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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 7 November 2017
             Trump strikes hard line against North Korea in Japan

            Continued from Front         Ronald Reagan as a dem-      ened  to  “totally  destroy”   South  Korea,  he  tweeted   tionship” whereas “in most
            Trump  instead  declared     onstration of solidarity with   the  North,  if  necessary,   that Moon is “a fine gentle-  other  parts  of  the  world,
            that  Abe  “will  shoot  ‘em   the  South.  Instead,  Trump   and  repeatedly  insisted   man,” adding, “We will fig-  people  are  trying  to  keep
            out  of  the  sky  when  he   planned  to  visit  Camp    that all options are on the   ure it all out!”            their distance from Donald
            completes  the  purchase                                                                                            Trump.”
            of lots of additional military                                                                                      Trump  will  spend  Tuesday
            equipment from the United                                                                                           in  meetings  with  Moon,
            States.”                                                                                                            hold  a  joint  press  confer-
            Trump    said   Abe   had                                                                                           ence  and  be  feted  at  a
            agreed to purchase “mas-                                                                                            state dinner.
            sive  amounts  of  military                                                                                         Trade  also  is  expected  to
            equipment, as he should,”                                                                                           be a major topic of discus-
            arguing the U.S. makes the                                                                                          sion: Trump has considered
            “best  military  equipment,                                                                                         pulling  out  of  the  United
            by far.”                                                                                                            States-Korea  Free  Trade
            Japan’s  constitution  was                                                                                          Agreement,  also  known
            revised after World War II to                                                                                       as  KORUS,  blaming  it  for
            include a clause renounc-                                                                                           the U.S.-South Korea trade
            ing  war  and  the  country                                                                                         deficit.Trump  and  Japan’s
            spends  only  about  1  per-                                                                                        Abe  have  forged  strong
            cent of its GDP on defense.                                                                                         bonds  through  meetings,
            Abe has slowly tried to re-                                                                                         phone  calls  and  on  the
            move some of the pacifist                                                                                           golf course — a friendship
            constraints  and  is  already                                                                                       that  was  on  display  at  a
            seeking  money  to  pur-                                                                                            Monday banquet that was
            chase  upgraded  SM3  in-                                                                                           the  final  event  of  Trump’s
            terceptors with greater ac-                                                                                         stop  in  Japan.  In  a  toast,
            curacy and range, as well    President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe speak as they walk to a koi   Trump  told  about  how  he
            as other advanced missile    pond at the Akasaka Palace, Monday, Nov. 6, 2017, in Tokyo. Trump is on a five country trip   was bombarded by phone
            defense systems.             through Asia traveling to Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines.      calls  from  world  leaders
            Under  its  constitution,  Ja-                                                            (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)  after he was elected presi-
            pan can shoot down a mis-    Humphreys, a military base   table.  Moon,  meanwhile,    On a personal level, Trump   dent.  Trump  said  he  re-
            sile  only  when  it  is  aimed   about  40  miles  south  of   favors dialogue as the best   and Moon have not devel-  turned just a few — includ-
            at  the  country  or  if  debris   Seoul.                 strategy  for  defusing  the   oped the same close rap-   ing  one  from  Abe,  who
            is falling on its territory. But   U.S.  and  South  Korean  of-  nuclear tension and vehe-  port as Trump has with Abe   said  he  wanted  to  meet
            some hawkish members of      ficials  have  said  the  base   mently  opposes  a  poten-  or even China’s Xi Jinping.   with Trump as soon as pos-
            Abe’s  Liberal  Democratic   visit  is  meant  to  under-  tial military clash that could   Part of Moon’s mission dur-  sible.  Trump  responded:
            Party  say  that  it  may  be   score  the  countries’  ties   cause enormous casualties   ing the visit will likely be to   anytime.Trump,  as  he  told
            possible  to  shoot  down    and  South  Korea’s  com-    in South Korea.              strengthen his personal ties   it, wasn’t aware of the pro-
            a  missile  headed  toward   mitment to contributing to   Trump  backed  up  his       with  Trump,  said  Michael   tocol  against  president-
            Guam  if  it  causes  an  exis-  its  own  defense.  Burden-  strong  words  about  North   O’Hanlon, a senior fellow in   elects  meeting  with  world
            tential threat to the U.S. as   sharing  is  a  theme  Trump   Korea  by  sending  a  bud-  foreign policy at the Brook-  leaders. Trump added that
            Japan’s  ally.  Experts  say   has  stressed  ever  since  his   get  request  to  Capitol  Hill   ings  Institution.“Now  poor   by the time he called Abe
            that is questionable.        presidential campaign.       on Monday for $4 billion to   President  Moon  is  playing   to wave him off, Abe was
            As  part  of  his  Asia  tour,   Trump  and  South  Korea’s   support  “additional  efforts   catch-up ball because ev-  already  en  route  to  New
            Trump will visit South Korea,   liberal   President   Moon   to detect, defeat, and de-  eryone acknowledges that   York.  “So  I  saw  him  and
            where he will forgo the cus-  Jae-in agree on the need    fend against any North Ko-   he’s  not  bonding  quite  as   it  worked  out  just  fine,”
            tomary trip to the demilita-  to  pressure  the  North  with   rean use of ballistic missiles   much  with  Donald  Trump   Trump recalled.Abe called
            rized zone separating north   sanctions and other deter-  against  the  United  States,   as  the  rest  of  the  region,”   Trump  his  “dear  friend”
            and south — a pilgrimage     rence measures. But Trump    its  deployed  forces,  allies,   said  O’Hanlon.  He  said   and praised the benefits of
            made  by  every  U.S.  presi-  has  warned  of  unleash-  or partners.”                Moon could face pressure     what he called “golf diplo-
            dents  except  one  since    ing  “fire  and  fury,”  threat-  And  as  he  departed  for   “to deliver a stronger rela-  macy.” q

