custom. It said the vote    scale  as  Julian  Assange
            Jack  Greene  is  set  to  die  told the parole board that  Only late in the attack did  was unanimous, 6-0.         and  Edward  Snowden,”
            Nov. 9 at the Cummins Unit  Burnett and his wife, Edna,  Greene  shoot  Burnett  with  One  of  Greene’s  lawyers,   Epps  wrote.Assange  is
            prison at Varner, southeast  had taken in Greene and his  a  .25-caliber  pistol.  “To  kill  Scott  Braden,  called  on   the  founder  of  the  anti-
            of Little Rock. He was con-  girlfriend and given Greene  him  would  have  been  a  Hutchinson  to  grant  clem-    secrecy group WikiLeaks.
            victed  in  the  1991  death  work.  Burnett’s  daughters  snap.”                      ency  regardless  of  the     Snowden is a former NSA
            of  Sidney  Burnett,  who  said Greene turned on the  Greene’s  lawyers  told  the  board’s  vote,  saying  “it      contractor  who  leaked
            was beaten with a can of  family  after  Edna  Burnett  panel that Greene is men-      would  merely  be  a  miser-  classified material expos-
            hominy  and  then  stabbed  helped  the  girlfriend  es-  tally ill and that his execu-  able  spectacle”  if  the  ex-  ing  U.S.  government  sur-
            and  later  shot.  The  board  cape Greene’s abuse.Gib-   tion  would  be  unconstitu-  ecution went ahead.q         veillance programs. q
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