P. 5

                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 6 OctOber 2017

             Las Vegas gunman may have been planning other attacks

            By KEN RITTER                stakes gambler opened fire
            MICHAEL BALSAMO              on a crowd of 22,000 Sun-
            Associated Press             day  night  from  the  32nd
            LAS  VEGAS  (AP)  —  Inves-  floor of the Mandalay Bay
            tigators  are  looking  into  hotel  casino  in  Las  Vegas.
            whether  gunman  Stephen  He killed 58 people and in-
            Paddock  scoped  out  big-   jured nearly 500 before tak-
            ger  music  festivals  in  Las  ing his own life.
            Vegas  and  Chicago  —  A  federal  official  said  au-
            and perhaps Boston’s Fen-    thorities  are  looking  into
            way Park — before setting  the     possibility   Paddock
            up his perch in a casino ho-  planned   additional   at-
            tel  and  raining  deadly  fire  tacks,  including  a  car
            on country music fans.       bombing.     The    official
            Paddock  booked  rooms  wasn’t  authorized  to  dis-
            overlooking the Lollapaloo-  cuss  the  matter  publicly
            za festival in Chicago in Au-  and  spoke  to  The  Associ-
            gust and the Life Is Beautiful  ated Press on condition of
            show near the Vegas  Strip  anonymity.
            in late September, accord-   Authorities  previously  dis-
            ing  to  authorities  recon-  closed Paddock had 1,600    Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo listens to a question during a media briefing at Metro Police
            structing  his  movements  rounds  of  ammunition  in     headquarters in Las Vegas Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2017. Investigators are looking into whether gun-
            before  he  undertook  the  his car, along with fertilizer   man Stephen Paddock scoped out other events before setting up his perch in a casino hotel and
            deadliest  mass  shooting  in  that can be used to make   raining deadly fire on country music fans.
            modern U.S. history.         explosives  and  50  pounds                                                      (Steve Marcus/Las Vegas Sun via AP)
            It  was  not  clear  if  he  con-  of  Tannerite,  a  substance   tigators  have  been  frus-  semi-automatic  rifles  into  mality or had a terminal ill-
            templated  massacres  at  used  in  explosive  rifle  tar-  trated to find that he lived  fully  automated  weapons.  ness that prompted him to
            those sites.                 gets.                        a  “secret  life,”  Lombardo  Paddock  apparently  used  lash out.
            Investigators  looking  into  Investigators  have  been   said,  “much  of  which  will  such  devices  during  the  The  weekend  before  the
            Paddock also came across  combing         through    his   never be fully understood.”  bloodbath.                  massacre,  he  rented  a
            mention  of  Fenway  Park,  background  but  remain       In other developments:       —  The  coroner’s  office  in  room through Airbnb at the
            Boston  police  Lt.  Detec-  stumped as to his motive.    —  In  a  rare  concession  Las  Vegas  would  not  re-   21-story Ogden condomini-
            tive  Mike  McCarthy  said,  The  profile  developed  so   on  gun  control,  the  Na-  lease details of its autopsy  ums  in  downtown  Las  Ve-
            though he provided no fur-   far  is  of  a  “disturbed  and   tional  Rifle  Association  an-  on Paddock. Some behav-  gas  and stayed there dur-
            ther details.                dangerous”  man  who  ac-    nounced  its  support  Thurs-  ioral  experts  have  won-  ing  a  music  festival  below
            The  details  came  to  light  quired  an  arsenal  over   day  for  regulating  “bump  dered whether the 64-year-  that  included  Chance  the
            as  investigators  struggled  decades,  Sheriff  Joseph   stocks,”  attachments  that  old Paddock suffered from  Rapper,  Muse,  Lorde  and
            to figure out why the high-  Lombardo  said.  But  inves-  can  effectively  convert  some  kind  of  brain  abnor-  Blink-182. q
             4 shot to death in Arizona duplex in domestic violence case

            CASA  GRANDE,  Ariz.  (AP)  isolated crime.               following  a  911  call  about  a suspect, Anderson said.  from the duplex after shots
            — Four people were found  “We  don’t  have  a  motive  gunfire at about 8:15 a.m.,  Weapons  have  been  re-        were fired.
            shot  to  death  Thursday  in-  for the shooting at this time,  Anderson said.         covered  from  the  scene,  Mindy  Edwards,  who  has
            side a housing duplex in an  but this is some kind of do-  The victims appeared to be  he  said,  but  it  wasn’t  yet  lived in the area for about
            apparent case of domestic  mestic  issue,”  said  Officer  adults and were all shot to  known  whether  they  were  six months, told The Arizona
            violence, police said.       Thomas  Anderson,  a  Casa  death, Anderson said.         used in the killings.        Republic  that  the  neigh-
            One  possible  suspect  was  Grande police spokesman.  Authorities were working to  A  witness  told  police  she  borhood was rife with drug
            in custody and police said  “The  shooter  knew  the  identify them, and it wasn’t  heard a door being kicked  and other criminal activity.
            they  were  talking  to  an-  people inside. The extent of  immediately  clear  if  they  in and then people yelling,  Dawn  Schroeder,  who  has
            other man to see if he was  that  relationship,  we  don’t  were related, he said.     followed  by  gunshots,  a  lived  in  the  neighborhood
            connected to the killings in  know that yet. But it wasn’t  Neighbors  provided  police  woman  screaming  and  a  since  2001,  told  the  news-
            Casa Grande, 40 miles (64  random.”                       with  descriptions  and  au-  car speeding away.          paper it was a decent sec-
            kilometers)  south  of  Phoe-  Police and medical person-  thorities were able to iden-  Another  neighbor  told  po-  tion of town with an occa-
            nix.  Authorities  called  it  an  nel  discovered  the  victims  tify someone they believe is  lice  he  saw  two  men  run  sional drug bust.q
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