             Must-do bills in a divided Congress could lead to shutdown

            By ANDREW TAYLOR             mix of must-do and could-    shutdown  just  as  the  GOP  were brought to the U.S. il-  brought  to  the  country
            Associated Press             do  items,  with  the  current  hopes to wrap up an over-  legally  as  young  children.  illegally.”For his part, Trump
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  An  government  spending  bill  haul of the tax code that’s  They  also  demand  bud-          tends to waver depending
            early  December  govern-     set to expire Dec. 8. On the  its  top  priority.  And  legions  get  increases  for  domes-  on  the  situation  —  siding
            ment  shutdown  is  a  real  list  are  immigration  and  a  of GOP defense hawks are  tic  agencies.“I  think  we’re  with Democrats on a debt
            possibility,  since  a  divided  U.S.-Mexico  border  wall;  adamant  that  the  Penta-  headed  in  a  good  direc-  deal in September, promis-
            Congress  can’t  agree  on  an impasse over children’s  gon  receive  a  huge  2018  tion on the spending caps,”  ing  Republicans  last  week
            military  spending,  Demo-   health  care;  pent-up  de-  budget  hike  approaching  Sen.  Roy  Blunt,  R-Mo.,  said  that the controversial immi-
            crats  insist  on  help  for  mand for budget increases  $80-90  billion.  Trump  and  Monday.  “I  don’t  know  gration issue won’t be part
            young    immigrants    and  for  the  Pentagon  and  do-  many  followers  want  the  that  will  get  to  immigra-  of  the  year-end  spending
            President  Donald  Trump’s  mestic  agencies;  and  tens  U.S.-Mexico    wall.Demo-    tion  this  year  but  that’s  a  measure.Meanwhile,   the
            position  can  change  with  of  billions  of  dollars  in  hur-  crats  retain  considerable  pretty easy thing to settle if  tax  debate  is  taking  up
            each lawmaker he talks to.   ricane  aid.There’s  plenty  power  in  the  endgame  —  the Democrats will give the  energy,  time  and  political
            Most  of  Washington  is  fo-  at  stake  for  Republicans  their  votes  are  needed  —  president some of what he  capital,  and  GOP  lead-
            cused  on  overhauling  the  controlling    Washington.  and are pressing demands  wants. I think he would be  ers seem reluctant to issue
            nation’s tax code, but law-  Politically, there’s an urgen-  of their own. They want pro-  willing to be pretty forward-  controversial decisions that
            makers face a combustible  cy  to  avoid  a  debilitating  tections for immigrants who  leaning  on  kids  who  were  might harm its chances.q
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