P. 9

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 6 OctOber 2017
             Spain’s top court halts Catalan secession parliament meeting

            By ARITZ PARRA                                                                                                      lence.  Puigdemont  said
            CIARAN GILES                                                                                                        the results of the vote vali-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    dated the push to secede.
            BARCELONA,  Spain  (AP)                                                                                             On  Wednesday,  Puigde-
            —  Spain’s  Constitutional                                                                                          mont  toned  down  his  de-
            Court on Thursday ordered                                                                                           fiant  stance  by  calling  for
            Catalonia’s  parliament  to                                                                                         mediation  in  the  conflict,
            suspend  a  planned  ses-                                                                                           although  he  maintained
            sion  next  week  during                                                                                            the plan to declare seces-
            which  separatist  lawmak-                                                                                          sion  next  week.The  court
            ers  wanted  to  declare  in-                                                                                       order  came  as  political
            dependence — further fu-                                                                                            uncertainty  over  Catalo-
            eling Spain’s worst political                                                                                       nia’s  secession bid  started
            crisis in decades.                                                                                                  spreading  to  the  econ-
            Catalan  regional  authori-                                                                                         omy,  with  stock  markets
            ties  previously  have  ig-                                                                                         falling  and  big  Catalan
            nored Constitutional Court                                                                                          firms  relocating  or  consid-
            orders, so it was not imme-                                                                                         ering a move to elsewhere
            diately  clear  if  the  session                                                                                    in  Spain.Banco  Sabadell,
            would go ahead and if all                                                                                           one  of  Catalonia’s  largest
            parties would attend.                                                                                               banks  and  Spain’s  fifth  in
            The  court  said  its  order   Anti-independence demonstrators wave Spanish flags in support of Spain’s security forces in front   volume of assets, said in a
            could  be  appealed  but     of a Guardia Civil barracks in Sant Boi de LLobregat, in the outskirts of Barcelona, Spain, Thursday   statement  to  the  Spanish
            also  warned  Catalan  par-  Oct. 5, 2017.                                                                          stock  regulator  on  Thurs-
            liament  speaker  Carme                                                                  (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)  day  that  it  was  relocating
            Forcadell and other mem-     regional  Catalan  govern-   first  since  Sunday,  when  referendum  on  indepen-     the  bank’s  base  to  the
            bers of the speakers’ board   ment,  Carles  Puigdemont,   Catalonia  held  a  banned  dence,  amid  police  vio-   eastern city of Alicante. q
            that they could face pros-   to cancel plans for declar-
            ecution  for  failing  to  halt   ing independence in order
            the session.                 to avoid “greater evils.”
            Speaking to reporters, For-  In an interview with Spain’s
            cadell  called  the  suspen-  official  EFE  news  agency,
            sion  a  “violation  of  free-  Rajoy  said  the  solution  in
            dom of speech.”              Catalonia  “is  the  prompt
            “I  won’t  allow  censorship   return  to  legality  and  the
            to  enter  Parliament,”  she   affirmation, as early as pos-
            said without clarifying if the   sible, that there will be no
            meeting  would  go  ahead    unilateral  declaration  of
            or not.                      independence,  because
            Earlier,  Spain’s  Prime  Min-  that  way  greater  evils  will
            ister  Mariano  Rajoy  urged   be avoided.”
            the separatist leader of the   Rajoy’s  remarks  were  the
            Polish women’s groups decry

            police raid on their offices

            By VANESSA GERA              work, and accused author-
            Associated Press             ities  of  trying  to  intimidate
            WARSAW,  Poland  (AP)  —  them.  Prosecutors  denied
            Women’s  rights  groups  on  the accusation, saying the
            Thursday  denounced  po-     timing of the raids a day af-
            lice raids on their offices in  ter  the  women’s  marches
            several Polish cities that re-  was purely coincidental.
            sulted in the seizing of doc-  Some  fear  the  ruling  Law
            uments  and  computers,  a  and  Justice  party,  led  by
            day  after  women  staged  Jaroslaw  Kaczynski,  is  fol-
            anti-government  marches  lowing  in  the  footsteps
            to protest the country’s re-  of  neighboring  Hungary,
            strictive abortion law.      where  non-governmental
            The    raids   took   place  groups have faced harass-
            Wednesday  in  the  cities  ment  under  Prime  Minister
            of  Warsaw,  Gdansk,  Lodz  Viktor Orban.
            and Zielona Gora. They tar-  “This is an abuse of power
            geted  two  organizations,  because  even  if  there  is
            the Women’s Rights Center  any suspicion of wrongdo-
            and Baba, which help vic-    ing,  an  inquiry  could  be
            tims  of  domestic  violence  done in a way that doesn’t
            and which also participat-   affect  the  organizations’
            ed  in  this  week’s  anti-gov-  work,” Marta Lempart, the
            ernment protests.            head of the Polish Women’s
            Women’s  rights  activists  Strike, which organized this
            said  Thursday  the  loss  of  week’s street protests, told
            files  would  hamper  their  The Associated Press.q
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