P. 8
Tuesday 7 November 2017
May calls for end to ‘abuses of power’ amid sex claims
erybody working in Parlia- The claims have ranged
ment, and to replace an from unwanted touching
existing complaints phone and suggestive emails to
line with a face-to-face allegations of rape.
service. The scandal has already
“I think if this hasn’t hap- triggered the resignation of
pened to you it’s difficult the country’s defense sec-
to appreciate the impact retary, an investigation of
that being a victim of this May’s deputy and the sus-
sort of behavior can have pension by their parties of
— it simply has a lasting im- several Conservative and
pact on people,” May said Labour lawmakers.
after meeting Labour Party Both May’s Conservatives
chief Jeremy Corbyn and and the Labour opposition
other party leaders. have set up new measures
“And we need to do more to deal with allegations of
to stop these abuses of wrongdoing, but May has
power.” said she wants a cross-
Since revelations emerged Parliament approach to
about Hollywood mo- provide consistency for all
gul Harvey Weinstein, re- workers.She said the fact
searchers, staff and jour- that abuses “have taken
nalists working in British place here at our seat of
Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May speaks at the annual Confederation of British Industry annual
conference in London Monday Nov. 6, 2017. May is calling for a new “culture of respect” in public politics have begun to democracy should be a
life amid spreading allegations of sexual harassment and abuse in British politics. The scandal has come forward with allega- matter of shame for us all.”
already triggered the resignation of the country’s defense secretary, an investigation of May’s tions of sexual abuse and As allegations continue to
deputy and the suspension by their parties of several Conservative and Labour lawmakers. harassment by lawmakers emerge, Home Secretary
(John Stillwell/PA via AP) and officials in Parliament. Amber Rudd said Sunday
By JILL LAWLESS effort to stamp out “abus- U.K. politics. In several cases, they have the torrent of abuse revela-
Associated Press es of power” in public life May and leaders of the accused political parties of tions marked a “watershed
LONDON (AP) — British amid what she called trou- other parties in Parliament failing to take action and moment” in British politics
Prime Minister Theresa May bling allegations of sexual agreed to set up a griev- even discouraging victims and could result in a “clear
called Monday for greater harassment and abuse in ance procedure for ev- from going to police. out” of offenders.q
Center-right gains momentum in Sicily toward 2018 vote
By COLLEEN BARRY result restored the island’s anytime soon.”
Associated Press traditional political order 5-Star Movement leader
MILAN (AP) — Both a cen- after five years of center- Luigi Di Maio said the re-
ter-right coalition backed left administration. sult could propel the party
by former Italian Premier But on a national scale, it to victory in the national
Silvio Berlusconi and the indicated the validity of election next year. So far,
populist 5-Star Movement center-right coalition that its biggest wins have been
claimed momentum go- aims to unseat the Demo- in Rome and Turin, both of
ing into a national election cratic Party-led govern- which have been troubled
next year following the re- ment next year, made up administrations.“A wave
sults of Sicily’s regional vote of Berlusconi’s Forza Italia, that will bring us to gov-
on Monday. the anti-migrant, anti-EU ernment is starting from
Center-right candidate Northern League and right- Sicily,” Di Maio said.The
Nello Musumeci garnered wing Fratelli d’Italia. Democratic Party, which
39.9 percent of the vote A woman votes in a polling station in Palermo, Sicily, Italy, Sun- “In the regional election in has been further splintered
representing four parties day, Nov. 5 2017. More than 4.6 million voters in Sicily are head- Sicily, there are two winners following political missteps
including Berlusconi’s For- ing to the polls Sunday to pick a new regional governor in the and one loser. The two win- by Renzi, emerges badly
za Italia and the Northern last important vote before a national election early next year. ners are the center-right bruised.Renzi and Di Maio
League, with most pre- (Michele Naccari/ANSA via AP) and the 5-Star movement,” traded barbs when the
cincts counted. But the 5-Star Movement third at 18.6 percent. said Giovanni Orsina, a po- 5-Star leader pulled out of
“Sicily chose, as I asked, the also emerged stronger as With fewer than half of Sic- litical analyst at Rome’s LU- a televised debate sched-
road of change, of a true, the single largest vote get- ily’s 4.6 million eligible vot- ISS University. uled for Tuesday, saying
serious and constructive ter with 34.7 percent of the ers casting ballots Sunday “What we do know is that that after the Democratic
change based on honesty, vote. Former Premier Mat- in the last major electoral the center-right is competi- Party’s poor showing, Renzi
competence and experi- teo Renzi’s Democratic test before next year’s par- tive and the 5-Star move- “was no longer our com-
ence,” Berlusconi said. Party came in a distant liamentary election, the ment is not disappearing petitor.” q