P. 5
U.S. NEWS Tuesday 7 November 2017
Anthony Weiner reports to prison for sexting conviction
AYER, Mass. (AP) — Former Amid a sexting controversy
Rep. Anthony Weiner re- involving women, the New
ported to prison Monday York Democrat resigned
to begin a 21-month sen- his U.S. House seat in 2011
tence for sexting with a only to have new allega-
15-year-old girl. tions doom his 2013 run for
Weiner is being held at the mayor.Last year, a crimi-
Federal Medical Center nal probe into his sexting
Devens in Massachusetts, with a high school student
a Bureau of Prisons spokes- intruded into Democrat
person said. Hillary Clinton’s bid for the
The facility in Ayer, about White House. Then-FBI Di-
40 miles (64 kilometers) rector James Comey an-
west of Boston, has over nounced in late October
1,000 inmates at the medi- 2016 that he was reopen-
cal center and over 100 ing the probe of Clinton’s
more at an adjacent use of a private computer
minimum security satel- server after emails be-
lite camp. It’s the same tween Clinton and Wein-
prison that once housed er’s wife, Huma Abedin
Boston Marathon bomber — formerly Clinton’s clos-
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.Weiner est aide — were found on
was sentenced in Septem- Weiner’s computer.Two
ber by a judge who said days before Election Day, In this Sept. 25, 2017 photo, former Congressman Anthony Weiner leaves federal court following
the crime resulted from a the FBI declared there was his sentencing in New York. Weiner is set to report to the Federal Medical Center, Devens, Mass.,
Monday, Nov. 6, 2017, to serve his prison sentence in a sexting case that rocked the presidential
“very strong compulsion.” nothing new in the emails. race.
At the time, a tearful Wein- But in a recent interview, (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)
er said he was undergoing Clinton called Comey’s divorce proceedings. said his client likely ex- and was communicating
therapy and had been “a intervention “the determin- At sentencing in Manhat- changed thousands of with up to 19 women when
very sick man for a very ing factor” in her defeat. tan federal court, Weiner messages with hundreds he encountered the teen-
long time.” Abedin and Weiner are in attorney Arlo Devlin-Brown of women over the years ager.
In 10th week, Menendez bribery trial goes to jury
By DAVID PORTER leaves office Jan. 16, the more than $600,000 to po-
Associated Press term-limited Republican litical organizations that
NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — After governor could appoint a supported Menendez di-
nine weeks of testimony replacement. A Democrat rectly or indirectly.
and nearly eight hours of holds a comfortable lead The men’s friendship pre-
closing arguments spread in polls ahead of Tuesday’s dated the alleged bribery
over two days, a jury be- gubernatorial election. conspiracy by more than a
gan deliberating Monday Menendez is charged with decade, and that relation-
in the bribery trial of Sen. accepting trips on a pri- ship “destroys each and
Bob Menendez of New Jer- vate jet, luxury vacations every one of the counts”
sey and a longtime friend and other gifts from Florida against him, Abbe Lowell
in a case that could have eye doctor Salomon Mel- told jurors in his closing ar-
implications for a deeply gen in exchange for pres- gument Monday.In a re-
divided Senate in the event suring government officials buttal argument, Justice
of a conviction. to resolve Melgen’s $8.9 Department attorney Pe-
If the Democratic senator is million billing dispute with ter Koski quoted a passage
convicted and steps down Medicare, a port screening In this Aug. 17, 2017 photo, Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., speaks from the jury instructions
during a news conference, in Union Beach, N.J. A jury began
or is voted out by a two- contract in the Dominican deliberations Monday, Nov. 6, in the bribery trial of Menendez that said friendship can’t
thirds majority before New Republic and other issues. and a wealthy friend. be used as a defense
Jersey Gov. Chris Christie Melgen also contributed (AP Photo/Julio Cortez) against bribery in all cases.