P. 11
WORLD NEWS Tuesday 7 November 2017
Zimbabwe VP is fired, opening way for Grace Mugabe
By FARAI MUTSAKA announced by Simon Kha-
Associated Press ya Moyo, the information
HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) minister.
— Zimbabwean President “It had become evident
Robert Mugabe on Mon- that his conduct in the dis-
day fired a vice president charge of his duties had
who had previously been become inconsistent with
seen as a likely successor, his official responsibilities.
removing an obstacle to The vice president has con-
the presidential ambitions sistently and persistently ex-
of Mugabe’s wife. hibited traits of disloyalty,
Vice President Emmer- disrespect, deceitfulness
son Mnangagwa was re- and unreliability,” said Kha-
moved from office “with ya Moyo.
immediate effect,” the Mnangagwa was the most
government said, open- prominent of two vice
ing the way to the possible presidents and had been
appointment of Grace part of Mugabe’s cabi-
Mugabe to the post. net since independence
The 93-year-old president in 1980. He is said to have
and his wife have in recent enjoyed the support of mili-
months accused Mnan- tary generals and war vet-
gagwa of plotting to oust erans; his critics view him In this photo, Zimbabwean Deputy President Emmerson Mnangagwa speaks in Harare. Zimba-
Zimbabwe’s leader, who as ruthless because he was bwean President Robert Mugabe on Monday, Nov. 6 2017 fired vice president Mnangagwa, who
has been in power since in charge of state security had previously been seen as a likely successor, removing an obstacle to the presidential ambi-
independence from white when Mugabe unleashed tions of Mugabe’s wife. (AP Photo/Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi, File)
minority rule in 1980. a North Korean-trained
Mnangagwa had been brigade to crush dissent in that Mnangagwa would dent’s post at a party con- dent: ‘You can also leave
vice president since 2014 western Zimbabwe in the be fired. gress next month. On Sun- me in charge,’” she said.
when his predecessor, 1980s. Speculation is now swirl- day, she said at a rally that “’Give me the job and I will
Joice Mujuru, was fired for At the weekend, both ing over whether Grace she was ready to take over do it very well because I
allegedly plotting to oust Mugabe and his wife used Mugabe will be appointed from her husband. am good. I can do a great
Mugabe. His dismissal was political rallies to suggest to the vacant vice presi- “So I have said to the presi- job.’” q
1.25 million face starvation in war-torn South Sudan
By SAM MEDNICK research initiative that pro- gari counties.
Associated Press vided data for the report. South Sudan’s widening
JUBA, South Sudan (AP) — Humanitarians blame the war has made food pro-
In war-torn South Sudan worsening situation on duction impossible and
1.25 million people are South Sudan’s continuing delivery of aid dangerous
facing starvation, double conflict, which is nearing and difficult.
the number from the same its fifth year and has killed Both Ayod and Baggari
time last year, according to more than 50,000 people. are rebel-held areas and
a report by the United Na- In February, the world’s locals say the situation in
tions and the government youngest nation declared the two counties is dire.
released Monday. famine in two counties in “We ran out because of
This country could once Unity State, the world’s first the hunger,” said a resi-
again plunge into famine formal famine declaration dent of Baggari who re-
in 2018, warn humanitar- since Somalia in 2011. cently fled with his family
ians and the government. In South Sudan’s two coun- to the nearby town of Wau
“The widespread and ex- ties, 100,000 people were In this 2017, file photo, some of thousands of people walk for because they didn’t have
hours to reach a food distribution site in Malualkuel, in the North-
treme food consumption on the brink of starvation ern Bahr el Ghazal region of South Sudan. In war-torn South Su- any food.
gaps ... but thanks to early detec- dan 1.25 million people are facing starvation, double the num- He spoke on condition of
should make us all ex- tion and a rapid response ber from the same time last year, according to a report by the anonymity for his safety.
tremely concerned about catastrophe was avoided, United Nations and the government released Monday, Nov. 6, The 52-year-old father of
the worst case scenario said the World Food Pro- 2017. four told AP by phone that
of famine in many loca- gram. (AP Photo) people are “dying of hun-
tions across South Sudan However, the latest food Statistics is grim. encing severe hunger with ger” and in the last year
in 2018,” said Katie Rick- and security analysis up- As of September, 6 million 25,000 South Sudanese in and a half he only saw hu-
ard, country coordinator date by the U.N and South people — 56 percent of the humanitarian catastrophe manitarians enter Baggari
for REACH, a humanitarian Sudan’s National Bureau of population — were experi- in Ayod and Greater Bag- town three times. q