P. 10
Tuesday 7 November 2017
Israeli PM pledges West Bank bypass roads for settlers
By ARON HELLER families of those killed in its biblical name. “I come manding the improved in- tinian state. Israel says the
Associated Press Palestinian attacks in the now from a meeting with frastructure for some time, fate of the settlements,
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli West Bank at parliament, the finance minister and protesting outside Netan- home to more than 600,000
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu assured them we decided together to yahu’s residence against Israelis, should be decided
Netanyahu pledged 200 the government was com- immediately allocate 200 what they called a cavalier through negotiations.The
million shekels ($57 million) mitted to improving the million shekels to paving approach to their safety. announcement followed
Monday to build safe by- roads, as well as the light- roads... We’re not just talk- Israel captured the West previous approval of ad-
pass roads for Jewish West ing and cellular coverage ing, we’re doing. Our ac- Bank, along with east Jeru- ditional settlement housing
Bank settlers, in a move there to help prevent such tions are consistent, system- salem, in the 1967 Mideast construction. The Palestin-
that looks to satisfy a key attacks.“We have a clear atic and determined.”He war. Most of the interna- ians see the roads as an-
constituent but anger Pal- commitment to solve or said he planned to budget tional community opposes other way for Israel to seize
estinians who consider it help solve the problem of another 600 million shek- all settlements there, con- land and entrench what
a further encroachment the bypass roads in Judea els ($170 million) for further sidering them illegal obsta- they call a segregated sys-
upon their hoped for fu- and Samaria,” he said, re- improvements. West Bank cles to peace that gobble tem that favors settlers over
ture state.Facing bereaved ferring to the West Bank by settlers have been de- up land for a future Pales- Palestinians.q
Saudi Arabia says corruption probe detainees will face trial
King Salman, meanwhile, “in a timely and open man-
conducted state business ner” and that the probe is
as usual, swearing in new “merely the start of a vital
officials to take over from process to root out corrup-
a powerful prince and for- tion.”
mer minister believed to be He said the arrests were
detained in the large-scale made in order to “ensure
sweep that has shocked there was no flight from jus-
the country and upended tice.”
longstanding traditions “A great deal of evidence
within the ruling family. has already been gath-
The official Saudi Press ered, and detailed ques-
Agency released images tioning has taken place,”
of the king swearing in al-Mojeb said.
new National Guard chief Member of the anti-cor-
Prince Khalid bin Ayyaf al- ruption committee, Khalid
Muqrin and new Economy al-Mehaisen, described
and Planning Minister Mo- the investigations as “a
hammad al-Tuwaijri. very difficult task when it
Prince Miteb bin Abdul- involves influential officials
lah, who for the past four and senior executives.”
years had led the National He said preliminary inves-
In this photo provided by the Saudi Press Agency, the new Economy and Planning Minister, Mo- Guard, and Adel Fakeih, tigations were happening
hammad al-Tuwaijri, right and the new National Guard chief, Prince Khalid bin Ayyaf al-Muqrin,
left, pose for a photo with King Salman during a swearing in ceremony, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, who was minister of econ- over the past three years,
Monday, Nov. 6, 2017. The king has sworn in new officials to take over from a powerful prince and omy since April, were both leading up to the arrests.
former minister believed to be detained in a large-scale sweep that has shocked the country and reportedly arrested as “The evidence of trans-
upended longstanding traditions within the ruling family. part of the purported anti- gressions and financial
(Saudi Press Agency, via AP) corruption probe led by mismanagement uncov-
By A. AL-SHIHRI evidence of widespread Skeptics of the sweep say it the king’s son, the crown ered recently points to
AYA BATRAWY corruption has been un- is punishing select figures in prince. widespread corruption in a
Associated Press covered among “influ- the country, some of whom Eleven princes and 38 offi- number of cases,” he said
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) ential officials and senior were potential rivals or pos- cials and businessmen are in a statement.
— executives” and that trials sible critics of Crown Prince reportedly being held at The highest-profile royal
Saudi Arabia’s newly-es- will soon be held, the first Mohammed bin Salman, five-star hotels across the caught in the sweep is
tablished anti-corruption tacit government acknowl- who heads the anti-corrup- capital, Riyadh. Prince Alwaleed bin Talal,
committee overseeing the edgement of the seniority tion committee that was Attorney General Saud al- an outspoken billionaire
arrests of top princes and of those under investiga- formed late Saturday short- Mojeb warned in a state- royal with investments in
officials said Monday that tion. ly before the arrests. ment that trials will be held Western companies. q
Egypt opposition lawyer announces 2018 presidential bid
By SAMY MAGDY dissent and Islamic mili- and that they faced intimi- brant core of mostly young sure real guarantees for this
Associated Press tants. dation for daring to oppose pro-democracy and secu- battle,” Ali said.
CAIRO (AP) — A prominent Khaled Ali made the an- the president’s leadership. lar activists known loosely Ali said his campaign will
Egyptian rights lawyer said nounced to a packed “Egypt is in crisis after four as “the revolutionaries.” involve reviewing all of
Monday he will run for pres- news conference at the years of rule by Abdel-Fat- They were the main force el-Sissi’s much-trumpeted
ident in next year’s elec- headquarters of the op- tah el-Sissi,” Ali said, refer- behind the 2011 uprising mega-projects to assess
tions. The move is unlikely position al-Dustour party, a ring to the president, “We that toppled longtime ruler their impact on Egyptian
to seriously challenge the small venue but one of the have the right to have Hosni Mubarak. citizens and the economy,
campaign of the incum- few the organizers were democratic elections... Briefly celebrated after release people held in de-
bent general-turned-presi- able to secure, and felt (but) we are expecting a Mubarak’s fall, they failed tention without charges,
dent but will test his popu- was safe, to host the event. crackdown and repres- to forge a cohesive politi- and pardon those jailed on
larity at a time of deep They say police raided a sion.” cal force. charges related to a law
economic hardships and printing house they had Ali has been a key figure “We are working with other effectively banning all pro-
a relentless crackdown on used to prepare materials among the small but vi- democratic parties to en- tests. q