Page 5 - ATD05March2016
P. 5
Saturday 5 March 2016
LA investigates knife purportedly found at OJ Simpson home
LOS ANGELES (AP) — De- Los Angeles Police Capt. Andy Neiman talks during a new conference at police headquarters in downtown Los Angeles on Friday,
tectives are investigating March 4, 2016. Detectives are investigating a knife purportedly found some time ago at the former home of O.J. Simpson, who was
a knife purportedly found acquitted of murder charges in the 1994 stabbings of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman, Neiman said
some time ago at the for- Friday.
mer home of O.J. Simpson,
who was acquitted of mur- (AP Photo/Nick Ut)
der charges in the 1994
stabbings of his ex-wife Ni- “I’m not an attorney, but server of the Simpson case, investigation and probably The department was look-
cole Brown Simpson and it’s my understanding from agreed. lead to more books and ing into whether criminal
her friend Ron Goldman, being a police officer for “If they were going to more movies.” charges could be filed
a police spokesman said nearly 30 years that dou- find this knife and make Simpson is imprisoned in against the ex-officer who
Friday. ble jeopardy would be in it useful in the murder trial Nevada for a 2008 kidnap- held onto the knife, ac-
The knife was supposedly place here,” he said. they should have found ping and armed robbery cording to Neiman. An
found by a citizen, pos- Loyola Law School pro- it 20 years ago, and they conviction. officer who comes into
sibly during demolition fessor Laurie Levenson, a didn’t,” she said. “It will just The account of the knife’s contact with evidence is
the home years ago, and former federal prosecu- raise more questions about discovery was first reported required to turn it over to
turned over to a now-re- tor who is a longtime ob- the incompetence of the by TMZ. investigators, he said.
tired police motorcycle of-
ficer who was working as Jury convicts man of lewd acts on child he later married
a filming location security
guard, police Capt. Andy GILLIAN FLACCUS their wedding and smiling fell to his knees and repeat- but could receive only pro-
Neiman said. Associated Press with their young daughter, edly said “Gracias!” while bation at sentencing next
The knife came to light in FULLERTON, California (AP) who was conceived using raising his hands to the month with credit for two
the last month, but Nei- — It was a case that made fertility treatments. ceiling.Outside court, sev- years of time served. The
man did not say how that headlines: A woman who On Friday, a jury dead- eral jurors said they were rape count was dismissed
occurred. He stressed that disappeared a decade locked on the most serious deeply divided and trou- Friday.
the authenticity of the story earlier at age 15 resur- charge of rape and ac- bled by the difference be- “I’m disappointed. I knew
was not confirmed. faced and said her current quitted Garcia of kidnap- tween the alleged victim’s that this was a difficult case
“This whole story is possibly husband had actually ab- ping. They convicted him account and Garcia’s ac- when I filed it, but I really
bogus from the get-go,” ducted her, raped her and of lewd acts with a minor count. At least two jurors did believe (the alleged
he said. forced her to marry him. after his attorney acknowl- said they were haunted by victim), and I felt I could
The knife is being analyzed But in a trial, the husband’s edged he had an inappro- the deadlock on the rape prove it,” prosecutor Whit-
by a Los Angeles Police attorney claimed the truth priate sexual relationship charge, while the jury fore- ney Bokosky said.
Department crime lab. was far more nuanced — with the girl when she was woman said she and others The case drew national
Neiman said investigators and much less damning. a teen. felt the alleged victim lied attention in May 2014 af-
didn’t know the identity of Isidro Garcia’s attorney Garcia at first rested his on the witness stand. ter the woman contacted
the person who handed it showed photos of his client, head on the table as the Garcia faces a maximum of her sister on Facebook and
over and asked him or her now 42, and the woman at verdict was read and later four years and four months, said she wanted to reunite.
to come forward.
The weapon used in the
killings has been a mystery
for decades.
The killings on June 12,
1994, led to the “Trial of the
Century” in which the for-
mer football star was ac-
quitted in October 1995 by
a jury that deliberated only
four hours.
In 1997, a civil court jury
found Simpson liable for
the slayings and awarded
millions of dollars in dam-
ages to families of the vic-
Neiman did not believe
that Simpson could be
charged again with mur-
der if the knife is linked to
the killings, citing double