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A4   U.S. NEWS
                   Friday 6 OctOber 2017
              Treasury report says no laws violated in Mnuchin’s travels

            By MARTIN CRUTSINGER         he needed to use the more  required.Mnuchin’s  office  ter  in  a  controversy  over  trips.
            AP Economics Writer          expensive modes of travel.   said  it  would  incorporate  expensive   plane   flights  The  Treasury  report  said
            WASHINGTON (AP) —            The  report  prepared  by  “enhancements” called for  taken by top Trump admin-        Mnuchin’s  staff  had  made
            A report by the Treasury De-  Rich Delmar, counsel to the  by the report in future travel  istration  officials  which  has  nine requests for the use of
            partment’s  inspector  gen-  Treasury inspector general,  requests.                    already  cost  one  Cabinet  government  aircraft  since
            eral  on  Thursday  said  that  said  that  in  many  cases   Mnuchin’s requests includ-  secretary his job.        Mnuchin  became  Treasury
            Secretary  Steven  Mnuchin  Mnuchin’s  office  relied  on  ed  one,  later  withdrawn,  Health  and  Human  Ser-    secretary  this  year,  includ-
            did  not  violate  any  law  “a  single  boilerplate  state-  for a government plane for  vivces Secretary Tom Price  ing a request for a govern-
            in  the  seven  trips  he  has  ment”  to  justify  the  use  of  use on his European honey-  resigned  last  week  af-  ment  plane  this  summer
            taken  on  government  air-  military aircraft rather than  moon.                      ter  questions  were  raised  for  Mnuchin’s  honeymoon
            planes  but  did  fail  to  pro-  the  more  complete  “facts  The IG report on Mnuchin’s  about his use of private jets  travels  to  Britain,  France
            vide  enough  proof  of  why  and  arguments”  that  are  travels was the latest chap-  for  multiple  government  and Italy.q
             White House seeks to move past Trump/Tillerson friction

