P. 12

               Tuesday 7 November 2017

             New Argentina probe says prosecutor Nisman was murdered

            By A. CALATRAVA                                                                        team  said  there  was  no   the  other  one  placed  the
            Associated Press                                                                       concrete  evidence  it  was   gun on his head and shot
            BUENOS  AIRES,  Argentina                                                              a  homicide,  the  federal   him. It was about 2:46 a.m.
            (AP)  —  A  new  police  re-                                                           police  said  the  prosecu-  on a Sunday.
            port  has  dramatically  re-                                                           tor shot himself in his bath-  The investigation listed key
            vived  one  of  the  greatest                                                          room.                        evidence that wasn’t men-
            criminal  mysteries  in  Ar-                                                           Federal  prosecutor  Edu-    tioned  in  previous  reports:
            gentine history — the pos-                                                             ardo  Taiano  told  the  AP   Nisman’s   nasal   septum
            sible murder of a crusading                                                            that  Nisman’s  death  is    was  broken.  He  had  suf-
            prosecutor that has roused                                                             “the  most  complicated”     fered blows to his hip and
            grave  suspicions  about  a                                                            criminal  case  he  has  ever   other  areas.  Ketamine,  a
            president  and  added  to                                                              investigated.  Taiano,  who   substance  with  strong  an-
            doubts  about  the  probe                                                              took over the stalled case   esthetic  power,  was  in  his
            into  the  country’s  most                                                             from  another  judge  in     body.
            deadly terrorist attack.                                                               2016  following  a  Supreme   The new report concludes
            An  investigation  by  the   In  this  May,  2013  photo,  Alberto  Nisman  talks  to  journalists  in   Court  order,  ordered  a   the attackers tried to stage
            country’s  border  police    Buenos Aires, Argentina. An investigation by border police has   multidisciplinary   border   a suicide, but it notes that
            agency  has  concluded       concluded in 2017 that Nisman was murdered just days after   police  team  to  provide  a   other   experts   through-
            that the man who led that    accusing then-President Cristina Fernandez of covering up the   fresh look for an investiga-  out  the  series  of  probes
            terror probe was murdered    role of Iranian officials in the 1994 bombing that killed 85 at a   tion  that  had  been  highly   never found any traces of
                                         Jewish center.
            just  four  days  after  he  for-                         (AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko)  questioned for mishandling   gunpowder  on  Nisman’s
            mally  accused  then-Pres-                                                             of  evidence  and  other  ir-  hands.
            ident  Cristina  Fernandez   Nisman,  51,  was  found  murdered        because    of   regularities.  Taiano  said   The  1994  bombing  of  the
            of covering up the role of   dead on Jan. 18, 2015, with  them. It triggered anti-gov-  that  the  agency,  whose   AMIA  Jewish  community
            former Iranian officials who   a bullet in his right temple.  ernment protests ahead of   main  role  is  to  guard  bor-  center in Buenos Aires killed
            had  been charged in the     A  .22  caliber  pistol  was  the 2015 presidential elec-  ders and fight drug traffick-  85 people and injured hun-
            1994  bombing  of  a  Jew-   found next to him.           tion.                        ing,  was  chosen  because   dreds.  Fernandez’s  gov-
            ish community center that    Coming just days after Nis-  Fernandez  has  insistently   it  hadn’t  been  involved   ernment struck a 2013 ac-
            killed 85 people.            man  challenged  Fernan-     denied  any  wrongdoing      in  the  earlier,  much-ques-  cord with Iran portrayed as
            The new report, which was    dez, the death became a  and  says  her  government       tioned  probe.The  border    a  way  to  reach  the  truth
            obtained by The Associat-    politically charged contro-  had no role in the prosecu-  police  report  says  Nisman   behind  the  attack,  but
            ed Press, bases its conclu-  versy.  Allies  of  Fernandez  tor’s  death.  The  initial  po-  was  beaten  by  two  peo-  the  deal,  which  was  ap-
            sions on controversial new   suggested  Nisman  took  lice  reports  and  autopsies    ple who drugged him and      proved  by  Congress,  was
            evidence and sharply con-    his  own  life  because  he  concluded  there  was  no    placed  him  in  front  of  his   later ruled unconstitutional
            tradicts earlier official find-  couldn’t  back  up  his  alle-  sign anyone else had been   bathtub.  While  one  of  the   by an Argentine court. Nis-
            ings  that  Alberto  Nisman   gations. Many other Argen-  present when Nisman died.    attackers  held  him  under   man  believed  Fernandez
            likely killed himself.       tines insisted he had been  While the national forensics   the  armpits  “as  in  a  hug,”   was  using  the  deal  with
            Police:                                                                                                             Iran  to  secretly  negotiate
                                                                                                                                and help shield the Iranian
            19-year-old shoots, kills student at Brazil school                                                                  officials  allegedly  behind
                                                                                                                                the attack.Taiano told the
                                                                                                                                AP  that  he  will  compare
            SAO  PAULO  (AP)  —  A  entered  the  victim’s  class-    try,  though  a  14-year-old  vances.                     the  new  report  with  pre-
            19-year-old  in  central  Bra-  room  just  as  school  was  student  opened  fire  in  a  “With  each  refusal,  he   vious  ones  and  decide
            zil  sneaked  into  his  former  beginning and opened fire  classroom last month in the  became  angrier,  so  love   whether  to  treat  Nisman’s
            school  on  Monday  and  with  a  revolver.Raphaella  Goias  capital  of  Goiania.  turned  to  hate  and  for  a   death as a murder, suicide
            shot a student 11 times, kill-  Noviski  Romano,  16,  died  Two students died and four  year he has planned to kill   or induced suicide. His de-
            ing her, authorities said.   on  the  spot,  a  statement  people  were  wounded  in  her,” Rafaela Azzi, a police   cision, which will be sent to
            Wearing  a  mask,  Misael  from  the  state’s  Depart-    that  attack.  Students  said  inspector, told the G1 news   a judge, will guide the next
            Pereira  de  Olair  jumped  ment  of  Education  said.  the shooter had been bul-      portal.  Azzi  said  that  all  11   steps of the investigation.
            the wall of the May 13 State  The  department  gave  the  lied.In  Monday’s  attack,  shots  were  to  the  face.   A  report  by  forensic  ex-
            School in Alexania, a town  suspect’s  name  as  simply  police said the suspect ap-   Pereira de Olair was caught   perts on behalf of Nisman’s
            in  Goias  state,  accord-   Misael  Pereira.Such  school  peared  to  have  become  as he fled the scene by of-    family in 2015 also argued
            ing  to  the  press  office  of  shootings  are  rare  in  Latin  enraged  after  the  victim  ficers who were responding   that the prosecutor did not
            the  state’s  civil  police.  He  America’s  largest  coun-  rejected  his  romantic  ad-  to the emergency call. q  shoot himself. q
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