P. 6
Tuesday 7 November 2017
California inmates get help escaping from courthouse
By PAUL ELIAS “The level of sophistication The escape is the latest set-
Associated Press and brazenness it takes for back for the Santa Clara
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — the individuals to do that — Sheriff’s Department, which
Two men charged with ty- that is why we’re calling on runs the county’s jails and is
ing up employees at gun- the public and other allied responsible for escorting in-
point during a cellphone agencies to help,” Cooks mates to and from court.
store robbery made a told reporters. Four inmates escaped from
dramatic escape Monday The Palo Alto police de- the county’s main jail last
from a suburban Silicon partment said on Twitter year by cutting through
Valley courthouse, fleeing that there was no search metal bars and rappelling
in a car waiting outside for for them in the city, which to freedom using a rope
them, officials said. is home to numerous tech- made of clothing and
The escape by Tramel Mc- nology companies and sheets.
Clough, 46, and John Biv- Stanford University. The two Last month, a clerical error
ens, 47 appeared to be These photos show Tramel McClough (left) and John Bivins. Au- men live in neighboring mistakenly released an in-
thorities say the two jail inmates, McClough and Bivins, escaped
orchestrated and investi- from a suburban Silicon Valley courthouse in a waiting vehicle East Palo Alto. mate from jail on the day
gators were trying to deter- on Monday, Nov. 6, 2017 while attending a hearing related to an Officials said the they were he was sentenced to an
mine how they got away armed robbery they are charged with. held without bail after rob- 8-year prison sentence for
from a sheriff’s deputy who (Santa Clara County DOC/AP) bing a Verizon store of armed robbery.
had been guarding them, $64,000 in merchandise He was captured a week
the Santa Clara County left a courtroom where they abandoned a few in February. Police have later.
Sheriff’s Department said in McClough and Bivens had blocks away for a U-Haul said they tied up the store In June, three former jail
a statement. been brought for a hear- moving van. employees, forced one to guards were convicted of
The two, who are consid- ing, said Sgt. Reggie Cooks. People were asked to call open a safe and were ar- murder for beating a men-
ered dangerous, escaped Cooks said the two jumped police if they see them but rested a short time later af- tally ill inmate to death in
from the deputy after they into the waiting car, which not to approach them. ter a car chase. 2015.q
At least 9 tornadoes confirmed in Ohio, Indiana storms
By JOHN SEEWER bodies of two men inside a Sunday when a tornado
Associated Press home’s flooded basement touched down. Gaping
A powerful storm with at where they were seeking holes could be seen in the
least nine confirmed torna- shelter Sunday during a tor- concrete walls and roof
does tore roofs off factories, nado warning in Erie, Penn- of a nearby factory that
ripped away storefronts sylvania, authorities said. makes heavy equipment.
and destroyed homes Six people were hurt, “I’ve seen a lot of hard hit
across Indiana, Ohio and though none seriously, at areas with storms, even
into Pennsylvania. a restaurant in the west- as far as having relatives
Scuba divers found the ern Ohio city of Celina on down in the hurricanes,”
Dollar General was one of the main buildings hit in the storm on
Sunday night in Celina, Ohio. The entire roof was torn off and the
store was completely destroyed inside.
(Levi A. Morman/ Lima News/AP)
Celina Mayor Jeffrey Hazel SUV near Muncie, injuring
told WHIO-TV. “I can say this a family of four, including
is pretty tremendous dam- a 44-year-old father who
age in this area.”The Na- was in critical condition.
tional Weather Service said Close to 40,000 people
Monday that at least six near Cleveland and Akron
tornadoes hit northern and were without power Mon-
western Ohio, including day morning and some
one that began in Indiana were told it could take a
and hopped along nearly few days before electricity
40 miles before hitting Ce- was restored.A handful of
lina. Several large livestock polling locations in north-
barns were flattened and eastern Ohio were moved
neighbors pitched in to for Tuesday’s election be-
save nearly 400 cows at cause of power outages.
one farm in Mercer County. In Pennsylvania, the storm
The other tornadoes in Ohio dumped about 4 inches
touched down in Ashland, of rain around Erie.A rush
Crawford, Sandusky and of stormwater collapsed a
Erie counties.In Indiana, wall of the home where the
survey teams confirmed two bodies were found,
at least three other torna- spilling about eight feet of
does hit the cities of Salem, water into the house in Erie,
Muncie and Springville.A said John Groh, Millcreek
falling tree landed on an Township supervisor. q