                                                                                                   missals this summer.         provocative  tweets  that
                                                                                                   But  an  administration  offi-  have  interfered  directly
                                                                                                   cial who has dealt with Til-  with  ongoing  diplomatic
                                                                                                   lerson described Trump and  efforts.
                                                                                                   others  at  the  White  House  “The premise of that ques-
                                                                                                   as  growing  irritated  at  Til-  tion  is  absolutely  ridicu-
                                                                                                   lerson’s style, which is more  lous,”  she  said.  “The  presi-
                                                                                                   restrained than that of the  dent  can’t  undercut  his
                                                                                                   president  and  can  leave  own  Cabinet.  The  presi-
                                                                                                   the impression he isn’t fully  dent  is  the  leader  of  the
                                                                                                   engaged in the discussion.   Cabinet. He sets the tone.
                                                                                                   Tillerson  also  has  struggled  He sets the agenda.”
                                                                                                   to  adjust  to  Washington,  Tillerson  tried  to  settle  the
                                                                                                   including the constant bar-  question  Wednesday  in
                                                                                                   rage of media attention fo-  an  unusually  personal  ad-
                                                                                                   cused  his  way,  the  official  dress  from  the  State  De-
                                                                                                   said,  and  the  reality  that  partment’s  staid  7th-floor
                                                                                                   he  can’t  dole  out  orders  Treaty Room outside of his
                                                                                                   the  way  the  Texas  oilman  office.  “There  has  never
                                                                                                   did as head of Exxon Mobil.  been  a  consideration  in
                                                                                                   The official insisted on ano-  my mind to leave,” he de-
                                                                                                   nymity  in  order  to  disclose  clared, without truly putting
            Secretary  of  State  Rex  Tillerson  makes  a  statement  at  the  State  Department  in  Washington,   private  assessments  of  the  all questions to bed.
            Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2017.                                                               secretary of state.          Beyond  dodging  the  mat-
                                                                             (AP Photo/Cliff Owen)  Asked  about  the  “moron”  ter  of  whether  he  insult-
            By BRADLEY KLAPPER           Tillerson “never threatened  lerson against Trump’s U.N.   claim, Sanders echoed the  ed  the  president’s  intel-
            Associated Press             to resign,” Trump tweeted,  envoy Nikki Haley and other   sentiments  of  Tillerson  in  ligence,  Tillerson  strained
            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —  labelling  NBC  News’  ac-    top  officials.The  NBC  story,   declaring it a “petty, ridic-  unconvincingly  to  portray
            The  Trump  administration  count as “fake news.” The  recounted  by  others,  also    ulous  accusation.”  While  himself  as  content  with  all
            sought  Thursday  to  move  former  Exxon  Mobil  CEO  claimed Tillerson called the    Tillerson  didn’t  deny  he  his fellow members of team
            past  the  brouhaha  over  previously    rejected   the  president  a  “moron”  after   made such a statement in  Trump. He pointedly noted
            Rex    Tillerson’s   reported  claim  on  Wednesday.At  a contentious July meeting     his  uncomfortable  address  the  diplomatic  successes
            insult  of  his  boss,  making  the  White  House,  spokes-  of top national security of-  at  the  State  Department  of  Haley,  with  whom  he
            clear   President   Donald  woman  Sarah  Huckabee  ficials  at  the  Pentagon.At      on  Wednesday,  he  later  has  been  privately  clash-
            Trump  alone  sets  the  na-  Sanders  attempted  to  ad-  the  time,  The  Associated   had a spokeswoman deny  ing  for  several  months.
            tion’s  agenda  that  his  ad-  dress  broader  concerns  Press  and  others  reported   that he ever used such lan-  Still,  the  exhortation  in  de-
            visers  must  execute.A  day  about  an  administration  the  strains  between  Tiller-  guage.Sanders  also  took  fense of Trump’s “America
            after  the  duo’s  sometimes  that  has  been  beset  by  son and several of Trump’s   umbrage at the arguments  First”  policy  was  enough
            difficult  relationship  burst  high-profile  departures  —  closest  confidants,  such   of  some  of  Tillerson’s  de-  for  the  president.  Travel-
            into public view, the presi-  already  including  a  chief  as  strategist  Steve  Bannon   fenders,  including  the  Re-  ing in Las Vegas, where he
            dent  joined  his  top  diplo-  of  staff,  national  security  and  controversial  coun-  publican  chairman  of  the  met  with  medical  person-
            mat  in  disputing  a  report  adviser, chief strategist and  terterror  adviser  Sebastian   Senate  Foreign  Relations  nel and others affected by
            that  Tillerson  had  consid-  Cabinet  secretary  —  and  Gorka.  Those  tensions  had   Committee, that Trump has  this  week’s  mass  shooting,
            ered  abandoning  Trump’s  persistent  infighting  that  subsided  somewhat  after     undermined  his  secretary  Trump  said  he  had  “total
            Cabinet  earlier  this  year.  now seems to be pitting Til-  Bannon  and  Gorka’s  dis-  of  state  through  his  often  confidence” in Tillerson. q
             GOP Rep. Murphy resigning after reports of affair

            By ANDREW TAYLOR             is resigning from Congress.  next  year.“It  was  Dr.  Mur-  country as a naval reserve  congressman he had “zero
            Associated Press             House  Speaker  Paul  Ryan,  phy’s decision to move on  officer.”Murphy’s  downfall  issue  posting  your  pro-life
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Re-     R-Wis.,  on  Thursday  an-   to  the  next  chapter  of  his  came  quickly,  within  days  stance  all  over  the  place
            publican  Rep.  Tim  Murphy  nounced  Murphy’s  plans  life, and I support it,” Ryan  of  the  Pittsburgh  Post-Ga-  when you had no issue ask-
            of  Pennsylvania,  an  anti-  to  leave  Congress,  effec-  said  in  a  statement.  “We  zette  publishing  text  mes-  ing me to abort our unborn
            abortion lawmaker who al-    tive  Oct.  21.  The  decision  thank him for his many years  sages between the married  child  just  last  week  when
            legedly urged his mistress to  comes  less  than  24  hours  of  tireless  work  on  mental  congressman and Shannon  we  thought  that  was  one
            have an abortion when he  after Murphy said he would  health  issues  here  in  Con-   Edwards.A Jan. 25 text mes-  of the options,” according
            thought she was pregnant,  retire at the end of his term  gress and his service to the  sage from Edwards told the  to the newspaper. q
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